NIH Administrative Awards
PI/s (Institution)TitleMechanism
Chibuzo Enemchukwu (Rockefeller)/ Oni Blackstock (NYC-DOH MH)Strategies to reduce health disparities through uptake of HIV prevention 
and care
FY 2018 NIH CFAR Administrative Award
Preethi Pathela (NYC DOH-MH)Elucidating PrEP and non-PrEP-related drivers of STI trends in NYCFY 2018 NIH CFAR Administrative Award
Maureen Charron (Einstein)Elucidating metabolic consequences of PrEP and ART and obesogenic 
mechanisms during HIV infection
FY 2019 NIH CFAR Administrative Award
Matthew Akiyama (Einstein)Comparing HIV testing approaches in a jail setting for scope of detection, 
rapidity of diagnosis, initiation into care, viral suppression and 
FY 2019 NIH CFAR Administrative Award
Uriel Felsen (Einstein)Machine learning to identify patterns of care among HIV at-riskFY 2019 NIH CFAR Administrative Award
Drew Westmoreland (CUNY)Food insecurity and competing financial priorities impact on PrEP use 
among sexual minority men
FY 2019 NIH CFAR Administrative Award
Sarit Golub (Einstein)Novel strategies for reducing barriers to hiv testing and increasing 
access to PrEP for cisgender women
2020 Ending the HIV Epidemic program
David Lounsbury (Einstein)Provider-targeted communications strategies to reduce stigma 
and promote PrEP uptake
2020 Ending the HIV Epidemic program
McKaylee Robertson (CUNY)Evaluating the Healthix bottom-up strategy in New York City using 
an implementation science framework
2020 Ending the HIV Epidemic program
Viraj Patel (Einstein)Patient-focused PrEP management to increase coverage for 
highest priority patients in primary care in a high prevalence jurisdiction
2020 Ending the HIV Epidemic program – 2 Year Grant
Matthew Akiyama (Einstein)Directly-observed-therapy enhanced peer-support to promote adherence to antiretroviral therapy among criminal justice-involved individuals: The DEPART-CJI StudyFY 2021 Planning projects to address social and structural determinants of HIV
Jonathan Ross (Einstein)Low-threshold, community-based strategies to scale up PrEP for Latino MSMFY 2021 Planning projects to address social and structural determinants of HIV