Bang H. Hoang

Bang H. Hoang, M.D.




  • Montefiore Medical Center Medical Arts Pavilion 3400 Bainbridge Avenue Bronx, NY 10467

Lab of Bang H. Hoang

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Professional Interests

Bang Hoang, M.D. is a board-certified orthopeadic surgeon at Montefiore Einstein Health System who specializes in treating patients with bone and soft tissue tumors. Dr. Hoang is a graduate of UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine and completed his residency in orthopaedic surgery at Case Western Reserve University Hospitals. During medical school, he was awarded a Howard Hughes fellowship to receive training at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD. After residency, he completed a fellowship in orthopaedic oncology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. Before coming to Montefiore-Einstein, he was Director of the Multidisciplinary Sarcoma Center at the Univ of California, Irvine Healthcare system in Orange County, CA (sarcomas are tumors arising from nerves, blood vessels, fat, muscles, bones, and other connective tissues). He is currently Professor in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and holds the Arnold S. and Madaleine Penner Endowed Chair in Orthopaedic Oncology. He is also Co-Director of the Orthopaedic Oncology Division at Montefiore Einstein. His clinical practice is focused on musculoskeletal oncology, and in particular, the treatment of adults and children with benign and malignant bone and soft tissue tumors and metastatic bone disease. He has served on several grant funding and educational committees for the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation. Currently, he serves on the executive board as a committee chair for the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society, the largest association of bone tumor surgeons in the U.S.

Besides his clinical practice, Dr. Hoang also heads a research team at Montefiore Einstein that developed genetically engineered and human-derived xenograft models of sarcoma. These models have been used widely by researchers to understand the complex tumor microenvironments of bone and soft tissue sarcomas and to find new therapies which target signaling pathways and mutations in major tumor suppressor genes, such as Rb1 and p53.  Currently, he is leading a team at Montefiore Einstein that receives R01 funding from the National Cancer Institute to develop genetically engineered models and bioinformatic pipelines to study the impact of the proteosome degradation pathway in pediatric sarcoma and to develop new treatments for these cancers.

In 2007, the American Orthopaedic Association selected Dr. Hoang for its flagship North American Traveling Fellowship. During the month-long fellowship, he was invited to lecture at several academic institutions in the U.S. and Canada, including Harvard-MGH, Johns Hopkins, Univ of Maryland-Shock Trauma, Rothman, Darmouth, McGill, and Emory, among others. For their work on the pathogenesis of osteosarcoma, Hoang and his colleagues Yi Guo (Albert Einstein), Randall Holcombe (Univ of Vermont), and Xiaolin Zi (UC Irvine), were awarded the 2011 Kappa Delta Ann Doner Vaughn Award. Since 1950, the Kappa Delta Award has been given by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons to recognize clinical research with the highest impact on musculoskeletal diseases. In addition, Hoang's work on the VEGF-Neuropilin axis as a novel therapeutic target for osteosarcoma was also recognized by the 2011 Career Development Award from the Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation.

Selected Publications

Selected Publication


1. Chang SC, Hoang B, Thomas JT, Vukicevic S, Luyten FP, Ryba NJ, Kozak CA, Reddi AH, Moos M Jr. Cartilage-derived morphogenetic proteins. New members of the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily predominantly expressed in long bones during human embryonic development. J. Biol. Chem. 262, 28227-34 (1994).

2. Hoang B, Moos M Jr., Vukicevic S, Luyten FP. Primary Structure and Tissue Distribution of FRZB, a Novel Protein Related to Drosophila Frizzled Suggest a Role in Skeletal Morphogenesis. J. Biol. Chem. 271: 26131-37 (1996).

3. Hoang BH, Thomas JT, Abdul-Karim FW, Correia KM, Conlon RA, Luyten F.P, Ballock RT. Expression Pattern of Two Frizzled-Related Genes, Frzb-1 and Sfrp-1, During Mouse Embryogenesis Suggests a Role for Modulating Action of Wnt Family Members. Dev. Dyn. 212: 364-372 (1998).

