Case of the Month - December 2019
A 23 year old woman with chronic sinusitis and a deviated septum presented for a septoplasty.
At the operation, inflammation, granulation tissue, mucus, and edema were found in all left-sided paranasal sinus cavities, including the left antrum, ethmoid cells, sphenoid cavity, and frontal sinus cavity.
Nasal tissue and content were submitted to surgical pathology and microbiology laboratories. The surgical pathology report indicated chronic inflammation with a large number of eosinophils. The lactophenol cotton blue stain demonstrated septate hyphae and pear-shaped conidia on top of swollen conidiophores (arrow). The organism is also shown on the plate in Figure 2.
What is the organism?
Figure 1. Lactophenol cotton blue stain
Growth on Sabouraud agar