Ana R. Ozdoba

Ana R. Ozdoba, M.D.




  • Montefiore Medical Center 111 East 210th Street Klau 22 Bronx, NY 10467

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Professional Interests

Ana Ozdoba, MD is Director of the Psychiatry Residency Training Program and Assistant Professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Dr. Ozdoba completed her Psychiatry Residency Training and Fellowship in Administrative Psychiatry at Montefiore Hospital/Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She graduated from Temple University School of Medicine and the University of Michigan with a B.A. in Psychology.

Dr. Ozdoba's academic interests include psychodynamic psychotherapy, structural competency, resident education, and quality improvement.  Dr. Ozdoba specializes in the psychiatric treatment of the Spanish-speaking population of the Bronx. She was the founder and past Chair of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. She is nationally involved as Chair and Founder of the Organizational Equity Committee for the Association of Directors of Psychiatry Residency Training and actively involved in the Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatry Residency Training.

In her career at Montefiore, Dr. Ozdoba was the Medical Director of the Adult Outpatient Psychiatry Department (AOPD), the outpatient clinic for all psychiatry residents in their 3rd and 4th years of training. She continues her involvement in teaching and supervising residents in psychodynamic psychotherapy and psychopharmacology. While in the AOPD, she was Program Director and Founder of the Ontrack New York Program, specializing in First Episode Psychosis. She was the Director of Quality Improvement for the Department of Psychiatry and continues her involvement as a QI research mentor for trainees. 

Dr Ozdoba received the Montefiore Staff and Alumni Outstanding House Officer Award in 2008 and the Excellence in Teaching Award by the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences in 2017 and 2020.

Selected Publications


Siber-Sanderowitz, S.; Glasgow, A.; Choauke, T; Beckford, E; Nim, A.; Ozdoba, A.  “Developing a Structural Intervention for Outpatient Mental Health Care: Mapping Vulnerability and Privilege”. American Journal of Psychotherapy 2022 Jul 29: doi 10.1176. PMID: 35903912.

Patel, D, Arshed, A; Woulfe, J; Knowles, A; Ozdoba, A. 2019 “PSYCH-PASS:” the Development, Adaptation and Implementation of a Psychiatric Handoff. Academic Psychiatry. 30 Apr 2019, 43(5):503-506.

Gilbo, N, Ozdoba, A. “Failed expectations: When cultural similarities do not favor a therapeutic bond”. Current Psychiatry. 2017 April;16(4):e6-e7.

Weiss A, Ozdoba A, Carroll V, DeJesus F. “Entrustable Professional Activities: Enhancing Meaningful Use of Evaluations and Milestones in a Psychiatry Residency Training Program”. Academic Psychiatry 2016 Oct;40(5):850-4. doi: 10.1007/s40596-016-0530-2. Epub 2016 Mar 14.

National Presentations

Ozdoba, A; Rosenfield, P; Bailey, B; Lu, F; Mohiuddin, M, Arbuckle. Maps, Games, and Formulations: Educating Trainees and Faculty to Address Social Determinants of Mental Health. Presidential Symposium on behalf of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatry Residency Training. May and June 2022. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting.

Hartman, J. Siber, S.; Ozdoba, A. Empowering Patients and Families in Mental Healthcare: Development of a Patient and Family Advisory Council in an Outpatient Psychiatric SettingPoster Presentation. March 2022. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting.

Ozdoba, A; Rosenfield, P; Bailey, B; Lu, F; Mohiuddin, M. Maps, Games, and Formulations: Educating Trainees and Faculty to Address Social Determinants of Mental Health. Workshop Presentation. March 2022. American Association of Psychiatry Residency Training Programs Virtual Annual Meeting.

Hartman, J. Siber, S.; Ozdoba, A. Empowering Patients and Families in Mental Healthcare: Residents’ Development of an Inclusive Patient and Family Advisory Council in an Outpatient Mental Health Setting. Poster Presentation. March 2022. American Association of Psychiatry Residency Training Programs Virtual Annual Meeting.