4. Kennedy JG, Donahue JP, Hoang BH, Boland PJ. Vesicant characteristics of oxapliplatin following antecubital extravasation. Clin Oncol. 15:237-239 (2003).

5. Kennedy JG, Donahue JR, Hoang BH, Aydin H, Huvos A, Morris C. Metastatic breast carcinoma to bone disguised by osteopoikiliosis. Skel. Radiol. 32:240-243 (2003).

6. Kennedy JG, Frelinghuysen P, Hoang BH. Ewing sarcoma: current concepts in diagnosis and treatment. Curr Opin Pediatr. 15:53-7 (2003).

7. Hoang BH, Kubo T, Healey JH, Sowers R, Mazza B, Yang R, Huvos AG, Meyers PA, Gorlick R. Expression of LDL Receptor-Related Protein 5 (LRP5) as a Novel Marker for Disease Progression in High-Grade Osteosarcoma. Int J Cancer. 109:106-11 (2004).

8. Hoang BH, Kubo T, Healey JH, Yang R, Nathan SS, Mazza B, Meyers PA, Gorlick R. Dkk-3 Inhibits Invasion and Motility of Saos-2 Osteosarcoma Cells by Modulating the Wnt-Beta-Catenin Pathway. Cancer Res. 64:2734-9 (2004).

9. Hoang BH, Dyke JP, Koutcher JA, Mizobuchi H, Huvos AG, Mazza B, Meyers PA, Gorlick R, Healey JH. VEGF Expression in Osteosarcoma Correlates with Vascular Permeability by Dynamic MRI. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 426:32-8 (2004).

10. Laverdiere C, Hoang BH, Yang R, Sowers R, Qin J, Meyers PA, Huvos AG, Healey JH, Gorlick R. Messenger RNA Expression Levels of CXCR4 Correlates with Metastatic Behavior and Outcome in Patients with Osteosarcoma. Clin Cancer Res. 11:2561-7 (2005).

11. Nathan SS, DiResta GR, Casas-Ganem EJ, Hoang BH, Sowers R, Yang R, Huvos AG. Gorlick R, Healey JH. Elevated Physiological Tumor Pressure Promotes Proliferation and Chemosensitivity in Human Osteosarcoma. Clin Cancer Res. 11:2389-97 (2005).

12. Nathan SS, Healey JH, Mellano D, Hoang B, Lewis I, Morris CD, Athanasian EA, Boland PJ. Survival in Patients Operated on for Pathologic Fracture: Implications for End-of-Life Orthopedic Care. J Clin Oncol. 23:6072-82 (2005).

13. Zi X, Guo Y, Simoneau AR, Hope C, Holcombe RF, Hoang BH. Expression of a secreted Wnt antagonist, Frzb/sFRP-3, in human androgen-independent prostate cancer PC-3 cells suppresses tumor growth and cellular invasiveness. Cancer Res. 65:9762-70 (2005).

14. Hammond G, Gu M, Tehranzadeh J, Hoang BH. Periprosthetic soft tissue recurrence of chondroblastoma after attempted en-bloc excision from the proximal humerus. Skel Radiol. 35:53-7 (2006).

15. Haydon JB, Hoang, BH. Osteosarcoma: Basic Science and Clinical Implications. Orthop Clin North Am. 37:1-7 (2006).

16. Kuphal S, Lodermeyer S, Bataille F, Schuierer M, Hoang BH, Bosserhoff AK. Expression of Dickkopf genes is strongly reduced in malignant melanoma. Oncogene. 25:5027-36 (2006).

17. Shibuya TY, Wadhwa A, Nguyen K, Panossian A, Kim S, Wong H, Feinberg S, Damisah EC, Camilon RP, Hoang B. Linking of bone morphogenetic protein-2 to resorbable fracture plates for enhancing bone healing. The Lanryngoscope. 115:2232-7 (2006).

18. Yang R, Kolb EA, Qin J, Chou A, Sowers R, Hoang B, Healey JH, Huvos AG, Meyers PA, Gorlick R. The folate receptor alpha is frequently overexpressed in osteosarcoma samples and plays a role in the uptake of the physiologic substrate 5-methyltetrahydrofolate. Clin Cancer Res. 13:2557-67 (2007).

