Sophie Molholm

Sophie Molholm, Ph.D.

Area of research

  • attention multisensory integration sensory and perceptual processing executive function




  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus 1300 Morris Park Avenue Van Etten 1C-3C Bronx, NY 10461

Lab of Sophie Molholm

Professional Interests


As a Cognitive Neuroscientist, my research centers around understanding the intricacies of the brain and its role in shaping our experiences of the world. My curiosity lies in the fundamental processes that govern how the human brain processes and integrates sensory inputs to influence perception and behavior. This includes studying mechanisms of attention, speech processing, and higher-order cognition related to executive function.

 My work involves characterizing these processes in healthy adults and tracking their developmental course over childhood. Additionally, I am dedicated to translating these findings to gain insights into the neurobiology of developmental and neuropsychiatric disorders, with a special emphasis on autism, schizophrenia, and rare genetic conditions such as 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and Rett syndrome.

 To achieve these research goals, I employ a diverse range of investigative tools. Non-invasive high-density recordings of brain electrical activity, intracranial recordings in patients, psychophysics, and magnetic resonance imaging and computational modeling (through collaborations with Einstein and non-Einstein investigators) are among the primary methods I use. These techniques, often combined with neuropsychological assessments and clinical diagnoses, provide valuable insights into the workings of the brain.

 One area in which my research has led to significant discoveries is in the field of multisensory integration, demonstrating how the brain combines inputs from different sensory systems, how this process evolves across development, and how impaired multisensory integration contributes to autism.  The latter has led me to additional avenues of research focused on neurooscillatory dysfunction and predictive processing, aimed at further understanding autism.

 I also serve as the Co-Director of the NIH funded the Rose F. Kennedy Intellectual and Developmental Research Center and the Director of its Human Clinical Phenotyping Core, and I co-direct a T32 training program on intellectual and developmental disabilities. Through these programs my colleagues and I aim to provide a rich intellectual and multidisciplinary environment within which research is performed to better the lives of individuals with an IDD.

 My research efforts have been supported by funding from esteemed organizations like NIMH, NSF, Autism Speaks, the Wallace Research Foundation, and private donors. This financial backing allows me to continue making valuable contributions to the field of cognitive neuroscience and further our understanding of the brain and its role in shaping human experience, particularly in the context of developmental and neuropsychiatric disorders.

