Departamento de Biología Molecular y del Desarrollo

Department of Developmental & Molecular Biology

Descripción general

The mission of the Department of Developmental and Molecular Biology (DMB) is to investigate the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms of development, aging, regeneration, and disease. DMB currently boasts 22 research groups consisting of over 100 students, postdoctoral fellows, technicians, staff scientists, instructors and faculty members and bringing in over $12M in annual grant funding. Our variety of approaches and disciplines is one of our major strengths with ongoing research utilizing various model systems including human cells, mice, Drosophila, and zebrafish to explore scientific questions related to hematologic, neurologic, cardiovascular, renal, virologic, metabolic, oncologic, and age-related diseases. These scientific areas foster lively interactions and are the foundation on which DMB stands.

DMB has a rich history of long-lasting collaborations among the groups, which greatly enriches our academic environment. Our faculty hold cross appointments in basic and clinical departments and are members and leaders across numerous college-wide centers and institutes, including the Ruth L. and David S. Gottesman Institute for Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine, the Nathan Shock Institute for Aging Research, Diabetes Center, Liver Center, Centro de Investigación sobre Discapacidades Intelectuales y del Desarrollo Rose F. Kennedy, Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center (MECCC) and affiliated Cancer Dormancy y Blood Cancer Institutes.

Since 1965, the department grew and flourished under the leadership of Drs. Jerard Hurwitz (1965-1984), E. Richard Stanley (1987-2010 and 2018-2024), Liang Zhu (2010-2018), and currently Teresa V. Bowman (2024-present). Dr. Hurwitz laid a strong foundation during his tenure, fostering growth and setting high academic standards. Dr. Stanley's leadership spanned two periods, contributing significantly to the department’s expansion and reputation. Dr. Zhu continued this momentum, emphasizing interdisciplinary collaboration and advancing the department’s standing within the College and in the academic community as a whole. Together, they transformed the department into a thriving, dynamic institution. Dr. Teresa V. Bowman, the current chair, continues to elevate, connect, and empower the trainees, staff, and faculty within the department to propel cutting edge research and educational innovation.

The departmental activities include weekly work-in-progress seminars in which all graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and faculty participate, weekly faculty “chalk talks”, where ongoing research programs and grant proposals are discussed, quarterly trainee-initiated DreaMBig sessions focused on expanding scientific perspectives and fostering trainee career growth, as well as biennial retreats. DMB also hosts a vibrant bi-monthly external faculty seminar series to enhance scientific exposure and networking for our faculty and trainees.

Teresa V. Bowman, PhD


Teresa Bowman



Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus
1300 Morris Park Avenue
Chanin Building 507
Bronx, NY 10461


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