Positions Available
The Albert Einstein College of Medicine together with the Montefiore Medical Center is launching an ambitious Brain Sciences Initiative. As part of this large-scale expansion, the Dominick P. Purpura Department of Neuroscience will recruit a number of highly qualified faculty in the coming years.
Einstein boasts a strong research faculty and enjoys an exceptionally collegial and collaborative environment. The Department of Neuroscience has a 50 year history of conducting cutting-edge research in many areas of neuroscience, with strong links to other basic science departments and institutes at Einstein, and growing collaborations with clinical departments at Montefiore.
Postdoctoral Associates
A postdoctoral position is available for an NIH-funded project at the Pena lab, to study the auditory system, with a focus on neural coding and the neuroethological approach. The postdoctoral fellow will join a collaborative research team interested in the coding of sensory cues and their probabilities in the auditory system of barn owls. The project will require collecting data from neural populations using multi-electrode arrays while manipulating the auditory scene. Brian J. Fischer at Seattle University will collaborate on the theoretical approach. Experience in electrophysiology and familiarity with data analysis and Matlab programming is desired. Applications (including research background and interests, curriculum vitae, and names and contact information for references) or inquiries should be sent to jose.pena@einsteinmed.edu. The position will remain open until filled.
A postdoctoral position on the plasticity of electrical transmission is available in the Pereda Lab. As in chemical synapses, electrical synapses represent true synaptic structures that undergo modifications of their synaptic strength. Plastic changes of electrical synapses play important functional roles by reconfiguring neural networks. We investigate these properties at identifiable mixed synapses on the larval zebrafish Mauthner cell, at which detailed molecular mechanisms are been investigated by combining powerful genetic manipulations with in-vivo imaging, electrophysiology and time-resolved ultrastructural analysis. The laboratory is focused on understanding 1) the molecular complexity of the structures underlying electrical synaptic communication (neuronal gap junctions) at these synapses, and 2) the ultimate molecular mechanisms that are responsible for changes of their synaptic strength. We are seeking for highly motivated individuals with strong background in cellular neurophysiology, imaging and/or the zebrafish model who are interested in joining our efforts. The Department of Neuroscience provides an excellent environment for scientific research, including exceptional core facilities in optical imaging, genomics, proteomics, optogenetics and behavior. Applications, including a detailed CV, should be submitted to Dr. Alberto Pereda at alberto.pereda@einsteinmed.edu
Research Assistant
No open research assistant positions at this time.
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer committed to hiring minorities, women, individuals with disabilities and protected veterans. Einstein’s mission is rooted in its history of an enduring commitment to diversity and the enhancement of human health in the spirit of social justice. Inspired by Albert Einstein, the College of Medicine strives to create a diverse faculty and student body without gender, racial and ethnic bias.