Selected Publications

  1. Gomes, H., Molholm, S., Ritter, W., Kurtzberg, D., Cowan, N., & Vaughan, H. G., Jr.  (2000).  Mismatch negativity in children and adults, and effects of an attended task.  Psychophysiology, 37, 807-816.
  2. Molholm, S., Ritter, W., Murray, M.M., Javitt, D.C., Schroeder, C.E., & Foxe. J.J. (2002).  Multisensory auditory-visual interactions during early sensory processing in humans: a high-density electrical mapping study.  Cognitive Brain Research, 14, 115-129.
  3. Ritter, W., Sussman, E., & Molholm, S., & Foxe, J.J. (2002).  Memory reactivation or reinstatement and the mismatch negativity.  Psychophysiology, 39, 158-165.
  4. Tartter, V.C., Gomes, H., Dubrovsky, B., Molholm, S., & Vala Stewart, R. (2002).  Novel metaphors appear anomalous at least momentarily:  Evidence from N400.  Brain and Language, 80, 488-509.
  5. Molholm, S., Ritter, W., Javitt, D.C., & Foxe, J.J. (2004).  Visual-Auditory Multisensory Object Recognition in Humans:  A High-density Electrophysiological study.  Cerebral Cortex, 14, 452-465.
  6. Molholm, S.,Gomes, H., Lobosco, Deacon, D., & Ritter, W. (2004).  Feature versus gestalt representation of stimuli in the mismatch negativity system of 7-to-9 year old children.  Psychophysiology, 41, 385-393.
  7. Molholm, S., Martinez, A., Ritter, W., Javitt, D.C., & Foxe, J.J. (2005). The neural circuitry of pre-attentive auditory change-detection: An fMRI study of pitch and duration mismatch negativity generators.  Cerebral Cortex, 15, 545-551. 
  8. Murray, M. M., Molholm, S., Michel, C.M., Heslenfeld, D.J., Ritter, W., Javitt, D.C., Schroeder, C.E., & Foxe, J.J. (2005).  Grabbing Your Ear: Rapid Auditory-Somatosensory Multisensory Interactions in Low-level Sensory Cortices are not Constrained by Stimulus Alignment.  Cerebral Cortex, 15, 963-974. 
  9. Hester, R., Foxe, J.J., Molholm, S., Shpaner, M., & Garavan, H. (2005).  Neural mechanisms involved in error processing:  A comparison of errors made with and without awareness, NeuroImage, 27, 602-608.
  10. Martinez, A., Teder-Sälejärvi, W., Vazquez, M., Molholm, S., Foxe, J.J., Javitt, D.C., Di Russo, F., Worden, M.S., & Hillyard, S.A. (2006). Objects are highlighted by spatial attention.  Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18, 298-310.
  11. Sehatpour, P., Molholm, S., Javitt, J.C., & Foxe, J.J. (2005).  Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Human Object Recognition Processing: An integrated high-density electrical mapping and functional imaging study of "closure" processes.  NeuroImage, 29, 605-618.
  12. Senkowski, D., Molholm, S., Gomez-Ramirez, M., & Foxe, J.J. (2006). Oscillatory beta activity predicts response speed during a multisensory audiovisual reaction time task: A high-density electrical mapping study.  Cerebral Cortex, 16, 1556-1565.
  13. Magno, E, Foxe, J.J., Molholm, S, Robertson, I.H., & Garavan, H (2006).  The anterior cingulate and error avoidance.  Journal of Neuroscience, 26, 4769-4773.
  14. Ritter, W., De Sanctis, P., Molholm, S., Javitt, D.C., & Foxe, J.J. (2006) Preattentively grouped tones do not elicit MMN with respect to each other. Psychophysiology, 43, 423-430.
  15. Saint-Amour, D., De Sanctis, P., Molholm, S., Ritter, W., & Foxe, J.J. (2007). Seeing voices: High-density electrical mapping and source-analysis of the multisensory mismatch negativity evoked during the McGurk illusion. Neuropsychologia, 45, 587-597.
  16. Molholm, S., Sehatpour, P., Mehta, A.D., Shpaner, M., Gomez-Ramirez, M., Ortigue, S., Dyke, J.P., Schwartz, T.H., & Foxe, J.J. (2006).  Audio-visual multisensory integration in superior parietal lobule revealed by human intracranial recordings. Journal of Neurophysiology, 96, 721-729.
  17. Senkowski, D., Gomez-Ramirez, M., Lakatos, P., Wylie, G.R., Molholm, S., Schroeder, C.E., & Foxe, J.J. (2007). Multisensory processing and oscillatory activity: analyzing non-linear electrophysiological measures in humans and simians. Experimental Brain Research, 177, 184-195
  18. Leavitt, V.M., Molholm, S., Ritter, W., Shpaner, M., Foxe, J.J. (2007).  Auditory processing in schizophrenia during the middle latency period (10-50 milliseconds): High-density electrical mapping and source-analysis reveal subcortical antecedents to early cortical deficits.  Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience, 32, 339-353.
  19. Molholm, S., Martinez, A., Shpaner, M., Foxe, J.J. (2007).  Object based attention is multisensory: Co-activation of an object’s representations in ignored sensory modalities.  European Journal of Neuroscience, 26, 499-509.
  20. Ross, L.A., Saint-Amour, D., Leavitt, V.M., Molholm, S., Javitt, D.C., & Foxe, J.J. (2007). Impaired Multisensory Processing in Schizophrenia: Deficits in Visual Enhancement of Speech Comprehension Under Noisy Environmental Conditions. Schizophrenia Research, 97, 173-183.
  21. Moran, R., Reilly, R.B., Molholm, S., & Foxe, J.J. (2008).  Changes in Effective Connectivity of Human Superior Parietal Lobule under Multisensory and Unisensory Stimulation. European Journal of Neuroscience, 9, 2303-2312.
  22. De Sanctis, F., Ritter, W., Molholm, S., Kelly, S.P., & Foxe, J.J. (2008).  Auditory Scene Analysis: The interaction of stimulation rate and frequency separation on preattentive grouping.  European Journal of Neuroscience, 27, 1271-1276.
  23. Sehatpour, P., Molholm, S., Schwartz, T.H., Mahoney, J.R., Mehta, A. D., Javitt, D.C., Stanton, P.K., & Foxe, J.J. (2008).  Long-range oscillatory coherence across a frontal-occipital-hippocampal brain network during visual object processing, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105, 4399-4404.