Helland, S; Khan, A; Ozdoba, A. Developing a psychiatry residency mentorship program: establishing connections during a pandemic. Poster Presentation. March 2021. American Association of Psychiatry Residency Training Programs Virtual Annual Meeting.

Xie, A.; Ozdoba, A. Ambulatory Medicine Rotation using a collaborative care model: Integrating Primary Care into a Community Based Outpatient Psychiatric Setting. Poster Presentation. March 2021. American Association of Psychiatry Residency Training Programs Virtual Annual Meeting.

Zhang, J; Ozdoba, A. Evaluating Cultural Competence Among Mental Health Providers and Trainees: A Patient-Centered Approach. Poster Presentation. March 20201 American Association of Psychiatry Residency Training Programs Virtual Annual Meeting.

Siber, S; Glasgow, A; Choake, T; Ozdoba, A. Teaching Trainees about Structural Humility: Mapping Vulnerability and Privilege as a Therapeutic and Engagement Tool. Poster Presentation. March 2021. American Association of Psychiatry Residency Training Programs Virtual Annual Meeting.

Labib, S; Belfer, R; Ozdoba, A. Challenges of implementing "M-PSYCH-PASS": A two year follow up study following adaptation of a psychiatric hand-off system. Poster Presentation. March 2020. American Association of Psychiatry Residency Training Programs Annual Meeting.

Gunthrie, T., Kalia, S, Lu, F, Ozdoba, A. Embracing our Responsibilities for Inclusion: Implementing the 2019 ACGME Common Program Requirements on Diversity and Inclusion. Workshop Presentation. May 2020. American Psychiatric Association. Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.

Gunthrie, T., Kalia, S, Lu, F, Ozdoba, A. Embracing our Responsibilities for Inclusion: Implementing the 2019 ACGME Common Program Requirements on Diversity and Inclusion. March 2020. Workshop Presentation. American Association of Psychiatry Residency Training Programs Annual Meeting. Dallas, Texas. 5

Arshed, A.; Labib, S.; Ozdoba, A. Psych-Pass: The development and implementation of a Psychiatric Handoff Two year follow up”. Poster Presentation. March 2020. American Association of Psychiatry Residency Training Program Annual virtual meeting.

Siber, S.; Beckford, E.; Nim, A.; Glasglow, A.; Ozdoba, A. Using Community Mapping as a Therapeutic Tool. 2020. Workshop Presentation. Study of Society and Culture in Psychiatry Annual Conference.

Ramrattan, M.; Ozdoba, A. Creating a Diversity and Inclusion Committee for the Department of Psychiatry: Our Needs Assessment Survey. Poster Presentation. May 2020. American Psychiatric Association. Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.

Becker, S.; Scalese, D.; Knowles, A.; Gallo, L.; Ozdoba, A. The Challenges of Educating Clinicians to Assess Risk for Violence in an Urban Outpatient Setting. Poster Presentation. May 2020. American Psychiatric Association. Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.

Rapps, J.; Gallo, L.; Ozdoba, A. Challenges Assessing Panic Disorder Severity in an Underserved Low Literacy Population. Poster Presentation. May 2020. American Psychiatric Association. Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.

Woulfe, J.; Ozdoba, A. Beyond Awareness: Cultivating Multicultural Knowledge in an Urban Outpatient Psychiatry Department. Poster Presentation. May 2020. American Psychiatric Association. Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.

Rabbanifar, S, Rutenberg J, Malikowski, A, Nim, M, Kranzler, A, Ozdoba, A. Poster Presentation. Assessing treatment Engagement Among Emerging Adults within the Outpatient Psychiatry Department. October 2019. 23rd World Congress of Social Psychiatry, Bucharest, Romania.

Chen, S.; Ozdoba, A. Under the mask: narrative storytelling in psychotherapy. April 2019. Poster Presentation. 27th European Congress of Psychiatry, Warsaw, Poland.

Ozdoba, A; Siber, S; Pflum, S. Developing and LGBTQ+ Curriculum in an Adult Psychiatry Training Program. Poster Presentation. February 2019. American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training, San Diego, CA.

