Consejos para escribir aplicaciones MRRC
First Steps toward MRRC Application
The first step toward implementation of a new / original MRI application is formulation of the protocol. All investigators are encouraged to begin this process by arranging to consult with an MRRC staff member. Prior to this meeting, we encourage you to download and complete the Click here to download the MRRC Pre-Application Form (PDF Format), and forward it to the staff person with whom you will be meeting.
Once the pre-meeting has taken place, a protocol application must be submitted.This application is available from the "Application Process" page. It will be reviewed by the MRRC Review Committee, which meets on a monthly basis.
Approved MRRC applications may only be implemented when IRB/CTI or IACUC approvals are on file in the MRRC office. It is recommended that you submit your IRB / IACUC proposal simultaneously with your MRRC application.
The MRRC considers requests for "pilot time awards" but gives precedence to those projects that come with full, and then partial financial support for MR time. MR instrument time awards are available on a competitive and limited basis. Only MRI time-costs will be awarded. All other costs are the responsibility of the investigator, including a financial contribution to cover required supplies and technician time (calculated on an hourly basis). All “MR time award” requests must be associated with submitted or proposed MRI-related funding applications, which must be on file in the MRRC. Only one MRRC Award will be provided for an application.
Writing the MRRC Application
In general, applications associated with NIH funded investigations should include all MR related research to be conducted during the lifetime of the proposal. If multiple projects are involved in the application, then each project may be submitted as an independent protocol, but all projects must identify the parent NIH project.
When describing the science of the proposal, be concise. The object of the MRRC review will not be to determine scientific merit, but to insure that the proposed science is possible given the available MRRC resources, including magnet time and animal housing.
Clearly describe the funding available to support the application. Applications not clear about funding will be returned to the investigator for clarification.
It is strongly recommended that the proposal include a staff member from the MRRC. All senior staff are available for consultation and collaboration, as time permits.
Submitting NIH or other external Applications that propose MRRC experiments
Investigators who plan NIH proposals which will use the MRRC should begin by consulting with a faculty member of the MRRC. The MRRC cannot guarantee access to the MRRC without the MRRC's involvement in the planning of the research. Faculty from the MMRC are available to be collaborators on NIH proposals, and it is recommended that plans for substantial use of the MRRC include such collaborations.
It is strongly recommended that you include / request the financial resources to hire the staff to conduct data analysis of acquired data and facilitate animal preparation. Postdoctoral staff to be hired by principal investigators and associated with a funded NIH grant may, if requested, be recruited by the MRRC, located within the MRRC and trained by MRRC staff (thereby benefiting from the proximity of other MR scientific personnel), but will remain students of the PI. Students will be provided with access to the computing infrastructure, receive safety training and when appropriate will receive MR physics training.
NIH proposals must include fiscal resources to pay for all proposed use of MR instrument time.
NIH proposals must include fiscal resources to purchase any MR equipment that is required to implement the proposed research and which does not already exist in the MRRC. For such equipment to be incorporated into the Centers' instruments, it must remain with the center after completion of the project.