Centro GRUSS de Investigación de Resonancia Magnética

Facility Charges

System Rate Minimum Block
Philips 3.0t (Human) MRI $800/hr 1.0hr minimum, 10 mins increments Philips Ingenia 3.0 T (human) MRI $650/hr 1 hr minimum, 10 min increments
Philips Ingenia 3.0 T (human) MRI $800/hr 1.0hr minimum, 10 mins increments
Agilent 7.0T (Animal) MRI $225/hr 1.0 hr minimum, 0.5 hr increments

Enlaces rápidos


Einstein Centers & Institutes/Shared Facilities  

Talleres y Tutoriales 

Scientific Questions and Contact:

Craig Branch, M.S., Ph.D.


Active MRRC Projects

To Schedule a session on the 3T magnet or reserve the Cognitive Testing Room, please send an email request to:
Alternatively, you may call (718) 430-3390

Please provide both the name of the Principal Investigator and the MRRC assigned protocol number for the project.

3T Magnet Calendar 

Cognitive Testing Room Calendar