19. Keyak JH, Kaneko TS, Skinner HB, Hoang BH. The Effect of Simulated Metastatic Lesions on Proximal Femoral Strength. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 459:139-45 (2007).

20. Guo Y, Zi X, Koontz Z, Kim A, Xie J, Gorlick R, Holcombe RF, Hoang BH. Blocking Wnt/LRP5 signaling by a soluble receptor modulates the epithelial to mesenchymal transition and suppresses Met and metalloproteinases in osteosarcoma Saos-2 cells. J Orthop Res. 25:964-71(2007).

21. Yang R, Hoang BH, Kubo T, Kawano H, Chou A, Sowers R, Huvos AG, Meyers PA, Healey JH, Gorlick R. Overexpression of parathyroid hormone type-1 receptor confers an aggressive phenotype in osteosarcoma. Int J Cancer. 121:943-54 (2007).

22. Guo Y, Xie J, Rubin E, Tang YX, Lin F, Zi X, Hoang BH. Frzb, a secreted Wnt antagonist, decreases growth and invasiveness of fibrosarcoma cells associated with inhibition of Met signaling. Cancer Res. 68:3350-60 (2008).

23. Yang R, Li WW, Hoang BH, Kim H, Banerjee D, Kheradpour A, Healey JH, Meyers PA, Bertino JR, Gorlick R. Quantitative correlation between promoter methylation and messenger RNA levels of the reduced folate carrier. BMC Cancer. 8:124 (2008).

24. Yang R, Qin J, Hoang BH, Healey JH, Gorlick R. Polymorphisms and Methylation of the Reduced Folate Carrier in Osteosarcoma. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 466:2046-2051 (2008).

25. Guo Y, Rubin E, Xie J, Zi X, Hoang BH. Dominant Negative LRP5 Decreases Tumorigenicity and Metastasis of Osteosarcoma. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 466:2039-2045 (2008).

26. Wolf JM, Athwal GS, Hoang B, Mehta S, Owens BD. Report from the 2007 AOA North American Traveling Fellowship. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 90:1160-4 (2008).

27. Healey JH, Hoang, BH. Cancer Biology - Lessons Learned From Sarcoma. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 466:2029-30 (2008).

28. Tang Y, Simoneau AR, Liao WX, Yi G, Hope C, Liu F, Li S, Xie J, Holcombe RF, Jurnak FA, Mercola D, Hoang BH, Zi X. WIF1, a Wnt pathway inhibitor, regulates SKP2 and c-myc expression leading to G1 arrest and growth inhibition of human invasive urinary bladder cancer cells. Mol Cancer Ther. 8:458-68 (2009).

29. Wolf JM, Athwal G, Hoang BH, Mehta S, Williams A, Owens BD. Knowledge of Levels of Evidence Criteria in Orthopaedic Residents. Orthopaedics 32:494 (2009).

30. Abdeen A, Hoang BH, Athanasian EA, Morris CD, Boland PJ, Healey JH. Allograft-Prosthesis Reconstruction of the Proximal Part of the Humerus. J Bone Joint Surg Am 91:2406-15 (2009).

31. Lee J, Hoang BH, Ziogas A, Zell J. Analysis of Prognostic Factors in Ewing Sarcoma Using a Population-Based Cancer Registry. Cancer 116:1964-73 (2010).

32. Rubin EM, Guo Y, Tu K, Xie J, Zi X, Hoang BH. Wnt Inhibitory Factor 1 (WIF-1) decreases tumorigenesis and metastasis in osteosarcoma. Mol Cancer Ther. 9:731-41 (2010).

33. Yee SD, Tang Y, Li X, Liu Z, Guo Y, Ghaffar S, McQueen P, Atreya D, Xie J, Simoneau AR, Hoang BH, and Zi X. The Wnt inhibitory factor 1 restoration in prostate cancer cells was associated with reduced tumor growth, decreased capacity of cell migration and invasion and a reversal of epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Mol Cancer 9:162 (2010).