  24. Barnett, K.J., Foxe, J.J., Molholm, S., Kelly, S.P., Shalgi, S., Mitchell, K.J., & Newell, F.N. (2008). Differences in early sensory-perceptual processing in synesthesia: a visual evoked potentials study.  NeuroImage, 43, 605-13.
  25. Foxe, J.J., Strugstad, E.C., Sehatpour, P., Molholm, S., Pasieka, W., Schroeder, C.E., McCourt, M.E. (2008). Parvocellular and magnocellular contributions to the initial generators of the visual evoked potential: high-density electrical mapping of the "C1" component. Brain Topogr. 21:11-21.
  26. Fiebelkorn I.C., Foxe, J.J., Butler, J.S., Mercier, M.M., Snyder, A.C., Molholm, S. (2011).
  27. Ritter, W., Sussman, E., & Molholm, S.  (2000).  Evidence that the mismatch negativity system works on the basis of objects.  NeuroReport, 11, 61-63.
  28. Molholm, S., Gomes, H., & Ritter, W. (2001).  The detection of constancy amidst change:  A dissociation between preattentive and intentional processing.  Psychophysiology, 38, 969-978.
  29. Fiebelkorn, I.C., Foxe, J.J. & Molholm, S. (2009).  Dual Mechanisms for Object Based Cross-Sensory Transfer of Attention:How Much Do Learned Associations Matter?  Cerebral Cortex. 20: 109-20.
  30. De Sanctis, P., Ritter, W., Molholm, S., Shpaner, M., Javitt, D.C. and Foxe, J.J. (2009).  Right hemisphere advantage for auditory temporal discrimination: High-density electrical mapping of the duration mismatch negativity (MMN).  Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 3:5. Epub 2009 Apr 20.
  31. Fiebelkorn, I.C., Foxe, J. J., Schwartz, T.H., & Molholm, S. (2010). Staying within the lines: the formation of visuospatial boundaries influences multisensory feature integration.  European Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 1737-1743.
  32. Lucan, J., Foxe, J.J., Weisser, V.D., Sathian, K., & Molholm, S. (2010).  Tactile shape discrimination recruits human lateral occipital complex during early perceptual processing. Human Brain Mapping, 31, 1813-21.
  33. Russo, N., Foxe, J.J., Brandwein, A., Altschuler, T., Gomes, H., & Molholm, S. (2010). Multisensory processing in children with autism: high-density electrical mapping of auditory-somatosensory integration.  Autism Research, 3, 253-67.
  34. Brandwein, A., Foxe, J.J., Altshuler, T., Gomes, H., & Molholm, S (2010). Tracking the developmental course of auditory-visual multisensory processing in children: A high-density electrophysiological study.  Cerebral Cortex, 21, 1042-55.
  35. Foxe, J.J., Yeap, Sherlyn, Thakore, J.H., Snyder, A., Kelly, S.P., & Molholm, S. (2010).  The N1 auditory evoked potential component as an endophenotype for schizophrenia: High-density electrical mapping in clinically unaffected first-degree relatives, first-episode and chronic schizophrenia patients.  European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 261, 331-9.
  36. Butler, J.S., Molholm, S., Fiebelkjorn, I.C., Mercier, M.R., Schwartz, T.H., & Foxe, J.J. (2011).  Common or redundant neural circuits for duration processing across audition and touch. Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 3400-6
  37. Banergee, S., Molholm, S, Snyder, A.C., & Foxe, J.J. (2011). Oscillatory alpha-band mechanisms and the deployment of spatial attention to anticipated auditory and visual target locations: Supramodal or sensory-specific control mechanisms? Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 9923-32.
  38. Ross, L., Molholm, S. Blanco, D., Gomez-Ramirez, M, Saint Amour, D., & Foxe, J.J.  (2011). The tuning of multisensory speech perception continues through the late childhood years.  European Journal of Neuroscience,  33, 2329-37.
  39. Fiebelkorn, I.C., Foxe, J.J., Butler, J.S., & Molholm, S. (2011). Auditory Facilitation of Visual-Target Detection Persists Regardless of Retinal Eccentricity and Despite Wide Audiovisual Misalignments. Experimental Brain Research, 213, 167-74.
  40. Ready, Set, Reset: Stimulus-Locked Periodicity in Behavioral Performance Demonstrates the Consequences of Cross-sensory Phase Reset.  Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 9971-81.
  41. Leavitt, V.M., Molholm, S., Gomez-Ramirez, M., Foxe, J.J. (2011). "What" and "where" in auditory sensory processing: a high-density electrical mapping study of distinct neural processes underlying sound object recognition and sound localization. Front Integr Neurosci. 2011;5:23. Epub 2011 Jun 22.
  42. Gomez-Ramirez, M., Kelly, S.P., Molholm, S., Sehatpour, P., Schwartz, T.H., & Foxe, J.J. (2011).  Oscillatory Sensory Selection Mechanisms during Intersensory Attention to Rhythmic Auditory and Visual Inputs: A Human Electro-Corticographic Investigation.  Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 18556-67.
  43. Altschuler, T., Molholm, S, Russo, N., Snyder, A., Brandwein, A.; Blanco, D., & Foxe, J. (2011). Early Electrophysiological Indices Of Illusory Contour Processing Within The Lateral Occipital Complex Are Virtually Impervious To Large-Scale Manipulations Of Illusion Strength.  NeuroImage, 59. 4074-85.
  44. Berko, E.R., Beren, F., Suzuki,M., Alaimo, C., Calder, R.B., Ballaban-Gil, K., Gounder, B., Kampf, K., Kirschen,J., Lemetre, C., Maqbool, S., Momin, Z., Reynolds, D., Russo, N., Shulman, L., Stasiek, E., Tozour,J., Valicenti, R., Wang, S., Abrahams, B., Hargitai, J., Buxbaum, J., Inbar, D., Zhang, Z., Molholm, S., Foxe, J.J., Marion, R.W., Auton, A., Greally, J.M. (2014). Epigenetic dysregulation in autism spectrum disorder associated with advanced maternal age. PLoS Genetics, 10: e1004402.
