Frequently Asked Questions | Environmental Health & Safety | Albert Einstein College of Medicine | Environmental Health and Safety | Albert Einstein College of Medicine | Montefiore Einstein
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You will need to complete an application form and submit it to the Radiation Safety Officer along with attachments (see Obtaining a License to Use Material for additional information).
You will need to apply for an amendment to your license by submitting an amendment form to the Radiation Safety Officer (See Amending a Radioactive Materials License for additional information).
Environmental Health and Safety issues radiation dosimetry for employees. Complete the request for a film badge in iLab (See Obtaining a Film Badge for additional information).
You will need to take the Radiation Safety Training offered by the RSO and pass the exam, and obtain dosimetry (a film badge) prior to working with radioactive material. If you have never worked with radioactive material before you should request the help of an individual experienced in the technique you will be performing. For information on handling a particular radioisotope go to Working with Specific Radioisotopes. You will need to comply with all applicable regulations and policies for working with material.
Ring dosimeters should be worn when handling P-32 in amounts greater than 500 uCi. If you will be performing procedures with P-32 in this amount complete a the Film Badge Request and/or Deletion form and send it to the RSO to obtain a ring dosimeter.