Disposal of waste is complicated and expensive. Regulations designed to ensure proper disposal of waste have dramatically increased. The government agencies involved in monitoring waste disposal at Albert Einstein College of Medicine: US Environmental Protection Agency, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, New York State Department of Environmental Protection, New York City Department of Health, New York City Department of Sanitation, and New York City Department of Environmental Protection. Each agency has a myriad of rules and regulations covering different types of waste. The attached guidelines are designed to assist you and the College in its waste disposal program.

Proper laboratory waste disposal begins at the experiment design stage. As you evaluate your experimental needs, consider what you will do with the hazardous products generated and any remaining stock material. Order only the amount needed for your experiments. Excessive stocks of hazardous chemicals, radioactive materials, and infectious agents present serious storage, safety, and disposal problems. Also, review the literature for non-hazardous protocols. Waste minimization has become a buzzword for many regulatory agencies. As waste becomes more and more difficult to dispose, we can expect regulatory agencies to strictly enforce minimization programs. Einsteins’s Waste Disposal Guidelines require your assistance in their implementation.

The following pdf documents provide guidance for the proper disposal of waste generated at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Please follow these guidelines in order to insure compliance with applicable State and local regulations. If you have any question regarding the disposal of a waste, please call the Department of Environmental Health and Safety for assistance.

Waste Types