Andres R. Schneeberger, M.D.
- Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Area of research
- Simple and complex trauma; acute and complex posttraumatic stress disorder; stigma; quality of life; happiness; health service research; medical tourism research; coercive treatment; open wards in psychiatry
- Montefiore Medical Center 3331 Bainbridge Avenue Bronx, NY 10467
Professional Interests
Dr. Andres R. Schneeberger is a US and Switzerland board certified psychiatrist with an interest in social psychiatry, posttraumatic stress disorder, aggression, violence and the effects of coercive measures. He is also the psychiatrist-in-chief of the Psychiatric Services Grisons located in Chur and St. Moritz, Switzerland and he runs the global mental health elective for PGY IV psychiatry residents of the Montefiore Medical Center. He graduated from medical school at the University of Basel, Switzerland. Dr. Andres R. Schneeberger completed his psychiatry residency and an administrative fellowship as a senior chief resident at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx. Dr. Andres R. Schneeberger is an active researcher focusing on mental health service research, global mental health issues, posttraumatic stress disorder and the effects of coercive measures on people with severe mental illness. He is also on the review editorial board for Frontiers in Psychiatry and has reviews articles for several renown academic journals. Dr. Andres R. Schneeberger has received the award for outstanding medical student educator from the Leo M.Davidoff Society of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University and the poster award for best presentation at the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation.
Selected Publications
1. Schneeberger AR, Hoff P, Seifritz E, Lang UE, Graf M, Franke I, et al. Deciding to End One’s Life Because of a Psychiatric Illness—A Decision Without Second Thoughts? Frontiers in psychiatry. 2020;11.
2. Richter D, Bonsack C, Burr C, Gekle W, Hepp U, Kawohl W, et al. Therapeutic alliance, social inclusion and infection control-Towards pandemic-adapted mental health care services in Switzerland. Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. 2020:Epub ahead of print.
3. Nolan DR, Gupta R, Huber CG, Schneeberger AR. An Effective Treatment for Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in an Inpatient Setting: A 10-Year Retrospective Outcome Analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2020;11:25.
4. Montagna G, Schneeberger AR, Rossi L, Reina H, Schwab FD, Schoetzau A, et al. The impact of depression on adherence to organized and opportunistic breast cancer screening. European Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2020;29(1):53-9.
5. Liebrenz M, Gamma A, Buadze A, Schleifer R, Baggio S, Schwartz B, et al. Fifteen years of heroin-assisted treatment in a Swiss prison—a retrospective cohort study. Harm reduction journal. 2020;17(1):1-8.
6. Huber CG, Schneeberger AR. Compulsory Interventions in Psychiatry 15. 2020.
7. Buadze A, Friedl N, Schleifer R, Young S, Schneeberger AR, Liebrenz M. Perceptions and Attitudes of Correctional Staff towards ADHD–a challenging disorder in everyday prison life. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2020;11:1508.
8. Buadze A, Friedl N, Schleifer R, Young S, Schneeberger AR, Liebrenz M. Perceptions and Attitudes of Prison Staff towards ADHD− double jeopardy for inmates affected. medRxiv. 2020.
9. Buadze A, Baggio S, Schleifer R, Aeberhard E, Wolff H, Schneeberger A, et al. The Accessibility of Opioid Agonist Treatment and Its Forced Discontinuation in Swiss Prisons—Attitudes, Perceptions and Experiences of Defense Lawyers in Dealing With Detained Persons Using Opioids. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2020;11.
10. Baggio S, Weber M, Rossegger A, Endrass J, Heller P, Schneeberger A, et al. Reducing recidivism using the Reasoning and Rehabilitation program: a pilot multi-site-controlled trial among prisoners in Switzerland. International Journal of Public Health. 2020:1-10.
11. Stassen H, Bachmann S, Bridler R, Cattapan K, Herzig D, Höppner K, et al. Polypharmacy in psychiatry: Unwanted side effects and inflammatory response system—a naturalistic study of 195 patients under treatment. European Neuropsychopharmacology. 2019;29:S344-S5.
