Departamento de Patología

Boletín clínico LabNotes


LabNotes provides timely updates on the latest developments in laboratory medicine at Montefiore Medical Center, in an effort to enhance patient care and foster communication with the medical community that we serve.

Issue 1 See Test & Treat 

Issue 2  Administering Blood in Epic

Issue 3  Celebrating Clinical Pathology Laboratory Professionals

Issue 4 Streamlining the Hematology Workflow

Issue 5  Reducing Problems with Quantiferon

Issue 6  Proper Specimen Labeling is Key

Issue 7  Thank you for taking the Pathology Customer Satisfaction Survey

Issue 8 See Test & Treat 2015

Issue 9  Bringing Celiac Disease Testing In-House

Issue 10 Collaborative Research at Montefiore May Provide New Breast Cancer Treatments for Patients

issue 11:  Real-time Genotype Test Detects Highest-Risk HPV in Single Analysis



Departamento de Patología
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1300 Avenida Morris Park.
Belfer, Room 711
Bronx, NY 10461

Tel: 718.430.2828
Teléfono: 718.430.8541
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