Salud y seguridad ambiental

Presentación de subvenciones

The Environmental Health and Safety Department understands the importance of timely submission of your research grants. Many of you complete your grant applications with sufficient time to allow for proper Einstein administrative review. Part of this review is a sign-off by our Department that the proposed project has been reviewed from a Health and Safety point of view and that the project will be conducted in such a manner as to minimize risks to workers and the environment. Since our Department has a shared responsibility to ensure that research at Einstein is being conducted in a safe manner, we would like to properly review each grant application. In order to avoid unnecessary delays the following are required with each grant submission:

  1. The original Internal Form, signed and dated.
  2. The project abstract or other project description to help us understand the scope of the project with respect to hazardous materials or operations.
  3. Sign-off by Animal Institute prior to our review.
  4. If the project involves Infectious Agents and/or Recombinant DNA, an original Document of Registration (PDF) form must be completed.

    A New DOR is required every three years or if experiments have changed. Within the same calendar year, it is not necessary to submit another DOR for the same protocol which has been approved. Simply include a copy of the previously approved DOR with your submission.

  5. A copy of our Health and Safety Evaluation Form (PDf) signed and dated. This form is to be renewed each year or whenever there have been changes in your staff or research projects involving hazardous materials. We would like investigators to review their operations annually with respect to hazards. The original approved H&S Evaluation form will be returned to each investigator. New EH&S evaluation forms are due Jan 1st. In order to avoid delays feel free to submit new forms for approval in December.
  6. Allow for 1 business day to review your grant from the time that all the above information is received by the Safety Office.
  7. We will telephone the investigator when the grant is complete. The signed grants can either be picked up at the Safety Office or can be returned by interoffice mail. If an form has not been picked up within 3 days, the administrator, PI and Grant Accounting will receive an email notification.

If you have any questions, please call x3560 or email: Delia Vieira-Cruz