12. Schweinfurth N, Hachtel H, Schneeberger A, Borgwardt S, Lang U, Huber C. Resource allocation for treatment, research and teaching: a challenge for university psychiatry. Der Nervenarzt. 2019;90(3):314-5.
13. Schweinfurth N, Hachtel H, Schneeberger A, Borgwardt S, Lang U, Huber C. Ressourcenallokation für Versorgung, Forschung und Lehre. Der Nervenarzt. 2019;90(3):314-5.
14. Schneeberger AR, Seixas A, Schweinfurth N, Lang UE, Cajochen C, Bux DA, et al. Differences in insomnia symptoms between immigrants and non-immigrants in Switzerland attributed to emotional distress: analysis of the Swiss health survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019;16(2):289.
15. Schneeberger AR, Lang UE, Borgwardt S, Huber CG. Taking Off the Blinders: The Critical Phase of Suicidality Doesn’t End With Discharge From Inpatient Treatment. 2019.
16. Montagna G, Schneeberger A, Rossi L, Reina H, Schwab F, Eichholzer M, et al. The impact of depression on adherence to organized and opportunistic breast cancer screening in Switzerland. The Breast. 2019;44:S44-S5.
17. Kowalinski E, Hochstrasser L, Schneeberger AR, Borgwardt S, Lang UE, Huber CG. Six years of open-door policy at the University Psychiatric Hospital Basel. Der Nervenarzt. 2019;90(7):705-8.
18. Kowalinski E, Hochstrasser L, Schneeberger AR, Borgwardt S, Lang UE, Huber CG. Sechs Jahre „offene Türen “an den Universitären Psychiatrischen Kliniken Basel. Der Nervenarzt. 2019;90(7):705-8.
19. Huber CG, Borgwardt S, Lang UE, Schneeberger AR. Taking Off the Blinders: The Critical Phase of Suicidality Doesn't End With Discharge From Inpatient Treatment. The American journal of bioethics: AJOB. 2019;19(10):93.
20. Gupta R, Nolan DR, Bux DA, Schneeberger AR. Is it the moon? Effects of the lunar cycle on psychiatric admissions, discharges and length of stay. Swiss medical weekly. 2019;149(1718).
21. Arnold B, Moeller J, Hochstrasser L, Schneeberger AR, Borgwardt S, Lang UE, et al. Compulsory admission to psychiatric wards–who is admitted, and who appeals against admission? Frontiers in psychiatry. 2019;10:544.
22. Seixas AA, Vallon J, Barnes-Grant A, Butler M, Langford AT, Grandner MA, et al. Mediating effects of body mass index, physical activity, and emotional distress on the relationship between short sleep and cardiovascular disease. Medicine. 2018;97(37).
23. Schneeberger AR, Spring E, Schwartz BJ, Peter T, Seifritz E, Felber E, et al. TARPSY: A New System of Remuneration for Psychiatric Hospitalization in Switzerland. Psychiatric Services. 2018;69(10):1056-8.
24. Schneeberger AR, Schwartz BJ. The Swiss mental health care system. Psychiatric Services. 2018;69(2):126-8.
25. Schneeberger AR. Auswirkungen von Aggression, Zwang und Trauma in der Psychiatrie: University of Zurich; 2018.
26. Schneeberger A, Seixas A, Schweinfurth N, Lang U, Cajochen C, Bux D, et al. 0980 Differences in Disturbed Sleep between Immigrants and Non-Immigrants in Switzerland attributed to Emotional Distress: Analysis of the Swiss Health Survey. Sleep. 2018;41(suppl_1):A363-A4.
27. Nuñez DG, Schneeberger AR. 10 Trauma unter dem Regenbogen: Stigmatisierung von Gender-und sexuellen Minderheiten. 2018.
