Recent Graduations & Promotions

Achalefac Akem from the De Oliveira lab successfully finished the Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) at Einstein and will continue in the lab for another year. Congratulations!

Congrats to David Rodriguez from the Riascos-Bernal lab who succesfully finished the Post-baccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) at Einstein and started his Ph.D. studies at the University of Chicago.

Cassia Michael from the De Oliveira lab passed her qualifyijng exam. Kudos Cassia!

Congratulations to Zhaohui (Kiya) Liu form the Cuervo lab who passed her qualifying exam.

Congratulations to Satya Surabhi from the Jenny lab for being promoted as the Research Assistant Professor of DMB.

Recent Funding & Awards

Ana Maria Cuervo received the LaDonne Schulman award for excellence in teaching. Congratulations!

Hearty congratulations to Carolina Eliscovich for receiving the France-BioImaging fund to carry out sequential FISH in liver tissue in one of their facilities.

Congrats to Dario Riascos-Bernal who has been invited to serve as a regular member of the Atherosclerosis and Vascular Inflammation (AVI) NIH study section from 2024 to 2028.

Hearty congratulations to Susmita Kaushik from the Cuervo lab for receiving the Grace Science Foundation grant to continue her studies on the autophagic disruption in NGLY1 deficient patients.

Blake Ebert from the Dawlaty lab has received F30 award from NICHD to study Tet enzymatic activities in neural lineage specification. Kudos Blake!

Maria Feliz Norberto from the De Oliveira and Bowman labs has been selected to give a talk at Neutrophil 2024 Symposium (Munich- Germany). Congrats Maria!

Maria Feliz Norberto is also awarded with Liang Zhu Traveling Fellowship. Kudos, Maria!

Congrats to Mericka McCabe from the Cuervo lab for winning the first poster prize for her work on inhibitors of CMA in cancer in the NYC-NCI Postoctoral Scientific Symposium

Rebecca Sereda from the Cuervo lab received an NIA pre-doctoral F31 fellowship to continue her studies on the interplay between chaperone-mediated autophagy and senescence in aging.

Congrats to Aditi Shastri on the new R01 award from the FDA.

Hearty congratulations to Ana Maria Cuervo for receiving Doctor Honoris Causa Degree from University of Buenos Aires.

Kudos to Ana Maria Cuervo for being elected as the member of the Royal Academy of Pharmacy in Spain.

Congratulations to Andreas Jenny on his new R01 with NIA titled “The role of Lamp1 and lipid transport in the regulation of vesicle identity”

Congrats to Wei Chen who has been awarded her first R01 to study calciprotein particles and vascular calcification in patients with chronic kidney disease!

Rabia Khawaja and Mericka McCabe from the Cuervo lab presented their work at the Gordon Conference on Autophagy. Congratulations!

Mericka McCabe from the Cuervo lab also showcased her work at the AACR2024. Kudos Mericka!

Hearty congrats to Rebecca Sereda from the Cuervo lab for being the fellow Chair of the 5th annual symposium webinar of the Women in Autophagy network.

Sandra Pelka, Alexander Ledet and Phillip Dmitriev from the Cuervo lab received merit funding for getting honors in their qualifying exams. Congrats y’all!

Kudos to Susmita Kaushik, Kristen Lindenau, Maryam Jafari Rasht and Antonio Diaz Carretero from the Cuervo lab for showcasing their work on NGLY1 deficiency at the Rare Disease Day

Blake Elbert from the Dawlaty lab received an NIH/NICHD F30 predoctoral award. Congrats Elbert!

Kudos to Julio Flores from the Dawlaty lab for receiving the 2023 Experimental Hematology Young Investigator Award for his publication "Comparative analysis of Tet2 catalytic-deficient and knockout bone marrow over time".

Congratulations to Sammi Chung from the De Oliveira lab for being awarded a T32 Aging Predoctoral Fellowship (Aging T32 Training grant 5T32AG023475-22 PI Nir Barzilai NIA).

Welcome to DMB!

Welcome Sandra Casani Miravalls, a new postdoc in the Jenny Lab. 

Welcome Joaquin Canton Sandoval, a new postdoc in the de Oliveira Lab. Looking forward to all your future accomplishments, Joaquin!

Welcome Louis Romain, Research trainee in the Jenny lab!

Recent Publications

Cassia Michael from the De Oliveira lab published a study in Endocrinology Related Cancers about the characterization of a novel zebrafish Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer (ATC) xenograft model in collaboration with Di Cristofano Lab and showed the use of this system for drug screening and to investigate ATC tumor microenvironment. The article can be found here

published a study in Communications Biology on enzymatic and nonenzymatic roles of Tet3 in embryonic stem cell differentiation. Link: Congrats, Harmony!

Maryam Jafari Rasht and Susmita Kaushik from the Cuervo lab published a study in PNAS showing that part of the beneficial effect of caloric restriction occurs through chaperone-mediated autophagy activation.

Congrats to Greg Krause from the Cuervo lab for his new paper on molecular determinants of crosstalk between CMA and autophagy in Cell Reports.

Congratulations to Harmony Ketchum from the Dawlaty lab for her publication “Catalytic dependent and independent roles of Tet3 in the regulation of specific genetic programs during neuroectoderm specification” in Communications Biology.

Props to Aditi Shastri, Kith Pradhan et al for their paper in Blood Advances titled “Impact of Preexisting Autoimmune Disease on Myelodysplastic Syndromes Outcomes”.

Congrats to Cassia Michael from the De Oliveira lab for the publication of her review paper "Exploring the dynamic behavior of leukocytes with zebrafish" in Current Opinion in Cell Biology! 

Congrats to Richard Stanley et al for their review in Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience on Regulation of normal and pathological microglia states by CSFs.

Congratulations to Violeta Chitu et al from the Stanley lab on their paper in Glia describing the prophylactic effect of chronic immunosuppression in CRL.

An applause for Richard Stanley, Violeta Chitu et al on their paper in Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska on Potential prophylaxis with glucocorticoids of CSF1R mutation carriers.

Kudos to Fabrizio Biundo et al from the Stanley lab on their paper in Glia on the contribution of G-CSF to behavior and pathology of CSF-1 Receptor Related Leukodystrophy (CRL).

Way to go Fabrizio Biundo et al from the Stanley lab on a second paper in Biomedicines showing that Trem2 enhances demyelination in CRL!

Congratulations to Susmita Kaushik from the Cuervo lab for publishing her work on adipocyte differentiation and CMA in Science Advances.

Congratulations to Adam Sugarman, alumnus from the Di Cristofano lab for his paper in Cancer Letters on targeting one-carbon metabolism in thyroid cancer.

An applause for Cassia Michaels and Sofia de Oliveira for their review in Current Opinion Cell Biology titled “Exploring the dynamic behavior of leukocytes with Zebrafish”.

Congrats to Greg Krause et al from the Cuervo lab who got the work on the role of Bag6 on eMI published in Cell Reports.

Kudos to Greg Krause and Susmita Kaushik from the Cuervo lab for publishing their work on autophagy/unconventional secretion in Science Advances.

Congrats to Jonathan Handy from the Jenny lab for his comment paper about the role of LAMPs in the regulation of lysosomal pH accepted at Autophagy.