  45. Ross, L.A., Del Bene, V.A., Molholm, S., Woo, Y.J., Andrade, G.N., Abrahams, B.S., Foxe, J.J. (2017). Common variation in the Autism risk gene CNTNAP2, brain structural connectivity and multisensory speech integration. Brain and Language, July 21, E-pub ahead of print.
  46. Freedman, E.G., Molholm, S., Gray, M.J., Belyusar, D., Foxe, J.J.  (in press).  Saccade adaptation deficits in developmental dyslexia suggest disruption of cerebellar-dependent learning. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, July 21, E-pub ahead of print.
  47. Cuppini, C., Ursino, M.,  Magosso, E., Ross, L.A., Foxe, J.J., Molholm, S. (in press). A computational analysis of neural mechanisms responsible for the maturation of multisensory speech integration in neurotypical children and those on the Autism Spectrum. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
  48. Gomes, H., Duff, M., Ramos, M., Molholm, S., Foxe, J.J., Halperin, J. (2012). Auditory Selective Attention and Processing in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Clinical Neurophysiology, 123, 293-302.
  49. Snyder, A., Shpaner, M., Molholm, S. & Foxe, J.J. (2012).  Visual object processing as a function of stimulus energy, retinal eccentricity and Gestalt configuration: a high-density electrical mapping study.  Neuroscience, 221, 1-11.
  50. Butler, J., Foxe, J.J., Fiebelkorn, I.E., Mercier, M., Molholm, S. (2012). Multisensory representation of frequency across audition and touch: High density electrical mapping reveals early sensory-perceptual coupling. Journal of Neuroscience, 32, 15338-44.
  51. Fiebelkorn, I.C., Foxe., J.J., McCourt, M.E., Dumas, K.N., & Molholm, S. (2013). Atypical Category Processing and Hemispheric Asymmetries in High-Functioning Children with Autism: Revealed through High-Density EEG Mapping, Cortex, 49, 1259-67.
  52. Brandwein, A., Foxe, J., Butler, J.,  Russo, N., Altshuler, T., Gomes, H., Molholm, S. (2013). The Development of multisensory integration in high-functioning autism: High-density electrical mapping and psychophysical measures reveal impairments in the processing of audiovisual inputs.  Cerebral Cortex, 23, 1329-41.
  53. Fiebelkorn, I.E., Snyder, A., Mercier, M., Butler, J., Molholm, S., Foxe, J.J. (2013).  Cortical cross-freqeuncy coupling predicts perceptual outcomes.  NeuroImage, 69, 126-137.
  54. Shpaner, M., Molholm, S., Forde, E-J., & Foxe, J.J.(2013). Disambiguating the roles of area V1 and the lateral occipital complex (LOC) in contour integration.  NeuroImage, 69, 146-156.
  55. Mercier, M.M., Foxe, J.J., Fiebelkorn, I.C., Butler, J.S., Schwartz, T.H., Molholm, S. (2013). Auditory-driven phase reset in visual cortex: Human electrocorticography reveals mechanisms of early multisensory integration.  NeuroImage, 79, 19-29.
  56. Frey, H-P, Molholm, S., Lalor, E., Russo, N., Foxe, J.J. (2013).  Atypical cortical representation of peripheral visual space in children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  European Journal of Neuroscience, 38, 2125-38.
  57. Megevand, P., Molholm, S., Nayak, A., & Foxe, J.J.  (2013). Recalibration of the Multisensory Temporal Window of Integration results from changing task demands.  PLOSONE, 8, 8, e71608.
  58. Molholm, S., Mercier, M., Liebenthal, E., Schwartz, T., Ritter, W., Foxe,J.J., De Sanctis, P. (2014).  Mapping Phonemic Processing Zones along Human Perisylvian Cortex: An Electro-Corticographic Investigation. Brain Structure and Function, 219,1369-83.
  59. Frey, H-P, Schmidt, A.M., Murphy, J.W., Molholm, S., Foxe, J.J. (2014). Modulation of early cortical processing during divided attention to non-contiguous locations. European Journal of Neuroscience, 39, 1499-507.
  60. Murphy, J.B., Foxe, J. J., Peters, J.B., Molholm, S. (2014). Susceptibility to distraction in autism spectrum disorder:  Probing the integrity of oscillatory alpha-band suppression mechanisms.  Autism Research, 7, 442-58. 
  61. Andrade, G.N., Molholm, S., Butler, J.S., Brandwein, A.B., Walkley, S.U., Foxe, J.J. (2014).  Atypical multisensory integration in Niemann-Pick type C disease - towards potential biomarkers. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, Sept. 20, 9, 149.
  62. Foxe. J.J., Molholm, S., Del Bene, V.A., Frey, H.P., Russo, N.R., & .Ross, L. (2015). Severe Multisensory Speech Integration Deficits in High- Functioning School-Aged Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their Resolution during Early Adolescence.  Cerebral Cortex, 25, 298-312.
  63. Brandwein, A.B., Foxe, J.J., Butler, J.S., Frey, H.P., Bates, J.C., Shulman, L.H., Molholm, S. (2015). Neurophysiological indices of atypical auditory processing and multisensory integration are associated with symptom severity in autism.  Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45, 230-44.
  64. Andrade, G.N., Butler, J.S., Mercier, M.R., Molholm, S., Foxe. J,J (2015). Spatio-temporal dynamics of adaptation in the human visual system: a high-density electrical mapping study. European Journal of Neuroscience, 41, 925-39.
  65. Mercier, M.R., Molholm, S., Fiebelkorn, I.C., Butler, J.S., Schwartz, T.,H., Foxe. J.J. (2015).  Neuro-oscillatory phase alignment drives speeded multisensory response times: an electro-corticographic (ECoG) investigation.  Journal of Neuroscience, 35, 8546-57.
