Programs and Courses

In addition to excellent laboratory research, the Department of Molecular Pharmacology hosts a variety of educational courses that supplement the learning process. The curriculum includes “Molecular Approaches to Drug Action and Design,” co-led by Drs. Derek Huffman and Hayley McDaid, and “Mechanisms in Cancer Biology” co-led by Dr. Jonathan M. Backer, Dr. Kamini Singh, Dr. Eugen Dhimolea, and Dr. Praveen Agarwal, and  “Gene Expression: Beyond the Double Helix”, co-led by Mathew Gamble. These courses provide students with an in-depth understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying cancer development, progression, gene expression, and drug design. The department also sponsors the Molecular Pharmacology Seminar Series, where US-based and international scientists discuss their cutting-edge discoveries in both a formal seminar format and through informal discussions with students, postdocs, and faculty. Finally, the department also hosts the Molecular Pharmacology Work-In-Progress seminar series where students and postdocs discuss the results of their most current research efforts.