Tony W. Ng

Tony W. Ng, Ph.D.

Area of research

  • • Vaccine development against Mycobacteria tuberculosis (Mtb) and emergent viral pathogens. • T cell biology in BCG vaccination and Mtb infections. • Non-neutralizing antibody responses against viral pathogens.




  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus 1300 Morris Park Avenue Forchheimer Building 416 Bronx, NY 10461

Lab of Tony W. Ng

Research Profiles

Selected Publications


  1. Stong EJ, Jurcic Smith KL, Saini NK, Ng TW, Porcelli SA, Lee S. "Identification of autophagy inhibiting factors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by high throughput loss of function screening". Infect Immun. (2020) Sep 28:IAI.00269-20 PMID 32989037
  2. Ng TW, Wirchnianski AS, Wec AZ, Fels JM, Johndrow CT, Saunders KO, Liao HX, Chan J, Jacobs WR Jr, Chandran K, Porcelli SA. "Exploiting Pre-Existing CD4+ T Cell Help from Bacille Calmette-Guerin Vaccination to Improve Antiviral Antibody Responses". J Immunol. (2020) Jul 15:205(2):425-437 PMID 32513849
  3. Kunnath-Velayudhan S, Goldberg MF, Saini NK, Ng TW, Arora P, Johndrow CT, Saavedra-Avila NA, Johnson AJ, Xu J, Kim J, Khajoueinejad N, Petro CD, Herold BC, Lauvau G, Chan J, Jacobs WR Jr, Porcelli SA. "Generation of IL-3-Secreting CD4+ T Cells by Microbial Challenge at Skin and Mucosal Barriers". Immunohorizons. (2019) May 16:3(5):161-171 PMID 31356170
  4. Johndrow CT, Goldberg MF, Johnson AJ, Ng TW, Kunnath-Velayudhan S, Lauvau G, Kaplan DH, Gossel GH, Kadolsky UD, Yates AJ, Chan J, Jacobs WR Jr, Porcelli SA. "Suppression of Th1 Priming by TLR2 Agonists during Cutaneous Immunization Is Mediated by Recruited CCR2+ Monocytes". J. Immunol. (2018) Dec 15;201(12):3604-3616 PMID 30455402 
  5. Johnson AJ, Kennedy SC, Ng TW, Porcelli SA. "Identification of Novel Mycobacterial Targets for Murine CD4+ T-Cells by IFNg ELISPOT". Methods Mol. Biol. (2018):1080:143-150 PMID 29956180
  6. Kunnath-Velayudhan S, Goldberg MF, Saini NK, Johndrow CT, Ng TW, Johnson AJ, Xu J, Chan J, Jacobs WR Jr, Porcelli SA. "Transcriptome analysis of mycobacteria-specific CD4+ T cells identified by activation-induced expression of CD154". J Immunol. (2017) Oct 1; 199(7):2596-2060 PMID: 28821584
  7. Saini NK, Baena A, Ng TW, Venkataswamy MM, Kennedy SC, Kunnath-Velayudhan S, Carreño LJ, Xu J, Chan J, Larsen MH, Jacobs WR Jr, Porcelli SA. "Suppression of autophagy and antigen presentation by Mycobacterium tuberculosis PE_PGRS47". Nat Microbiol. (2016) Aug 15; 1(9):16133 PMID: 27562263
  8. Ng TW, Saavedra-Ávila NA, Kennedy SC, Carreño LJ, Porcelli SA. “Current efforts and future prospects in the development of live mycobacteria as vaccines”. Expert Rev Vaccines. (2015) Sept 14:1-15 PMID:26366616
  9. Arora P, Kharkwal SS, Ng TW, Kunnath-Velayudhan S, Saini NK, Johndrow CT, Chang YT, Besra GS, Porcelli SA. "Endocytic pH regulates cell surface localization of glycolipid antigen loaded CD1d complexes". Chem Phys Lipids. (2015) PMID: 26306469
  10. Hart BE, Asrican R, Lim SY, Sixsmith JD, Lukose R, Souther SJ, Rayasam SD, Saelens JW, Chen CJ, Seay SA, Berney-Meyer L, Magtanong L, Vermeul K, Pajanirassa P, Jimenez AE, Ng TW, Tobin DM, Porcelli SA, Larsen MH, Schmitz JE, Haynes BF, Jacobs WR Jr, Lee S, Frothingham R. "Stable Expression of Lentiviral Antigens by Quality-Controlled Recombinant Mycobacterium bovis BCG Vectors". Clin Vaccine Immunol. (2015) 22(7):726-41 PMID:25924766
  11. Venkataswamy MM*, Ng TW*, Kharkwal SS, Carreño LJ, Johnson AJ, Kunnath-Velayudhan S, Liu Z, Bittman R, Jervis PJ, Cox LR, Besra GS, Wen X, Yuan W, Tsuji M, Li X, Ho DD, Chan J, Lee S, Frothingham R, Haynes BF, Panas MW, Gillard GO, Sixsmith JD, Korioth-Schmitz B, Schmitz JE, Larsen MH, Jacobs WR Jr., Porcelli SA. "Improving Mycobacterium bovis BCG as a vaccine delivery vector for viral antigens by incorporation of glycolipid activators of NKT cells". PLoS ONE. (2014) 9(9)e108383 PMID: 25255287
    *authors contributed equally
  12. Singh M, Quispe-Tintaya W, Chandra D, Jahangir A, Venkataswamy MM, Ng TW, Kharkwal SS, Carreño LJ, Porcelli SA, Gravekamp C. "Direct incorporation of the NKT-cell activator a-galactosylceramide into a recombinant Listeria monocytogenes improves breast cancer vaccine efficacy". British Journal of Cancer. (2014)111: 1945-1954 PMID: 25314062
  13. Myeni S, Child R, Ng TW, Kupko JJ 3rd, Wehrly TD, Porcella SF, Knodler LA, Celli J. "Brucella modulates secretory trafficking via multiple type IV secretion effector proteins". PLoS Pathog. (2013) 9(8) e1003556 PMID: 23950720
  14. Henderson NS*, Ng TW*, Talukder I, Thanassi DG. “Function of the usher N-terminus in catalyzing pilus assembly”. Mol. Microbiol. (2011) 79:954-967 PMID: 21299650
    *authors contributed equally
  15. Li Q, Ng TW, Dodson KW, So SS, Bayle KM, Pinkner JS, Scarlate S, Hultgren SJ, Thanassi DG. “The differential affinity of the usher for chaperone-subunit complexes is required for assembly of complete pili”. Mol. Microbiol. (2010) 76:159-172 PMID: 20199591
  16. Starr T, Ng TW, Wehrly TD, Knodler LA, Celli J. “Brucella intracellular replication requires trafficking through the late endosomal/lysosomal compartment”. Traffic (2008) 9:678-694 PMID: 18266913
  17. Ng TW, Akman L, Osisami M, Thanassi DG. “The usher N-terminus is the initial targeting site for chaperone-subunit complexes and participates in subsequent pilus biogenesis events”. J. Bacteriol. (2004) 186:5321-5331 PMID: 15292133