  66. Ross, L.A., Del Bene, V.A., Molholm, S., Frey, HP, & Foxe, J.J. (2015).  Sex Differences in Multisensory speech processing in both typically developing children an those on the autism spectrum.  Frontiers in Neuroscience: Child and Neurodevelopmental Psychiatry, 9: 185.
  67. Murphy, J.B., Foxe, J. J., Molholm, S. (2015).  Neuro-oscillatory mechanisms of intersensory selective attention and task switching in school-aged children, adolescents and young adults.  Developmental Science, July 17, E-pub ahead of print.
  68. Mahoney, J.R., Molholm, S., Butler, J.S., Sehatpour, P., Gomez-Ramirez, M., Ritter, W., Foxe, J.J. (2015).Keeping in touch with the visual system: spatial alignment and multisensory integration of visual-somatosensory inputs. Frontiers in Psychology, 5: 1068.
  69. Uppal, N., Foxe. J.J., Butler, J.S., Acluche, F., Molholm, S. (2016).The neural dynamics of somatosensory processing and adaptation across childhood: a high-density electrical mapping study. Journal of Neurophysiology, 115,1605-19.
  70. Woo, Y.J., Wang, T., Guadalupe, T., Nebel, R.A., Vino, A., Del Bene, V.A., Molholm, S., Ross, L.A., Zwiers, M.P., Fisher, S.E., Foxe, J.J., Abrahams, B.S. (2016). A Common CYFIP1 Variant at the 15q11.2 Disease Locus Is Associated with Structural Variation at the Language-Related Left Supramarginal Gyrus. PLoS One, 11:e0158036.
  71. Andrade, G.N., Butler, J.S., Peters, G.A., Molholm, S., Foxe, J.J. (2016). Atypical visual and somatosensory adaptation in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. Transl Psychiatry, 6:e804.
  72. Foxe, J.J., Kelly M. Burke, K.M., Andrade, G.N., Djukic, A, Frey, H-P, Molholm, S. (2016). Automatic cortical representation of auditory pitch changes in Rett Syndrome. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 8:34.
  73. Butler, J.S., Molholm, S., Andrade, G.N., Foxe, J.J. (2017).  An Examination of the Neural Unreliability Thesis of Autism.  Cerebral Cortex, 27, 185-200.
  74. Malcolm, B.R., Foxe, J.J., Butler, J.S., Mowrey, W.B., Molholm, S., De Sanctis, P (2017). Long-term test-retest reliability of event-related potential (ERP) recordings during treadmill walking using the mobile brain/body imaging (MoBI) approach.  Brain Research, May 19, E-pub ahead of print.
  75. Ross, L.A., Del Bene, V.A., Molholm, S., Woo, Y.J., Andrade, G.N., Abrahams, B.S., Foxe, J.J. (2017). Common variation in the Autism risk gene CNTNAP2, brain structural connectivity and multisensory speech integration. Brain and Language, 174, 50-60.
  76. Freedman, E.G., Molholm, S., Gray, M.J., Belyusar, D., Foxe, J.J.  (2017).  Saccade adaptation deficits in developmental dyslexia suggest disruption of cerebellar-dependent learning. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 9:36.
  77. Cuppini, C., Ursino, M.,  Magosso, E., Ross, L.A., Foxe, J.J., Molholm, S. (2017). A computational analysis of neural mechanisms responsible for the maturation of multisensory speech integration in neurotypical children and those on the Autism Spectrum. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience,11:518.
  78. Malcolm B.R., Foxe J.J., Butler J.S., Molholm S., De Sanctis P. (2018).  Cognitive load reduces the effects of optic flow on gait and electrocortical dynamics during treadmill walking. J Neurophysiol., Aug 1, E-pub ahead of print.
  79. Foxe JJ, Molholm S, Baudouin SJ, Wallace MT. Explorations and perspectives on the neurobiological bases of autism spectrum disorder. Eur J Neurosci. 2018 Mar;47(6):488-496. doi: 10.1111/ejn.13902. PMID: 29575230.
  80.  Beker S, Foxe JJ, Molholm S. Ripe for solution: Delayed development of multisensory processing in autism and its remediation. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2018 Jan;84:182-192. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2017.11.008. Epub 2017 Nov 21. PMID: 29162518; PMCID: PMC6389331.
  81. Crosse MJ, Zuk NJ, Di Liberto GM, Nidiffer AR, Molholm S, Lalor EC. Linear Modeling of Neurophysiological Responses to Speech and Other Continuous Stimuli: Methodological Considerations for Applied Research. Front Neurosci. 2021 Nov 22;15:705621. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.705621. PMID: 34880719; PMCID: PMC8648261.
  82. Fagiolini M, Patrizi A, LeBlanc J, Jin LW, Maezawa I, Sinnett S, Gray SJ, Molholm S, Foxe JJ, Johnston MV, Naidu S, Blue M, Hossain A, Kadam S, Zhao X, Chang Q, Zhou Z, Zoghbi H. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Centers: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Understand the Pathogenesis of Methyl- CpG Binding Protein 2-related Disorders. Neuroscience. 2020 Oct 1;445:190-206. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2020.04.037. Epub 2020 Apr 29. PMID: 32360592; PMCID: PMC8025698.
  83. Smirnov K, Stroganova T, Molholm S, Sysoeva O. Reviewing Evidence for the Relationship of EEG Abnormalities and RTT Phenotype Paralleled by Insights from Animal Studies. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 May 18;22(10):5308. doi: 10.3390/ijms22105308. PMID: 34069993; PMCID: PMC8157853.
  84.  Schaaf RC, Mailloux Z, Ridgway E, Berruti AS, Dumont RL, Jones EA, Leiby BE, Sancimino C, Yi M, Molholm S. Sensory Phenotypes in Autism: Making a Case for the Inclusion of Sensory Integration Functions. J Autism Dev Disord. 2022 Sep 27. doi: 10.1007/s10803-022-05763-0. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36167886
  85. Crosse MJ, Foxe JJ, Tarrit K, Freedman EG, Molholm S. Resolution of impaired multisensory processing in autism and the cost of switching sensory modality. Commun Biol. 2022 Jun 30;5(1):601. doi: 10.1038/s42003-022-03519-1. PMID: 35773473; PMCID: PMC9246932.
