Commencement at Albert Einstein College of Medicine is the final milestone of the student journey in our M.D. program, Ph.D. program, and dual M.D./Ph.D. program. This memorable day is one of joy and celebration for our graduates and their families. Einstein’s graduation ceremony acknowledges and applauds the tremendous achievements of every member of our graduating class. It’s our last opportunity to toast our graduates as they join more than 10,000 Einstein alumni who proudly represent the College of Medicine.

Graduation Award Recipients


Teaching Award Recipients


Alumni Award Recipients


The order of exercises for Einstein’s commencement take place over two and a half hours and include the presentation of alumni and faculty awards; a keynote address and commentary from Einstein leadership; degree granting to students, followed by hooding of candidates by the trustees, professors, and alumni; and the recitation of oaths. View the 2024 commencement program, graduation award recipients, teaching award recipients, and alumni award recipients. All graduating students are invited to participate in commencement and each student is permitted to invite family and friends to celebrate this momentous occasion. Montefiore Einstein has negotiated discounted rates at local hotels for attendees. All Einstein trustees, deans, chairs, and faculty are invited to march in the academic procession at the commencement ceremony. Full academic attire is required. Please complete the academic attire form to RSVP and request your regalia.

If you are an M.D. student, Ph.D. student, or dual M.D./Ph.D. student with questions about commencement, please contact the office of student life at or 718-430-2101. For questions about applying for graduation and diplomas, please contact the M.D. registrar's office at 718-430-2102 or at or the Ph.D. registrar's office at 718-430-8682 or at

Please be aware that by attending Einstein’s commencement exercises, you consent to having your voice, name, and/or likeness used in films, tapes, and photographs without payment and that you are waiving any claims against Albert Einstein College of Medicine for such use.