Gilbo, N MD, Ford, A, Patel, K, Becker, S, Knowles, A, Gallo, L, Forman, H, Ozdoba, A. Improving Knowledge and Confidence in using Evidence-Based Risk and Protective Factors for Violence in a Resident Staffed Outpatient Psychiatric Setting. February 2019. Poster Presentation. American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training. 

Gilbo, N MD, Ford, A, Patel, K, Becker, S, Knowles, A, Gallo, L, Forman, H, Ozdoba, A. Improving Knowledge and Confidence in using Evidence-Based Risk and Protective Factors for Violence in Non-forensic Outpatient Clinicians. 2018. Poster Presentation, American Academy for Psychiatry and the Law Conference.

Chen, S.; Baluna, A.; Forman, H.; Ozdoba, A. New Onset Psychosis and Mania Associated with Parietal Lobe Seizures. June 2018. Poster Presentation, European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine. Verona, Italy.

To, M; Aloezos, C.; Kats, M; Tuvia, T; Ozdoba, A; Gallo, L. User-Friendly, Evidence-Based Guide Increases Clinician Perceived Competence in Suicide Risk Assessment in Outpatient Psychiatric Setting. April 2018. Poster presentation. Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association.

Aloezos, C.; To, M.; Kats, M; Tuvia, T; Ozdoba, A; Gallo, L. Improving Trainee Confidence and Competence in Suicide Risk Assessment: Implementing an Evidence-Based Risk Assessment Guide in a Trainee-Staffed Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic. March 2018. Poster presentation. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training, New Orleans, LA.

Gilbo, N MD, Ford, A, Patel, K, Becker, S, Knowles, A,  Gallo, L, Forman, H, Ozdoba, A. Improving Knowledge and Confidence in using Evidence-Based Risk and Protective Factors for Violence in Non-forensic Outpatient Clinicians. 2018. Poster Presentation, American Academy for Psychiatry and the Law Conference. 

To, M, Aloezos, C, Tuvia, T, Kats, M, Ozdoba, A, Gallo, L. User-Friendly, Evidence-Based Guide Increases Clinician Perceived Competence in Suicide Risk Assessment in Outpatient Psychiatric Settings. 2018 Poster Presentation, American Psychiatric Association. 

Patel, D, Arsland, A, Woulfe, J, Knowles, A, Ozdoba, A. "PSYCH-PASS": The development and implementation of a psychiatric handoff system”. 2018 Poster Presentation, American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training.

To, M, Aloezos, C, Tuvia, T, Kats, M, Ozdoba, A, Gallo, L. Improving Trainee Confidence and Competence on Suicide Risk Assessment: Implementing an Evidence-Based Risk Assessment Guide in a Trainee-Staffed Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic. 2018 Poster Presentation, American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training. 

Chen, S, Baluna, A, Forman, H, Ozdoba, A MD. New Onset Psychosis and Mania Associated With Parietal Lobe Seizures. 2017 Poster Presentation, Scientific Conference of the European Association of Psychosomatic.

Szuhany, K, Gallo, L, Ozdoba, A. Exercising for Mood: A Feasibility Study of a Group Intervention in a Racially and Ethnically Diverse Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic in an Urban Community. 2017 Poster Presentation, Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

Samuels, A, Lerea, Y, Rollhaus, E, Ozdoba, A. Using Behavioral Interventions to Reduce Agitation in a Pediatric Emergency Room. 2016 Poster Presentation, Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine Conference

Samuels, A, Lerea, Y, Rollhaus, E, Ozdoba, A.Factors Associated with Agitation in a Pediatric Emergency Room. 2016 Poster Presentation, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Conference.

Briklin, O, Aloezos, C., Wai, J.M.,Macdonald, E., Rego, S., Ozdoba, A. Adapting the Panic Disorder Severity Scale Self Report (PDSS-SR) for an Underserved, Low Health Literacy Clinic Population. 2016 Poster Presentation, 8th World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies; Melbourne, AUS.


Weiss, A, Ozdoba, A.  “Necessity is the Mother of Invention: How to Align Existing Assessment Methodologies with the Milestones Project.” 2014 Workshop Presentation, American Association of Directors of Psychiatry Residency Training.