28. Lo SB, Gaupp R, Huber C, Schneeberger A, Garic G, Voulgaris A, et al. Einfluss einer „Offenen-Tür-Politik “auf die Stationsatmosphäre: Auswirkungen auf die Behandlungsqualität. Psychiatrische Praxis. 2018;45(03):133-9.
29. Jellestad L, Jäggi T, Corbisiero S, Schaefer DJ, Jenewein J, Schneeberger A, et al. Quality of life in transitioned trans persons: a retrospective cross-sectional cohort study. BioMed research international. 2018;2018.
30. Jäggi T, Jellestad L, Corbisiero S, Schaefer DJ, Jenewein J, Schneeberger A, et al. Gender minority stress and depressive symptoms in transitioned Swiss transpersons. BioMed research international. 2018;2018.
31. Hotzy F, Theodoridou A, Hoff P, Schneeberger AR, Seifritz E, Olbrich S, et al. Machine learning: an approach in identifying risk factors for coercion compared to binary logistic regression. Frontiers in psychiatry. 2018;9:258.
32. Hotzy F, Moetteli S, Theodoridou A, Schneeberger AR, Seifritz E, Hoff P, et al. Clinical course and prevalence of coercive measures: an observational study among involuntarily hospitalised psychiatric patients. Swiss medical weekly. 2018;148:w14616.
33. Hotzy F, Kieber-Ospelt I, Schneeberger AR, Jaeger M, Olbrich S. Length of involuntary hospitalization related to the referring physician’s psychiatric emergency experience. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. 2018;45(2):254-64.
34. Hotzy F, Kerner J, Maatz A, Jaeger M, Schneeberger AR. Cross-cultural notions of risk and liberty: a comparison of Involuntary Psychiatric Hospitalization and Outpatient Treatment in New York, United States and Zurich, Switzerland. Frontiers in psychiatry. 2018;9:267.
35. Hochstrasser L, Fröhlich D, Schneeberger A, Borgwardt S, Lang U, Stieglitz R-D, et al. Long-term reduction of seclusion and forced medication on a hospital-wide level: implementation of an open-door policy over 6 years. European Psychiatry. 2018;48(1):51-7.
36. Heuss SC, Schwartz BJ, Schneeberger AR. Second opinions in psychiatry: a review. Journal of psychiatric practice. 2018;24(6):434.
37. Hermann H, Hoff P, Hotzy F, Schneller L, Theodoridou A, Jäger M. Fürsorgerische Unterbringung in psychiatrische Kliniken: Schwierigkeiten und Unterschiede in der praktischen Umsetzung. Schweizerische Ärztezeitung (SÄZ). 2018;99(16):524-6.
38. Furrer M, Schneeberger AR, Aebi M. 72. Der Einfluss ambulanter psychiatrischer Pflege auf die Le-bensqualität bei Menschen mit psychotischen Störungen. Gute Arbeit. 2018:296.
39. Furrer M, Jakob NJ, Cattapan-Ludewing K, Seixas A, Huber CG, Schneeberger AR. Patient satisfaction and quality of life in people with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders in a rural area. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. 2018;45(2):245-53.
40. Seixas AA, Auguste E, Butler M, James C, Newsome V, Auguste E, et al. Differences in short and long sleep durations between blacks and whites attributed to emotional distress: analysis of the National Health Interview Survey in the United States. Sleep health. 2017;3(1):28-34.
41. Schneeberger AR, Kowalinski E, Fröhlich D, Schröder K, von Felten S, Zinkler M, et al. Aggression and violence in psychiatric hospitals with and without open door policies: a 15-year naturalistic observational study. Journal of psychiatric research. 2017;95:189-95.
42. Schneeberger AR, Huber CG, Seixas A, Muenzenmaier KH, Lang UE, Castille D, et al. Alcohol consumption and use of health care services in people with severe mental illness and stressful childhood experiences. Journal of Addictive Diseases. 2017;36(2):97-104.
43. Schneeberger AR, Huber CG, Lang UE, Muenzenmaier KH, Castille D, Jaeger M, et al. Effects of assisted outpatient treatment and health care services on psychotic symptoms. Social Science & Medicine. 2017;175:152-60.
