
Members of communications work closely together to help develop stories and spread the word about Einstein to external and internal audiences.

Strategic Communications, Media Relations & Publications

Our team promotes Einstein research, education programs and institutional announcements through press releases and outreach, online features, and publications, including the twice-yearly Einstein magazine, produced with the development department.

Media relations is the central point of contact for all of Einstein’s interactions with media, both initiating targeted outreach and coordinating incoming inquiries. For faculty, staff and students, we provide guidance and help coordinate interactions with the media. Our Publicity Guidelines are available online and you can reach the team at

For members of the media, please contact us at or 718-430-3101.

You can reach the entire editorial team in the department of communications at


The multimedia team produces video segments about the research and programs at the college as well as profiles of medical students, graduate students and faculty. These segments appear on Einstein’s multimedia page, YouTube channel, Facebook and in the digital version of Einstein’s magazine.

Our team also develops videos for other Einstein departments including Human Resources, Admissions and Development.

Any department considering a video that is intended for the website should write to the email below six months prior to the date of the event or when the video is due in order to ensure that the project can be accommodated. Please note that requests on short notice may be declined because of projects that are already in cue. We will be happy to work with you and provide an estimate of costs. 

All suggestions and requests for video should be directed to, Subject: video.

Social Media

The social media team plays an integral role in creating, highlighting and participating in conversations on social media platforms across the Web and on Einstein’s Facebook page, Twitter feed, YouTube channel, LinkedIn page and iTunes portal, maximizing the opportunity to become part of the global "voice" about medicine, science and health. The team also manages and edits Einstein’s blog, The Doctor’s Tablet.

We can provide guidance about developing and submitting blog posts and on Einstein’s social media guidelines. You can reach the social media team at

Internal Communications

We aim to promote internal events and notable honors received by members of the Einstein community through several communications vehicles. These include the flat screen monitors situated throughout the Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus; and, when appropriate, broadcast e-mails. We also assist with the planning of and publicity for special events and exhibits at Einstein.

We look forward to assisting you with your internal publicity and communications needs.