M.D. Program Admissions Requirements
At Albert Einstein College of Medicine, we believe the art of practicing medicine requires skills and abilities that are acquired through experiences both inside and outside of the classroom. This is why we use a holistic review process to evaluate whether candidates who apply to our M.D. program have both the personal characteristics and academic standards that indicate readiness for medical school.
To be eligible to apply to our M.D. program, applicants must first meet several criteria:
- have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in the United States or Canada
- have completed the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT)
- if you are an international student or a student who has completed your bachelor's degree outside of the United States or Canada, you must have at least 30 credit hours of science course work (graded, not pass/fail) from an accredited college or university in the United States or Canada
Please note that beginning in 2025–26, Einstein will no longer consider applications from international students. Candidates for Einstein’s M.D. program are knowledgeable in core scientific subjects and demonstrate strong communication skills, which form the foundation necessary for success in medical school. All applicants must meet Einstein’s technical standards, which define the physical, mental, emotional, and social abilities that support success in medical school. Accepted students must meet the technical standards, with or without accommodation.
A Holistic, Competency-Based Approach to Admissions
Our holistic, competency-based approach to M.D. admissions allows candidates greater flexibility to demonstrate the complex personal dimensions that contribute to being a good doctor alongside traditional markers typically used to identify those who are ready for the academic rigor of medical school.
For example, you may substitute experiences gained while employed at a laboratory for coursework traditionally performed in a classroom. Or you may substitute online courses for in-person experiences that free up time for you to pursue interests that enhance your maturity and general readiness for the medical profession.
We review your AMCAS application, academic records, personal comments, roster of experiences, letters of recommendation, secondary application, and written and verbal communications with the office of admissions as well as your performance during interviews.
Core Competencies for the M.D. Program
Our admissions committee reviews your application to determine if you demonstrate accomplishments that meet our four core competencies: co-curricular clinical experience, communication skills, personal and professional development, and knowledge. We recognize that a combination of scholarship, work, research, and other activities can contribute to your overall preparedness.
Applicants to Einstein’s M.D. program must demonstrate an understanding of the clinical aspects of a career in medicine. This includes engagement in meaningful experiences, at home or abroad, that provide you with exposure to clinical settings that involve patient care as well as opportunities to interact with and learn from people who are living with illness or disabilities.
Because communication skills are essential for physicians to work effectively with patients and meaningfully collaborate with colleagues, you must demonstrate the following:
- excellent spoken and written language abilities
- the ability to read, evaluate, and use the information from scientific and public health literature
- outstanding interpersonal interaction and communication skills, including empathic listening, and the ability to interact with people from many backgrounds
- demonstrated computer skills with commonly used software programs
The profession of medicine involves maintaining a high standard of ethical and professional behavior characterized by patience, empathy, maturity, self-motivation, emotional stability, personal integrity, accountability to colleagues and patients, dedication to the practice of medicine, and the ability to give primacy to the needs of patients while maintaining appropriate interpersonal boundaries.
You must demonstrate the following attributes to indicate a commitment to personal and professional development:
- the ability to work cooperatively as a member of a team
- cultural awareness, sensitivity, and advocacy for, as well as interest in, individuals who are served by the healthcare system and/or who participate in clinical research
- the ability to withstand the stressors inherent in the intensive medical school training process, and the ability to adapt to these stressors
- commitment to leadership, teaching, collegial interactions, advocacy, and life-long learning to enhance the practice of medicine
If you have a specific interest in and career goals related to academic medicine or public health, your candidacy benefits from demonstrating the following additional attributes:
- participation in hypothesis-driven basic science, translational, or clinical research
- an understanding of the public health issues of chronic disease and/or global health
Applicants to Einstein’s M.D. program are encouraged to major in any area of the humanities or sciences that is of interest to them. Regardless of your chosen major, a solid foundation in the biological, chemical, and physical sciences is needed to prepare you for studies in human physiology, pharmacology, and the biological basis of disease.
Premedical Coursework or Equivalent Experience
Albert Einstein College of Medicine does not have prerequisites. However, we recommend the following premedical coursework or equivalent experience, which should include laboratory-based activities that prepare you to collect and analyze data and draw scientifically rigorous conclusions.
An understanding of inorganic and organic chemistry is essential to understanding the biochemistry of living organisms. You should have a working knowledge of the following:
- atomic and molecular structure, chemical reactions, catalysis, chemical equilibrium, thermodynamics, reaction rates, binding constants and reaction mechanisms with a focus on redox reactions, acid-base chemistry, enzyme catalysis and biological chemistry
- the structure and function of biologically important molecules including DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids and carbohydrates as well as the pathways for synthesis, modification, and degradation of these macromolecules.
