The Department of Molecular Pharmacology at Einstein focuses on cellular signaling, cancer metastasis, transcriptional regulation, mRNA translation control, drug action and resistance, and neuronal pathophysiology.

Our faculty has strong ties to the Montefiore Einstein Cancer Center, the Diabetes Center, as well as the Institute for Aging Research, the Stem Cell Institute, and the Institute of Cancer Dormancy and Tumor Microenvironment. Graduate study in the department covers a wide range of approaches, including genetic studies in flies, worms, and mice, genome-wide studies of chromatin and gene expression, advanced quantitative imaging, biochemical studies on purified enzymes, and studies using animal models and human-derived specimens.

The Department has 27 primary and secondary faculty members as well as 40 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. The highly collaborative work of investigators within and across departments and centers at Einstein, as well as with the clinical faculty of Montefiore, creates a highly dynamic and translationally oriented-scientific environment. Our department sponsors a seminar series for visiting scientists from other institutions, journal clubs, and weekly work-in-progress research meetings for faculty and students/postdocs. Monthly "happy hours" and annual departmental outings promote scientific and social interactions among the students, fellows, and faculty.

The Department of Molecular Pharmacology graduates have found positions in academia, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical companies, the National Institutes of Health, and the FDA. We are proud of the accomplishments of our graduates and welcome new students to join us in this exciting age of scientific advances.