34. Kirkpatrick JS, Cornell CN, Hoang BH, Hsu W, Watson JT, Watters WC 3rd, Turkelson CM, Wies JL, Anderson S. Bone void fillers. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 18:576-9 (2010).

35. McQueen P, Ghaffar S,Guo Y,Rubin EM,Zi X,Hoang BH. The Wnt signaling pathway: Implications for therapy in osteosarcoma. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther 11: 1223-32 (2011).

36. Lee J, Bhatia N, Hoang BH, Ziogas A, Zell J. Analysis of Prognostic Factors in Chordoma Using the California Cancer Registry. J Bone Joint Surg Am 4:356-63. (2012).

37. Eskander R, Randall L, Sakai T, Guo Y, Hoang B, Zi X. Flavokawain B, A Novel Naturally Occuring Chalcone, Exhibits Robust Apoptotic Effects and Induces G2/M Arrest of a Uterine Leiomyosarcoma Cell Line. J Obs Gyn Res. 38:1086-94 (2012).

38. Flavokawain B, a Kava Chalcone, Induces Apoptosis in Synovial Sarcoma Cell Lines. Sakai T, Eskander RN, Guo Y, Kim KJ, Mefford J, Hopkins J, Bhatia NN, Zi X, Hoang BH. J Orthop Res. 30:1045-50 (2012).

39. Eskander R, Ali S, Lankes H, Dellinger T, Hoang B, Ramirez N, Monk B, Walker J, Eisenhauer E, Randall L. Expression patterns of the Wnt pathway inhibitor dickKOPF-3 (Dkk3) and secreted frizzled-related proteins (sFRP) 1 and 4 in endometrial endometrioid adenocarcinoma: A gynecologic oncology group study. Gynecol Oncol 127(1 Suppl):S5 (2012)

40. Lin CH, Guo Y, Ghaffar S, McQueen P, Pourmorady J, Christ A, Rooney K, Ji T, Eskander R, Zi X, Hoang BH. Dkk-3, a secreted Wnt antagonist, suppresses tumorigenic potential and pulmonary metastasis in osteosarcoma. Sarcoma 2013:147541 Epub (2013).

41. Lee J, Vu L, Steinhoff A, Hoang BH.Vascular Tumor in Metal-On-Polyethylene Total Hip Arthroplasty Requiring Hemipelvectomy. Orthopaedics 36:e974-7 (2013).

42. Eskander RN, Ji T, Huynh B, Wardeh R, Randall LM, Hoang B. Inhibition of Enhancer of Zeste Homolog 2 (EZH2) expression is associated with decreased tumor cell proliferation, migration and invasion in endometrial cancer cell lines. Int J Gyn Cancer 23:997-1005 (2013).

43. Ji T, Lin C, Krill LS, Eskander R, Guo Y, Zi X, Hoang BH. Flavokawain B induces Apoptosis and G2/M Cell-Cycle Arrest in Human Osteosarcoma Cells. Mol Cancer 12:55 (2013).

44. Bederman SS, Shah KN, Hassan JM, Hoang BH, Kiester PD, Bhatia NN.Surgical techniques for spinopelvic reconstruction following total sacrectomy: a systematic review. Eur Spine J 23:305-319 (2014).

45. Li X, Xu X, Ji T, Liu Z, Gu M, Hoang BH, Zi X. Dietary feeding of Flavokawain A, a Kava chalcone, exhibits a satisfactory safety profile and its association with enhancement of phase II enzymes in mice. Toxicol Rep 1:2-11 (2014).

46. Ji T, Eskander R, Wang Y, Sun K, Hoang BH, Guo W. Can surgical management of bone metastases improve quality of life among women with gynecologic cancer? World J Surg Oncol 12(1):250 (2014).

47. Lin C, Ji T, Chen CF, Hoang BH. Wnt Signaling in Osteosarcoma: Current Advances in Osteosarcoma. Adv Exp Med Biol 804: 33-45 (2014).

48. Lopez G, Ji T, Hoang BH, Bederman S. Robotic Guidance for En Bloc Sacrectomy: A Case Report. Spine 39:E1398-401 (2014).

