Helena Knotkova, D.Phil., Ph.D.
- Clinical Professor, Department of Family and Social Medicine
- Clinical Professor, The Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology
- Metropolitan Jewish Health Systems 39 Broadway New York, NY 10006
Professional Interests
Pathophysiological mechanisms of pain, neuroplasticity and neuromodulation.
Selected Publications
• Knotkova H, Dmochowska J, Sibirceva U, Flor H, Cruciani RA: Cortical reorganization in the Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Journal of Pain Management. 2007, in press.
• Flor H, Diers M, Knotkova H, Cruciani RK: Brain changes related to chronic pain: implications for pain extinction training. Advances in Pain Management, 2007, in press.
• Knotkova H, Pappagallo M, Szallasi A: Capsaicin (TRPV1 agonist) therapy for pain relief: farewell or revival? Clinical Journal of Pain, 2007, in press.
• Knotkova H., Pappagallo M: Imaging Intracranial Plasma Extravasation in a Migraine Patient: the Case Report. Pain Medicine, 2006, 7(7):1-5.
• Knotkova H, Pappagallo M: Pharmacology of pain transmission and modulation; Peripheral mechanisms. In: M.Pappagallo (ed): The Neurological Basis of Pain. McGraw-Hill, New York, 2006 p.53-61.