Price Center

Center for Epigenomics


The mission of the Center for Epigenomics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine is to study functional and cellular genomics.

We are pursuing two cellular models for human disease. One is the conventional idea that cells change characteristics in response to DNA sequence variation or environmentally-mediated transcriptional regulatory changes. The other is by altering the repertoire of cell subtypes in a tissue, what we have referred to as ‘polycreodism’.

The Center provides two major resources to study functional and cellular genomics, an Epigenomics Shared Facility and a Computational Genomics Core Facility. The combination of these resources allows genome-wide experiments to be performed with automated data analysis, facilitating the ability of the investigator to study their biological question of interest.

Our goal is to make it easy to perform studies of the properties of the genome, opening up this field of research for non-specialists. The Center supports a wide spectrum of research interests, but has as a major goal the support of studies of the role of the mechanisms of human disease.

John M. Greally, Ph.D., D.Med., M.B.,B.Ch.,B.A.O.

Center Director

John M. Greally, Ph.D., D.Med., M.B.,B.Ch.,B.A.O.

Epigenomic Assays

Epigenomic Shared Facility (ESF)

The Epigenomics Shared Facility (ESF) has facilities for massively-parallel sequencing-based assays, using Illumina platforms, and with outsourcing of some sequencing services to the New York Genome Center, click here.

To see the services offered, please see our assay portal, click here.

Protocols are available upon request.

Epigenomic Data Analysis

Computational Genomics Core Facility & Resources

While the WASP system solves the problem of primary data analysis for many applications, the integrative analyses and other questions that are not amenable to automation require other solutions.

We have a Computational Genomics Core Facility for this purpose, which will work with you to solve your problem on a fee for service basis.

We can also direct you to the faculty of our Division of Computational Genetics, and to other Einstein resources such as the Department of Systems and Computational Biology and our Biostatistics Core Facility.

Project & Grant Planning

Translational Epigenetic Consultation Services

Please contact Masako Suzuki for more information.

Letter of Support

The Center for Epigenomics has text descriptions available for assays, analysis, and the Resources section of grant proposals. We are also happy to provide a letter of support for your proposal. Please contact John Greally for more details.

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