Programa de Formación de Científicos Médicos (MSTP)

Resultados de los partidos de 2021

In 2021, Einstein MSTP graduates matched in the following postgraduate training programs in the specialties listed in parentheses:

Class Statistics 

  • Average time to degree: 8.2 years
  • Average publications: 4.9 per student
  • Average first author publications: 2.6 per student
  • 64% held individual predoctoral fellowships
Nombre Nuestra ubicación
Jeet Biswas New York Presbyterian-Cornell (Internal Medicine-Research)
Raven Diacou Univ. of Pittsburgh School of Medicine (Ophthalmology)
Samuel Dowling Northwestern Univ. School of Medicine (Pediatrics)
Nelson Gil Massachusetts General Hospital (Radiology)
Erik Hasenoehrl Massachusetts General Hospital (Internal Medicine)
Sean Healton NYU School of Medicine (Internal Medicine)
Ruth Howe Univ. of Washington Hospitals (Internal Medicine)
Niloy Iqbal Montefiore-Einstein Medical Ctr. (General Surgery)
Elise Mike Johns Hopkins-Wilmer Eye Institute (Ophthalmology)
Natalie Ramsey New York Presbyterian-Columbia (Psychiatry)
Todd Rubin Mount Sinai-Icahn School of Medicine (Neurology)

Resultados del partido