Victoria A. Gorski

Victoria A. Gorski, M.D.

Area of research

  • I have co-authored several HRSA training grants with areas of focus including quality improvement, motivational interviewing, advanced primary care and integrated behavioral health




  • Montefiore Medical Group Fordham Health Center One Fordham Plaza Bronx, NY 10458

Lab of Victoria A. Gorski

Are You a Patient?

Professional Interests


Medical School: Downstate Medical Center (SUNY)
Residency: Montefiore Medical Center (Family Medicine)

Dr. Gorski has been a family medicine clinician in the Bronx since 1981. She has maintained a continuity practice at Montefiore's Family Health Center where she's cared for up to four generations within a family. Following residency training she served for two years as a home care hospice physician with the Visiting Nurse Service. She has played a variety of roles in medical education for the Einstein/Montefiore Department of Family and Social Medicine including residency faculty, residency program director, and medical student educator in Introduction to Clinical Medicine, Patients, Doctors and Communities and in the family medicine clerkship. She has co-authored and participated in the implementation of several HRSA primary care training grants. She is a member of the Leo Davidoff Society at Einstein and has been recognized by the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine with two President's Awards, one for her role in the development of its Behavioral Science/Family Systems Educator Fellowship and one for her role as chair of its Governance Task Force. The Bronx Community Health Network recognized her service to its mission with a Community Health Center Leadership Award.


  1. Family Medicine Education – especially student and residency levels 
  2. Family Systems in Family Medicine/Behavioral Health and Primary Care Integration
  3. Practice Transformation/Quality Improvement
  4. Group medical visits and interdisciplinary team care

Selected Publications

Recent Presentations and Publications

  1. “Using Reflections to Evaluate the STFM Behavioral Science/Family Systems Educator Fellowship”, Deborah Taylor, Victoria Gorski, Sandra Burge, Family Medicine, Vol. 49, No. 7, July-August 2017

    2. “STFM Behavioral Science/Family Systems Educator Fellowship: Evaluation of the First Four Years”, Victoria Gorski, Deborah Taylor, Jason Fletcher, Sandra Burge, Family Medicine, Vol. 47, No. 7, July-August 2015

    3. “Health Disparities Training in Residency Programs in the United States”, Strelnick, A. H., M. R. Anderson, S. Braganza, L. Capps, M. Gold, V. Gorski, E. Korin, B. Soloway and J. Townsend. Family Medicine, Vol.46, No. 10 (2014): 809-810

    4. “Exploring the Spiritual/Religious Dimension of Patients: A Timely Opportunity for Personal and Professional Reflection for Graduating Medical Students”, Mimi McEvoy, Victoria Gorski, Deborah Swiderski, and Elizabeth Alderman, Journal of Religion and Health, Vol. 52, No. 2, June 2013

    5. “The Residency Program in Social Medicine of Montefiore Medical Center: 37 Years of Mission-Driven, Interdisciplinary Training in Primary Care, Population Health, and Social Medicine”, A.H. Strelnick, MD, Debbie Swiderski, MD, Alice Fornari, EdD, Victoria Gorski, MD, Eliana Korin, Philip Ozuah, MD, PhD, Janet M. Townsend, MD, and Peter A. Selwyn, MD, MPH, Academic Medicine, Vol. 83, No.4, April 2008 


    “Advancing Integrated Care by Co-Training of Residents and Post-Doctoral Psychology Fellows”, with Nancy Ruddy, PhD, Mary Duggan, MD, Alison Gurley, PsyD, lecture/discussion, STFM Conference on Practice Improvement, Tampa, FL, December 8, 1918

     “Development of Functional Teams for Practice Transformation”, with Mary Duggan, MD, Casey Browder, MHA, seminar, STFM Conference on Practice Improvement, Tampa FL, December 7, 2018

     “Creating and Evaluating a Strategy to Develop Staff and Faculty Competency in Advanced Primary Care at Family Medicine Teaching Practices”, with Mary Duggan, MD, Laura Korin, MD, Casey Browder, MHA, lecture/discussion, STFM Annual Spring Conference, Washington, DC, May 8, 2018

     “Mentoring and Advising Prehealth Students Traditionally Underrepresented in Health Care Professions”, with Juan Robles, MD, Maria Gbur, MD, roundtable, STFM Annual Spring Conference, Washington, DC, May 6, 2018 

     “Group Wellness Sessions: Yoga and Meditation at a Federally Qualified Health Center in the Bronx”, with Marissa Lapedis, MD, Joel Bumol, MD, poster, STFM Annual Spring Conference, Washington, DC, May 7, 2018

     “Resident Certification in Advanced Primary Care: Using a Focus on Chronic Respiratory Conditions to Enhance Skills in Population Health, QI, and Integrated Care”, with Mary Duggan, MD, Eliana Korin, Dipl.Psic., Casey Browder, MHA, poster, STFM Conference on Practice Improvement, Louisville, KY, December 1, 2017

    “’Bright Spot Session: Panel Discussion on Behavioral Health Integration”,  moderator, STFM Conference on Practice Improvement, Louisville, KY, December 2, 2017