Melin Tan-Geller

Melin Tan-Geller, M.D.



  • 660 White Plains Road 400 Tarrytown, NY 10607

Lab of Melin Tan-Geller

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Professional Interests

Voice and Swallowing Disorders.

Selected Publications

Peer Reviewed Articles

Du E, Tan M.  Successful CO2 laser ablation of true vocal fold microaneurysm in a patient with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.  Accepted for publication Otolaryngol Head Neck surg. September 2013, In Press.


Loftus P, Tan M.  Orbital Apex Syndrome as the initial presentation of metastatic breast cancer.  Journal of Case Reports in Medicine Vol 2  March  2013. 


O TM, Scheuermann-Poley C, Tan M, Waner M. The distribution, clinical characteristics, and surgical treatment of lip infantile hemangiomas.  JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery 2013 Jul 1;15(4):292-304.


Pitman M,Lebowitz A, Iacob C, Tan M.  The efficacy of Potassium-Titanyl-Phosphate Laser on Reinke’s Edema.  Laryngoscope. 2012 Dec;122(12):2786-92.


Virbalas J, Palma G, Tan M.  Addressing Obstacles to Communication in Children with Cri-du-Chat Syndrome.  J Voice 2012 Nov;26(6):821.


Tan M, Prufer N, Chinosornvatana N, Park R, Woo P.  Application of Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgical (NOTES) instrumentation to the Endolarynx: A feasibility study in an animal model.  Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2012 Jul;121(7):435-41.


Altman KW, Kinoshita Y, Tan M, Burstein D, Radosevich JA.  Western Blot Confirmation of the H+/K+-ATPase Proton Pump in the human Larynx and Submandibular Gland.  Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2011 Nov;145(5):783-8.


Tan M, Bassiri-Tehrani M, Woo P.  "Allograft (Alloderm) and autograft (temporalis fascia) implantation for glottic insufficiency: A novel approach.  J Voice. 2011 Sep;25(5):619-25.


Tan M, Pitman M.  A Case of Bilateral Vocal Fold Bridges, Bilateral Sulci and a Polyp.  J Voice. 2011 Jul;25(4):484-6.


Tan M, Woo P.  Injection laryngoplasty with micronized dermis: a ten year experience with 381 injections in 344 patients.  Laryngoscope. 2010 Dec;120(12):2460-6.


O TM, Tan M, Tarango M, Fink L, Mihm M, Ma Y, Waner M.  Differential Expression of the SKI Oncogene in Hemangiomas.  Otolaryngol Head Neck surg. 2009 Aug;141(2):213-8.



“Clinical Laryngology” Marvin Fried and Melin Tan Eds.  Theime.  In Press to be released Spring 2014


Tan M, Fried M.  “Reinke’s Edema” The Sataloff’s Comprehensive Textbook of Otolaryngology.  M Benninger ed.  Jaypee Medical Publishers.  Scheduled for press 2014.


Altman KW, Tan M.  “Vocal Fold Polyps and Cysts. “  Laryngeal Examination.  Katherine A Kendal and Rebecca J Leonard Eds.  Theime 2010.


Tan M and Altman KW. "Airway and respiratory complications: Vocal Fold Paralysis," Common Problems in Rehabilitation Medicine: Spinal Cord Injury, TN Bryce, ed., Buschbacher Series 2009.


Honrado, C, Labruna A, Kwak E, Tan, M.  Facial Plastic Surgery in Asian Patients.  Emedicine. 680.htm.  August 2007