Research Accomplishments
Over many years, our adult and pediatric neurology residents have been prolific in their scholarly productivity, presenting numerous abstracts at diverse neurology and subspecialty national and international scientific meetings, and publishing work in the peer-reviewed literature publications in different journals. The full bibliography is listed on the neurology resident bibliography page.
We have also described the methodology and success of our resident research program as education research that was published in Neurology in early 2017. An accompanying editorial entitled, “Formal research exposure during neurology residency training matters,” was also published by Neurology that highlighted the Montefiore Einstein program as an example set for training programs in neurology and other disciplines.
Our neurology residency program also participated in a program led by the American Academy of Neurology which was a randomized controlled trial of mentored peer review by neurology residents.
Our Program

Neurology resident class of 2019 graduates at the
annual Montefiore Einstein Neurology Resident
Research Symposium.
All adult and pediatric neurology residents in our program are required to fulfill a scholarly activity requirement during their time here at Montefiore Einstein. Scholarly activities may include case reports or larger clinical series, clinical or neuroscience research projects, epidemiological or large cohort studies, reports as educational tools or the humanities as related to neurology, and other endeavors.
Faculty will guide residents to present their work at national or international scientific meetings such as the annual American Academy of Neurology meeting, as well as publish in the peer-reviewed literature.
All graduating residents are required to present their work as a scientific platform over two department-wide grand rounds sessions at the end of the academic year. As decided by a faculty of senior leaders and academic educators, one or two residents at graduation are awarded the Isabelle Rapin, MD Scholarly Activity Award in honor of those who accomplish and present the most scholarly and seminal work.
Resident Opportunities
Our department offers residents plenty of opportunities for fulfilling their scholarly requirement, including resident-initiated research projects spurred by interesting cases or clinical scenarios encountered during training, taking advantage of many subspecialty divisional strengths and the incredibly diverse patient population of the Bronx. Clinical research here has covered all areas of subspecialty interests in neurology. In addition, special arrangements can be made for interested neurology residents to consolidate elective time during their chief resident year and work on a neuroscience project over consecutive months uninterrupted. Shorter electives can feature a hybrid of clinical and research activities in a neurological subspecialty. A searchable online database of research projects uploaded by faculty is also available for residents to browse.

Neurology resident class of 2019 graduates at the
annual Montefiore Einstein Neurology Resident
Research Symposium.
Faculty Oversight
Department of Neurology faculty and occasionally faculty in related neuroscience disciplines serve as project mentors for residents. The program directors for the adult and pediatric neurology residencies review scholarly activities with trainees on a regularly scheduled basis. Dr. Matthew Robbins directs the neurology residency research program. Dr. Sheryl Haut and Dr. Richard Lipton direct the residency journal club which may serve as a forum for residents to workshop research proposals or background studies related to planned projects.