Pilot & Feasibility Study Program
Einstein - Mt. Sinai Diabetes Research Center
FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE FOR DIABETES-RELATED RESEARCH. The Einstein-Mt. Sinai Diabetes Research Center (ES-DRC) announces the availability of Pilot and Feasibility awards (up to $50,000 for one year) for new projects that explore a diabetes-related concept. Basic and translational projects related to diabetes are eligible. These funds are intended to enable investigators from Einstein, Mt. Sinai, and other affiliated NYC Institutions to generate preliminary data so as to provide the basis for seeking extramural funding of their project. Pilot and feasibility funds are not intended to support or supplement ongoing diabetes research programs. Recipients are required to hold a faculty rank of Instructor or higher at the time of the award.
ELIGIBILITY (in order of priority): This program is designed to support:
- New investigators with interests in diabetes or related metabolic and endocrine disorders. Included in this category are junior investigators shifting from mentor based research to an independent career. Meritorious applications from new investigators receive priority for funding.
- Established Faculty in other areas who wish to apply their expertise to diabetes research
- Diabetes Center members who wish to explore a new area of research that constitutes a substantive departure from their on-going work.
- Faculty investigators (junior or senior) who are developing new techniques/technologies that will enhance research progress and are potentially adaptable to a current or new ES-DRC Core operation.
Preference will be given to those applications that are deemed likely to lead to extramural funding.
Preference will be given to those applications that are deemed likely to lead to extramural funding.
APPLICATION: A proposed pilot and feasibility study should present a testable hypothesis and clearly delineate the question being asked, detail the procedure to be followed, and discuss how the data will be analyzed. The budget for one year can be up to $50,000. A second year of funding may become available depending upon the outcome of the ES-DRC competitive renewal. Requests for institutional indirect costs are prohibited and salary support for the investigator is generally not provided, except under circumstances that must be pre-approved before submission. Recipients are required to submit a brief progress report and present their research progress at one of the weekly Diabetes Research Center “Work in Progress” Seminars.
No internal grant forms or approval signatures are necessary in order to submit an application. However, if CCI approval is needed for protection of human subjects, then applicants should apply for that approval at the time the proposal is submitted. Submit your application electronically as an e-mail attachment to fran.taibi@einsteinmed.edu by March 13, 2025.
Your application must include an abstract, budget, a research plan that does not exceed 5 pages, other support data, and NIH biosketches for all key personnel. Resubmissions are allowed a half page for rebuttal of reviewers' comments. Provide these components as a single Word or PDF document. If PDF format is used, also include a copy of the abstract in Word. Please use the NIH PHS 398 grant application forms which can be downloaded from the NIH website: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs398/phs398.html
The start date for funding of successful applications is anticipated to be April 1, 2025.
Questions concerning this program should be directed to Streamson Chua, M.D. Ph.D. (streamson.chua@einsteinmed.edu).
Jeffrey Pessin, Ph.D.
Director, ES-DRC