  86. Ross LA, Molholm S, Butler JS, Bene VAD, Foxe JJ. Neural correlates of multisensory enhancement in audiovisual narrative speech perception: A fMRI investigation. Neuroimage. 2022 Nov;263:119598. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119598. Epub 2022 Aug 30. PMID: 36049699.
  87. Constantino JN, Abbacchi AM, Saulnier C, Klaiman C, Mandell DS, Zhang Y, Hawks Z, Bates J, Klin A, Shattuck P, Molholm S, Fitzgerald R, Roux A, Lowe JK, Geschwind DH. Timing of the Diagnosis of Autism in African American Children. Pediatrics. 2020 Sep;146(3):e20193629. doi: 10.1542/peds.2019-3629. PMID: 32839243; PMCID: PMC7461218.
  88. Carbonell AU, Cho CH, Tindi JO, Counts PA, Bates JC, Erdjument-Bromage H, Cvejic S, Iaboni A, Kvint I, Rosensaft J, Banne E, Anagnostou E, Neubert TA, Scherer SW, Molholm S, Jordan BA. Haploinsufficiency in the ANKS1B gene encoding AIDA-1 leads to a neurodevelopmental syndrome. Nat Commun. 2019 Aug 6;10(1):3529. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-11437-w. PMID: 31388001; PMCID: PMC6684583.
  89. Wakim KM, Freedman EG, Tivarus ME, Christensen Z, Molholm S, Foxe JJ. Effects of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Former Cocaine Dependence on Neuroanatomical Measures and Neurocognitive Performance. Neuroscience. 2022 Oct 15;502:77-90. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2022.08.008. Epub 2022 Aug 11. PMID: 35963584; PMCID: PMC9588737.
  90. Francisco AA, Foxe JJ, Molholm S. Event-related potential (ERP) markers of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and associated psychosis. J Neurodev Disord. 2023 Jun 16;15(1):19. doi: 10.1186/s11689-023-09487-9. PMID: 37328766; PMCID: PMC10273715.
  91. Knight EJ, Krakowski AI, Freedman EG, Butler JS, Molholm S, Foxe JJ. Attentional influences on neural processing of biological motion in typically developing children and those on the autism spectrum. Mol Autism. 2022 Jul 18;13(1):33. doi: 10.1186/s13229-022-00512-7. PMID: 35850696; PMCID: PMC9290301.
  92. Beker S, Foxe JJ, Molholm S. Oscillatory entrainment mechanisms and anticipatory predictive processes in children with autism spectrum disorder. J Neurophysiol. 2021 Nov 1;126(5):1783-1798. doi: 10.1152/jn.00329.2021. Epub 2021 Oct 13. PMID: 34644178; PMCID: PMC8794059.
  93. Knight EJ, Freedman EG, Myers EJ, Berruti AS, Oakes LA, Cao CZ, Molholm S, Foxe JJ. Severely Attenuated Visual Feedback Processing in Children on the Autism Spectrum. J Neurosci. 2023 Mar 29;43(13):2424-2438. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1192-22.2023. Epub 2023 Mar 1. PMID: 36859306; PMCID: PMC10072299.
  94. Horsthuis DJ, Molholm S, Foxe JJ, Francisco AA. Event-related potential (ERP) evidence of early visual processing differences in cystinosis. bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2023 Apr 2:2023.03.31.535154. doi: 10.1101/2023.03.31.535154. PMID: 37034748; PMCID: PMC10081319.
  95. De Sanctis P, Wagner J, Molholm S, Foxe JJ, Blumen HM, Horsthuis DJ. Neural signature of mobility-related everyday function in older adults at-risk of cognitive impairment. Neurobiol Aging. 2023 Feb;122:1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2022.11.005. Epub 2022 Nov 9. PMID: 36463848; PMCID: PMC10281759.
  96. Francisco AA, Foxe JJ, Horsthuis DJ, Molholm S. Early visual processing and adaptation as markers of disease, not vulnerability: EEG evidence from 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, a population at high risk for schizophrenia. Schizophrenia (Heidelb). 2022 Mar 21;8(1):28. doi: 10.1038/s41537-022-00240-0. PMID: 35314711; PMCID: PMC8938446.
  97. Francisco AA, Foxe JJ, Horsthuis DJ, DeMaio D, Molholm S. Assessing auditory processing endophenotypes associated with Schizophrenia in individuals with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Transl Psychiatry. 2020 Mar 5;10(1):85. doi: 10.1038/s41398-020-0764-3. PMID: 32139692; PMCID: PMC7058163.
  98. Foxe JJ, Knight EJ, Myers EJ, Cao CZ, Molholm S, Freedman EG. The strength of feedback processing is associated with resistance to visual backward masking during Illusory Contour processing in adult humans. Neuroimage. 2022 Oct 1;259:119416. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119416. Epub 2022 Jun 25. PMID: 35764208; PMCID: PMC9396416.
  99. Berruti AS, Schaaf RC, Jones EA, Ridgway E, Dumont RL, Leiby B, Sancimino C, Yi M, Molholm S. Notes from an epicenter: navigating behavioral clinical trials on autism spectrum disorder amid the COVID-19 pandemic in the Bronx. Trials. 2022 Aug 19;23(1):691. doi: 10.1186/s13063-022-06635-9. PMID: 35986303; PMCID: PMC9389471.
  100. Sysoeva OV, Molholm S, Djukic A, Frey HP, Foxe JJ. Atypical processing of tones and phonemes in Rett Syndrome as biomarkers of disease progression. Transl Psychiatry. 2020 Jun 10;10(1):188. doi: 10.1038/s41398-020-00877-4. PMID: 32522978; PMCID: PMC7287060.
  101. Brima T, Molholm S, Molloy CJ, Sysoeva OV, Nicholas E, Djukic A, Freedman EG, Foxe JJ. Auditory sensory memory span for duration is severely curtailed in females with Rett syndrome. Transl Psychiatry. 2019 Apr 9;9(1):130. doi: 10.1038/s41398-019-0463-0. PMID: 30967526; PMCID: PMC6456588.
  102. Beker S, Foxe JJ, Venticinque J, Bates J, Ridgeway EM, Schaaf RC, Molholm S. Looking for consistency in an uncertain world: test-retest reliability of neurophysiological and behavioral readouts in autism. J Neurodev Disord. 2021 Sep 30;13(1):43. doi: 10.1186/s11689-021-09383-0. PMID: 34592931; PMCID: PMC8483424.