You must have an understanding of the molecular and cellular organization of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms and viruses, including:
- the structure and function of cells and subcellular organelles
- the major biological processes and the regulation of these processes including life cycle, metabolism, bioenergetics, and replication
- the cellular basis for organ function and how organs contribute to the viability of living organisms
Physics provides a fundamental foundation for understanding chemistry, biology, and physiology. You should have knowledge of the following:
- Newtonian mechanics
- work and energy
- fluid dynamics
- electricity and magnetism
- circuit diagrams
- waves
College-level course exposure to quantitative reasoning and the mathematical analysis and interpretation of data is necessary to be successful in the M.D. program. You should be prepared to:
- construct and interpret functions and graphs
- understand the use of basic statistics and probability in testing hypotheses and validating experimental results, particularly as it relates to the critical reading of medical and scientific literature
Although not part of the required competencies, computer science and programming, and knowledge of the concepts of limits, integration and differentiation may be useful skills, depending on your interests and career goals, especially if you are interested in a career in research and/or academic medicine.
As an applicant you are not expected to achieve expertise in all disciplines, but it is important that you understand the factors that influence individual, community, and societal decisions regarding health and healthcare. This awareness can be gained through courses in the following disciplines:
- psychology
- sociology
- anthropology
- public health
- literature
- economics
- history
- philosophy and ethics
All applicants should have a basic understanding of key issues in medical ethics.
How Do I Meet Einstein’s Knowledge Competencies?
Completing premedical coursework at a four-year college or university is our benchmark for M.D. students, but you may choose to meet any one of the competency components via an alternate route such as through laboratory experience, an advanced placement course, a course taken at a community college, during a semester abroad (the undergraduate U.S. degree-granting institution must give credit or AMCAS must verify and report the grade), or an online course (including labs, but only for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic). If your premedical knowledge is earned from an alternate pathway, please seek guidance from an academic advisor to ensure that your experience meets Einstein’s admissions guidelines and rigorous academic standard.
In our experience, Einstein’s knowledge competencies are most successfully attained by applicants who have had a minimum of three years of study toward a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university in the United States or Canada, as well as 40 credit hours of science and mathematics, including advanced biology courses for which letter grades are available; 40 credit hours of humanities and social sciences; and substantial experience in clinical, community, and/or research activities.
We do not accept pass/fail as a grade, unless this is policy of the college or university you attended or the college, university, or post-baccalaureate program suspended grades during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your premedical advisor or academic advisor must submit a statement confirming pass/fail courses or suspended grading via the AMCAS Letter Service.
If you completed your science course work in a post-baccalaureate program, you must have completed at least 30 credit hours in a U.S.-chartered college or university whose grades can be reported and verified by AMCAS.
If you have completed your premedical coursework five years prior to the time of application, you must show evidence of participation in either academic or work experience in the biological sciences. Academic experience should include at least one course in a discipline such as cell biology, molecular biology, genetics, immunology or neuroscience. Work experience may include research in the biological or physical sciences or clinical investigation.
If you are an international student who has earned baccalaureate degrees outside the United States or Canada, you are required to complete at least one year of formal coursework in the sciences (about 30 credit hours for which letter grades are available) in a U.S.-chartered college or university whose grades can be reported and verified by AMCAS before you can apply to Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
Formal advanced placement credit, granted by examination in an area of required undergraduate course work, is acceptable. However, it is strongly recommended that applicants who receive AP credit in biology, complete advanced level course work in biology, such as courses in biochemistry, cell biology, immunology, genetics, neuroscience, physiology, and microbiology. Please review Einstein’s Policy on Advanced Placement Credits for the M.D. Program.
Medical College Admissions Test
Your score on the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT), a standardized, multiple-choice examination, helps our admissions committee assess your ability to solve problems and think critically about behavioral and scientific concepts. You take the test no later than September of the year you apply to medical school. We consider MCAT scores only from three years prior to your expected matriculation date.
Letters of Evaluation
Providing letters of evaluation is part of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine application process. We require a premedical committee appraisal letter (preferred) or two letters from professors who taught you in courses (at least one in science). Nontraditional applicants are encouraged to submit two letters of recommendation from colleagues with whom you’ve worked closely. Please review frequently asked questions about Einstein’s letters of evaluation requirements.
Applicants must submit letters of recommendation via the AMCAS Letter Service by the December 1 deadline. Do not send any letters directly to Einstein College of Medicine. Please consult AMCAS FAQs for additional instructions and be sure to review the AMCAS guidelines for Letters of Evaluation.
Criminal Background Check
If you are admitted to Einstein, you must complete a criminal background check, at no additional cost.