Harold and Muriel Block Institute for Clinical and Translational Research


Clinical Research Training Program

The mission of the CRTP is to identify, educate, and mentor clinician scientists for productive careers in clinical research

The Clinical Research Training Program (CRTP) is a two-year program consisting of a didactic curriculum and a mentored research experience leading to a Master of Science Degree in Clinical Research Methods.

The CRTP is funded by the NIH and Einstein, and the first classes were offered in July 1998. The didactic curriculum focuses on epidemiology, biostatistics, data analysis, grant writing, and research ethics. Each Scholar completes an hypothesis-driven research project under the guidance of a mentor, which leads to the preparation of a publishable manuscript and represents the  thesis.

The goal of the program is to train future investigators from across the entire spectrum of clinical research activities. The program brings together young investigators with widely differing perspectives to learn a common language and a shared set of skills. Scholars are empowered by their acquisition of  "core competencies" which enable them to form a research question, design their own studies, analyze their data and begin the exciting path toward becoming an independent researcher.  Trainees interested in translational patient-oriented research and those interested in health services research are learning side by side. In addition, Scholars are drawn from all medical specialties and subspecialties. This will enhance future collaborations across disciplines.


M.D.-M.S. Program

The five-year M.D.-M.S. track has been created for medical students interested inclinical research. Students can apply to the program during their third year of medical school. Accepted students will spend their fourth year in clinical research activities under the guidance of a faculty mentor and also take courses as part of Einstein's Clinical Research Training Program (CRTP). The fifth year will include a combination of required clerkships, electives, continuing M.S. course work, and completion of the clinical research project, including a defense of the Master's thesis.

Students will pay only four years of tuition over the five years of this program and fellowship stipends are available. Candidates who complete this dual degree program successfully will receive the M.D. degree and an M.S. in Clinical Research Methods at graduation. 

Enrollment in the program is competitive, and all interested students are encouraged to contact the Program Director, Dr. Ellie Schoenbaum, or Dr. Paul Marantz, the Associate Dean for Clinical Research Education, in  order to obtain additional information or discuss qualifications. You may call Dr. Schoenbaum's office (718.430.2080) or Dr. Marantz's office (718.430.4187) to set up an appointment if you wish to meet; e-mail inquiries may be directed to either ellie.schoenbaum@einsteinmed.org or paul.marantz@einsteinmed.org.  It is anticipated that students who have already conducted clinical research projects with a qualified faculty member (e.g. during the summer after Year 1) will be most competitive, so it makes good sense to plan early.

Applicants must identify a faculty mentor and propose a research project as part of the application. Information on the Master's program can be found on the CRTP website.  The application deadline for medical students is March 1st of Year 3.  An expedited admissions process will seek to finalize decisions by April of Year 3.