  103. Francisco AA, Berruti AS, Kaskel FJ, Foxe JJ, Molholm S. Assessing the integrity of auditory processing and sensory memory in adults with cystinosis (CTNS gene mutations). Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2021 Apr 13;16(1):177. doi: 10.1186/s13023-021-01818-0. PMID: 33849633; PMCID: PMC8045394.
  104. Malcolm BR, Foxe JJ, Joshi S, Verghese J, Mahoney JR, Molholm S, De Sanctis P. Aging-related changes in cortical mechanisms supporting postural control during base of support and optic flow manipulations. Eur J Neurosci. 2021 Dec;54(12):8139-8157. doi: 10.1111/ejn.15004. Epub 2020 Oct 27. PMID: 33047390.
  105. Cotter M, Reisli S, Francisco AA, Wakim KM, Oakes L, Crosse MJ, Foxe JJ, Molholm S. Neurophysiological measures of auditory sensory processing are associated with adaptive behavior in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Neurodev Disord. 2023 Apr 1;15(1):11. doi: 10.1186/s11689-023-09480-2. PMID: 37005597; PMCID: PMC10068141.
  106. Shaw LH, Freedman EG, Crosse MJ, Nicholas E, Chen AM, Braiman MS, Molholm S, Foxe JJ. Operating in a Multisensory Context: Assessing the Interplay Between Multisensory Reaction Time Facilitation and Inter-sensory Task-switching Effects. Neuroscience. 2020 Jun 1;436:122-135. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2020.04.013. Epub 2020 Apr 20. PMID: 32325100.
  107. De Sanctis P, Malcolm BR, Mabie PC, Francisco AA, Mowrey WB, Joshi S, Molholm S, Foxe JJ. Mobile Brain/Body Imaging of cognitive-motor impairment in multiple sclerosis: Deriving EEG-based neuro-markers during a dual-task walking study. Clin Neurophysiol. 2020 May;131(5):1119-1128. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2020.01.024. Epub 2020 Feb 21. PMID: 32200093; PMCID: PMC7196176.
  108. Malcolm BR, Foxe JJ, Butler JS, Mowrey WB, Molholm S, De Sanctis P. Long- term test-retest reliability of event-related potential (ERP) recordings during treadmill walking using the mobile brain/body imaging (MoBI) approach. Brain Res. 2019 Aug 1;1716:62-69. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2017.05.021. Epub 2017 May 19. PMID: 28532853; PMCID: PMC7209996.
  109. Foxe JJ, Del Bene VA, Ross LA, Ridgway EM, Francisco AA, Molholm S. Multisensory Audiovisual Processing in Children With a Sensory Processing Disorder (II): Speech Integration Under Noisy Environmental Conditions. Front Integr Neurosci. 2020 Jul 14;14:39. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2020.00039. PMID: 32765229; PMCID: PMC7381232.
  110. Malcolm BR, Foxe JJ, Butler JS, Molholm S, De Sanctis P. Cognitive load reduces the effects of optic flow on gait and electrocortical dynamics during treadmill walking. J Neurophysiol. 2018 Nov 1;120(5):2246-2259. doi: 10.1152/jn.00079.2018. Epub 2018 Aug 1. PMID: 30067106; PMCID: PMC6295527.
  111. Francisco AA, Foxe JJ, Berruti A, Horsthuis DJ, Molholm S. Response inhibition and error-monitoring in cystinosis (CTNS gene mutations): Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence of a diverse set of difficulties. bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2023 Apr 2:2023.03.31.535145. doi: 10.1101/2023.03.31.535145. PMID: 37034772; PMCID: PMC10081337.
  112. Francisco AA, Horsthuis DJ, Popiel M, Foxe JJ, Molholm S. Atypical response inhibition and error processing in 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome and schizophrenia: Towards neuromarkers of disease progression and risk. Neuroimage Clin. 2020;27:102351. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2020.102351. Epub 2020 Jul 17. PMID: 32731196; PMCID: PMC7390764.
  113. Francisco AA, Foxe JJ, Horsthuis DJ, Molholm S. Impaired auditory sensory memory in Cystinosis despite typical sensory processing: A high-density electrical mapping study of the mismatch negativity (MMN). Neuroimage Clin. 2020;25:102170. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2020.102170. Epub 2020 Jan 11. PMID: 31954986; PMCID: PMC6965721.
  114. Molholm S, Murphy JW, Bates J, Ridgway EM, Foxe JJ. Multisensory Audiovisual Processing in Children With a Sensory Processing Disorder (I): Behavioral and Electrophysiological Indices Under Speeded Response Conditions. Front Integr Neurosci. 2020 Feb 11;14:4. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2020.00004. PMID: 32116583; PMCID: PMC7026671.
  115. Williams ZJ, Schaaf R, Ausderau KK, Baranek GT, Barrett DJ, Cascio CJ, Dumont RL, Eyoh EE, Failla MD, Feldman JI, Foss-Feig JH, Green HL, Green SA, He JL, Kaplan-Kahn EA, Keçeli-Kaysılı B, MacLennan K, Mailloux Z, Marco EJ, Mash LE, McKernan EP, Molholm S, Mostofsky SH, Puts NAJ, Robertson CE, Russo N, Shea N, Sideris J, Sutcliffe JS, Tavassoli T, Wallace MT, Wodka EL, Woynaroski TG. Examining the Latent Structure and Correlates of Sensory Reactivity in Autism: A Multi-site Integrative Data Analysis by the Autism Sensory Research Consortium. Res Sq [Preprint]. 2023 Jan doi: 10.21203/ PMID: 36712092; PMCID: PMC9882639.
  116. Reisli S, Molholm S. Pre-attentive representation of prediction certainty in autism: A mismatch negativity (MMN) study. bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2023 Jun 7:2023.06.06.543878. doi: 10.1101/2023.06.06.543878. PMID: 37333250; PMCID: PMC10274699.
  117. Wakim KM, Foxe JJ, Molholm S. Cued motor processing in autism and typical development: A high-density electrical mapping study of response-locked neural activity in children and adolescents. Eur J Neurosci. 2023 Jun 20. doi: 10.1111/ejn.16063. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37340622.

