Jessica Rieder

Jessica Rieder, M.D., M.S.




  • Montefiore Medical Center 3415 Bainbridge Avenue 3L Bronx, NY 10467

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Professional Interests

Jessica Rieder, MD, MS, a board-certified specialist in adolescent medicine, is Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. She earned her bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and M.D. degree with honors in research from the University of Alberta. She completed her clinical training including pediatric residency, chief residency, and adolescent medicine fellowship at the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore.  She joined the pediatric faculty at Einstein/Montefiore upon completion of her fellowship and subsequently earned a master’s degree in clinical research from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University.

Dr. Rieder has been engaged in action-oriented, policy-relevant research which has been informed by the weight management efforts that have been the focus of her career for over a decade. She is the founder and director of the Bronx Nutrition and Fitness Initiative for Teens (B’N Fit), a joint venture between the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore and the Mosholu Montefiore Community Center (MMCC). She has had extensive experience with the development, administration, and evaluation of B’N Fit, which offers comprehensive weight management programming for inner-city youth, ages 12-21 years. She has an interest in the clinical and behavioral management of adolescent obesity as well as clinical care access issues that prevent impoverished adolescents from accessing weight management services. A decade-long partnership with MMCC and more recently with the Montefiore School Health Program has resulted in youth-focused school-based afterschool programming that aims to  more effectively support a population characterized by significant psychosocial stressors, economic crisis, developing autonomy and noncompliance.  Dr. Rieder continues to enjoy partnering with clinical, research, community, advocacy, administrative, technology, and educational collaborators to design initiatives that engage and support youth and families interested in lifestyle programming that promotes long-term health and prevents illness.  



Selected Publications


Link to Complete List of Published Work in My Bibliography.