Einstein Senate
Council Meeting: Wednesday, March 16, 2011
PRESENT: Drs. Allen Spiegel, Jeffrey Segall, Elyse Sussman, Aviv Bergman, John Blanchard, Harris Goldstein, Susan Horwitz, Todd Olson, Ellie Schoenbaum, Sonja Shaetzlein, Pamela Stanley, Stephen Baum, Edward Burns
EXCUSED: Drs. Victor Schuster, Jonathan Warner, Mr. Nathaniel Swinburne
GUEST: Ms. Shelly Motzkin
The minutes of the February 23 meeting were corrected and approved.
The scientific director of the New York Structural Biology Consortium has changed from David Cowburn (now at Einstein) to Wayne Hendrickson. The consortium will host a workshop on single molecule methods in the spring. It was proposed that Mark Girvin and David Cowburn be asked to give a presentation to the Senate on the consortium as a way of informing the community.
Implications of the New York State budget were discussed.
There is work on developing additional hospital affiliations for clerkships.
Steve Kamholz (Chair of Medicine at Jacobi, with a strong interest in student teaching) is part of a design team that will be forming a vision for how Jacobi will be run by PAGNY (Physicians Associates Group of New York).
The concept of a research professor track for senior rank was discussed. The issue of contract length was raised. It was decided to have the committee examine the possibility of appointment of research assistant professors.
The meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
PhD Jeffrey E. Segall
Speaker, Einstein Senate