Dr. Maria Maryanovich
Maria Maryanovich, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Cell Biology
I completed my undergraduate and graduate studies in Israel, earning my Bachelor of Science from Ort Braude College of Engineering and my Ph.D. from the Weizmann Institute of Science. In 2014 I moved to the United States to pursue my postdoctoral training under the mentorship of the late Dr. Paul S. Frenette in Einstein’s Department of Cell Biology. I spent eight years training under Dr. Frenette, first as a postdoctoral fellow and later as a research associate. While in the Frenette lab, in addition to being a member of the cell biology department, I was also a member of the Ruth L. and David S. Gottesman Institute for Stem Cell Biology.

Dr. Maria Maryanovich Lab, 2023
The department’s highly collaborative and rich scientific environment, coupled with Einstein’s comprehensive research infrastructure, allowed me to thrive during my training. I was fortunate to contribute to a range of projects in stem cell biology, prostate cancer, and hematologic malignancies. I also had the opportunity to interact with and mentor incredibly talented trainees, including postdoctoral fellows and graduate and MSTP students. Moreover, I was impressed by the faculty with expertise across different fields who are committed to research excellence while fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for trainees. When I started looking for independent faculty positions, I knew I wanted to be part of an institution that offered similar qualities.
In February 2022, following Dr. Frenette's tragic and untimely death, I was offered an opportunity to establish my independent laboratory at Einstein. Given my training experience, I did not hesitate to accept an appointment with the Department of Cell Biology. One of the major reasons I was excited by this opportunity was the ability to work in an environment with deep expertise in hematology research that would greatly benefit my development as a leading scientist in the field.
As a faculty member, I became affiliated with the NCI-designated Montefiore Einstein Cancer Center (MECC), the Ruth L. and David S. Gottesman Institute for Stem Cell Biology (SCI), MECC’s Institute of Cancer Dormancy and Tumor Microenvironment (CDTMI), and Einstein’s Institute for Aging Research. . Through the numerous scientific activities hosted by these entities and the cell biology department, such as Cell Biology Work in Progress seminars and the SCI retreat and symposia, I have connected with investigators with expertise across many different fields and have established fruitful collaborations. In addition, it has provided access to a range of shared resources and technologies that have been invaluable to my research. Since starting my independent faculty position at Einstein, I have received ample support from the cell biology department’s faculty and administrative team, enabling me to recruit talented trainees, seek guidance to advance my career, and obtain funding to support our research.
The Department of Cell Biology is an ideal environment for me to pursue my scientific career, and I look forward to expanding my research and training the next generation of cell biologists here.
- Maria Maryanovich, PhD
I can’t think of a more ideal environment for me to pursue my scientific career. I look forward to expanding my research and contributing to training the next generation of cell biologists at Einstein.
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Twitter Handle: @MaryanovichLab