Review Articles, commentaries, and chapters:

  1. Gomes, H., Molholm, S., Christodoulou, C., Ritter, W., & Cowan, N. (2000).  The development of auditory attention in children.  Frontiers in Bioscience, 5, d108-120.
  2. Molholm, S. & Foxe, J.J. (2005).  Look 'hear', primary auditory cortex is active during lip-reading.  NeuroReport, 16, 123-124.
  3. Schroeder, C.E.,  Molholm, S., Lakatos, P., Ritter, W., and Foxe, J.J. (2004). Human-Simian correspondence in the early cortical processing of multisensory cues. Cognitive Processing, 5, 140-151.
  4. Foxe, J.J. & Molholm, S. (2009). Ten Years at the Multisensory Forum: Musings on the Evolution of a Field.  Brain Topography.  21: 149-54.
  5. Molholm, S. & Foxe, J.J. (2010).  Making sense of multisensory integration.  European Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 1709-12.
  6. Fiebelkorn, I. Foxe, J.J., & Molholm, S. (2012).  Attention and Multisensory Feature Integration. In Barry Stein (Ed.).  Handbook of Multisensory Processing (pp. 383-396). Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
  7. Foxe, J.J., Ross, L., & Molholm, S. (2012).  Multisensory Integration Deficits in Schizophrenia.  In Barry Stein (Ed.).  Handbook of Multisensory Processing (pp. 691-706). Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
  8. Hahn, N., Foxe, J.J., Molholm, S. (2014). Impairments of multisensory integration and cross-sensory learning as pathways to dyslexia. Neuroscience Biobehavioral Reviews, 47:384-92.
  9. Beker, S., Foxe, J.J., Molholm, S. (2018). Ripe for solution: Delayed development of multisensory processing in autism and its remediation. Neuroscience Biobehavioral Reviews, 84:182-192.
  10. Foxe, J.J., Molholm, S., Baudouin, S.J., Wallace, M.T. (2018).  Explorations and perspectives on the neurobiological bases of autism spectrum disorder.  European Journal of Neuroscience, 47, 488-496.
  11. Rimmele, J.M., Gross, J., Molholm, S., Keitel, A.  Editorial: Brain Oscillations in Human Communication. Front Hum Neurosci., Feb 7;12:39.