44. Nolan D, Schneeberger A, Huber C, Gupta R. Efficacy of treatment for tinnitus based on cognitive behavioral therapy in an inpatient setting: A 10-year retrospective outcome analysis. Journal of Hearing Science. 2017;7(2).
45. Montagna G, Schneeberger AR, Rossi L, Micheli GB, Meani F, Imperiali M, et al. Can we make a portrait of women with inoperable locally advanced breast cancer? The Breast. 2017;33:83-90.
46. Merz MA, Terheyden H, Huber CG, Seixas AA, Schoetzau A, Schneeberger AR. Facilitators and barriers influencing the readiness to receive dental implants in a geriatric institutionalised population—A randomized non‐invasive interventional study. Gerodontology. 2017;34(3):306-12.
47. Lo SB, Gaupp R, Huber C, Schneeberger A, Garic G, Voulgaris A, et al. Influence of an" Open Door Policy" on ward climate: impact on treatment quality. Psychiatrische Praxis. 2017;45(3):133-9.
48. Kowalinski E, Schneeberger AR, Lang UE, Huber CG. Safety through locked doors in psychiatry? Beneficial coercion in psychiatry?: mentis; 2017. p. 147-62.
49. Schneeberger AR, Weiss A, Von Blumenthal S, Lang UE, Huber CG, Schwartz BJ. Beyond watches and chocolate—global mental health elective in Switzerland. Academic Psychiatry. 2016;40(4):710-4.
50. Schneeberger AR, Pankok J, Dietl MF, Muenzenmaier KH, Castille D, Link BG. Anger mediates the relationship between adult victimization experiences and increased dissociative phenomena in women with severe mental illness. Investigating Gender-Based Violence; Editors: Pozzolo, Susanna; Viggiani, Giacomo: Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing; London, UK; 2016. p. 168-89.
51. Schneeberger AR, Huber CG, Lang UE. Open wards in psychiatric clinics and compulsory psychiatric admissions. JAMA psychiatry. 2016;73(12):1293-.
52. Schneeberger AR. Entwicklung der Sozialpsychiatrie. Psychiatrie und Gesellschaft im Wandel der Zeit 1900-2016; Editor: Anja Oswald: Schwabe; 2016. p. pp. 343.
53. Schneeberger AR. Antisoziale Persönlichkeitsstörungen bei Frauen. Handbuch der Antisozialen Persönlichkeitsstörungen; Editoren: Birger Dulz; Peer Briken; Otto F Kernberg; Udo Rauchfleisch: Schattauer; 2016. p. 640.
54. Huber CG, Schneeberger AR, Kowalinski E, Fröhlich D, von Felten S, Walter M, et al. Arbitrary classification of hospital policy regarding open and locked doors–Authors' reply. The Lancet Psychiatry. 2016;3(12):1103-4.
55. Huber CG, Schneeberger AR, Kowalinski E, Fröhlich D, von Felten S, Walter M, et al. Suicide risk and absconding in psychiatric hospitals with and without open door policies: a 15 year, observational study. The Lancet Psychiatry. 2016;3(9):842-9.
56. Ford JD, Schneeberger AR, Komarovskaya I, Muenzenmaier K, Castille D, Opler, Lewis A., Link B. The Symptoms of Trauma Scale (SOTS): Psychometric Evaluation and Gender Differences with Adults Diagnosed with Serious Mental Illness. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation. 2016(
57. Schneeberger AR. Are stressful childhood experiences relevant in non-monosexual women? A comment on Persson, TJ, Pfaus, JG, & Ryder, AG (2014). Social Science & Medicine. 2015(128):334-5.
58. Muenzenmaier KH, Seixas AA, Schneeberger AR, Castille DM, Battaglia J, Link BG. Cumulative effects of stressful childhood experiences on delusions and hallucinations. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation. 2015;16(4):442-62.
