Student Activities
Additional Student Requirements and Events
Works in Progress
Research communication is an essential part of our Neuroscience training program. Therefore, students will present their research at the Departmental Works in Progress (WIP) each year. Second year students typically present for 15 minutes to introduce their overarching hypothesis and planned experiments for their thesis project. Third and later year students present for 30 minutes to show their data and contextualize their results in the broader field. All students are expected to attend WIP presentation and attendance will be recorded on provided sign-up sheets. Students unable to attend must email the director of the WIP series.
Departmental Seminars and Lunches
The Department of Neuroscience hosts weekly seminars by world-renowned scientists. All students are expected to attend and attendance will be recorded on provided sign-up sheets. Students unable to attend must e-mail the chair of the Graduate Education Committee. In addition, all Neuroscience students must sign up to attend at least 5 lunches with invited speakers. These lunches serve as a valuable informal venue to discuss science and career development.
National Research Service Award (NRSA)
All eligible students in the Department of Neuroscience are required to submit their qualifying exam proposal (with appropriate edits) as an F30/F31 Fellowship, preferably for the April (Cycle I), or latter August (Cycle II) deadline.
Departmental Retreat
All students are expected to participate in the annual Departmental retreat. This consists of a two day off-campus event at which faculty, postdocs and students are encouraged to present their research accomplishments. Typically, junior students (1st and 2nd year in the Department) present posters while more senior students give short (10 minute) platform presentations.
Acknowledgment of Research Support
All publications, theses, reports, etc. resulting from research conducted during the candidate's degree program must include an appropriate acknowledgment of the sources of funding. Examples include research grants to the faculty sponsor, training grants, equipment grants for equipment essential to the research, core facilities, scholarship support provided by the school, and fellowships from external sources.