59. Huber CG, Sowislo JF, Schneeberger AR, Bodenmann BF, Lang UE. Empowerment – ein Weg zur Entstigmatisierung. Swiss Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry. 2015;166(7):224-31.
60. Huber C, Sowislo J, Schneeberger A, Bodenmann BF, Lang U. Empowerment—a new pathway toward de-stigmatising mental illness and psychiatry. Schweiz Arch Neurol Psychiatr. 2015;166(7):224-32.
61. Schneeberger AR, Muenzenmaier K, Castille D, Battaglia J, Link B. Use of psychotropic medication groups in people with severe mental illness and stressful childhood experiences. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation. 2014;15(4):494-511.
62. Schneeberger AR, Dietl MF, Muenzenmaier KH, Huber CG, Lang UE. Stressful childhood experiences and health outcomes in sexual minority populations: a systematic review. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology. 2014;49(9):1427-45.
63. Muenzenmaier K, Schneeberger AR, Castille DM, Battaglia J, Seixas AA, Link B. Stressful childhood experiences and clinical outcomes in people with serious mental illness: a gender comparison in a clinical psychiatric sample. Journal of Family Violence. 2014;29(4):419-29.
64. Jungfer H-A, Schneeberger AR, Borgwardt S, Walter M, Vogel M, Gairing SK, et al. Reduction of seclusion on a hospital-wide level: successful implementation of a less restrictive policy. Journal of psychiatric research. 2014;54:94-9.
65. Trotta C, Lang U, Schneeberger A. Mental health care across two nations –Switzerland and the United States of America. Swiss Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry. 2013;164(5):165-9.
66. Schneeberger AR, Muenzenmaier KH, Battaglia J, Castille D, Link BG. Childhood abuse, head injuries, and use of medical emergency services in people with severe mental illness. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. 2012;21(5):570-82.
67. Schneeberger AR, Muenzenmaier K, Abrams M, Antar L, Leon SR, Ruberman L, et al. Comprehensive trauma training curriculum for psychiatry residents. Academic Psychiatry. 2012;36(2):136-7.
68. Schneeberger A, Muenzenmaier K, Abrams M. Erratum to: Comprehensive trauma training curriculum for psychiatry residents. Academic Psychiatry. 2012;36(3):239-.
69. Schneeberger AR. Narcissism and Object Relation. Through the Self to the Object Original Germ. American Journal of Psychotherapy. 2009;63:3.
70. Schneeberger AR. Book Review: Narcissism and Object Relation. Through the Self to the Object (Original German title: Narzissmus und Objektbeziehung). American Journal of Psychotherapy. 2009;63:283-4.
71. Schneeberger A, Muenzenmaier K, Castille D, Link B. P0217-Co-occurrance of childhood trauma and adult psychosis: A picture of co-morbidity. European Psychiatry. 2008;23(S2):S144-S.
72. Schneeberger A, Rauchfleisch U, Battegay R. Psychosomatische Folgen und Begleitphänomene der Diskriminierung am Arbeitsplatz bei homosexuellen Menschen. [Psychosomatic consequences and phenomena of discrimination at work against people with homosexual orientation.]. Swiss Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry. 2002(153):137-43.
73. Schneeberger AR. Psychosomatische Folgen und Begleitphänomene der Diskriminierung am Arbeitsplatz bei Menschen mit homosexueller Orientierung: Verlag nicht ermittelbar; 2000.
74. Warnke I, Schneeberger A, Camenisch V, Friedl N, Buadze A, Schleifer R, et al. Pilotstudie zur heroingestützten Behandlung im Strafvollzug: Quantitative und qualitative Ergebnisse.
75. Stassen H, St Guggenbühl DH, Lott P, Schneeberger A, Pulver A. Speech Characteristics in Schizophrenia, Bipolar Illness and Major Depression.
76. Hotzy F, Kieber-Ospelt I, Schneeberger AR, Jäger M, Olbrich S. Length of stay after involuntary admission related to the referring physician’s psychiatric emergency experience.