49. Yokoyama NN, Shao S, Hoang BH, Mercola D, Zi X. Wnt signaling in castration-resistant prostate cancer: implications for therapy. Am J Clin Exp Urol 2(1):27-44 (2014).

50. Ji T, Guo Y, Kim K, McQueen P, Ghaffar S, Christ A, Lin C, Eskander R, Zi X, Hoang BH. Neuropilin-2 expression is inhibited by secreted Wnt antagonists and its down-regulation is associated with reduced tumor growth and metastasis in osteosarcoma. Mol Cancer 14(1):86 (2015).

51. Eskander RN, Ali S, Dellinger T, Lankes HA, Randall LM, Ramirez NC, Monk BJ, Walker JL, Eisenhauer E, Hoang BH. Expression Patterns of the Wnt Pathway Inhibitors Dickkopf3 and Secreted Frizzled-Related Proteins 1 and 4 in Endometrial Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma: An NRG Oncology/Gynecologic Oncology Group Study. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 26(1):125-32 (2016).

52. Yang R, Piperdi S, Zhang Y, Zhu W, Neophytou N, Hoang BH, Mason G, Geller D, Dorfman H, Meyers PA, Healey JH, Phinney DG, Gorlick R. Transcriptional Profiling Identifies the Signaling Axes of IGF and Transforming Growth Factor-β as Involved in the Pathogenesis of Osteosarcoma. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 474(1):178-89 (2016).

53. Koirala P, Roth ME, Gill J, Piperdi S, Chinai JM, Geller DS, Hoang BH, Park A, Fremed MA, Zang X, Gorlick R. Immune infiltration and PD-L1 expression in the tumor microenvironment are prognostic in osteosarcoma. Sci Rep. 6:30093 (2016).

54. Koirala P, Roth ME, Gill J, Chinai JM, Ewart MR, Piperdi S, Geller DS, Hoang BH, Fatakhova YV, Ghorpade M, Zang X, Gorlick R. HHLA2, a member of the B7 family, is expressed in human osteosarcoma and is associated with metastases and worse survival. Sci Rep. 6:31154 (2016).

55. Brochin RL; Silver JS; Thornhill BA; Blosser SA; Abraham JA; Hoang BH; Yang R; Geller DS. Characterization and Distribution of Vertebral Hemangiomas Including a Novel Geographic Map. Montefiore J Musculoskel Med & Surg 1:26-29 (2016).

56. Geller DS, Morris J, Revskaya E, Kahn M, Zhang W, Piperdi S, Park A, Koirala P, Guzik H, Hall C, Hoang B, Yang R, Roth M, Gill J, Gorlick R, Dadachova E. Targeted therapy of osteosarcoma with radiolabeled monoclonal antibody to an insulin-like growth factor-2 receptor (IGF2R). Nucl Med Biol. 43:812-817 (2016).

57. Horne L, Avilucea FR, Jin H, Barrott JJ, Smith-Fry K, Wang Y, Hoang BH, Jones KB. LRP5 Signaling in Osteosarcomagenesis: a Cautionary Tale of Translation from Cell Lines to Tumors. Translational Oncol. 9:438–444 (2016).

58. Yang Y, Yang R, Roth M, Piperdi S, Zhang W, Dorfman H, Rao PH, Park A, Sandeep T, Rosenblum J, Geller D, Hoang B, Gill J, Gorlick R. Genetically Transforming Human Osteoblasts to Sarcoma: Development of an Osteosarcoma Model. Genes & Cancer 8(1-2):484-494 (2017).

59. Morris J, Yang R, Hoang BH, Garfein E, Geller DS. Mechanical Analysis of the Vascularized Fibular Graft Prosthetic Composite (VFGPC) for Internal Hemipelvectomy Reconstruction. J Surg Oncol 115(7):864-869 (2017).

60. Jandial DD, Krill LS, Chen L, Wu C, Ke Y, Xie J, Hoang BH, Zi X. Induction of G2M arrest by flavokawain A, a kava chalcone, increases the responsiveness of HER2 overexpressing breast cancer cells to Herceptin. Molecules 21:462 (2017).

61. Peterson HM, Hoang BH, Geller D, Yang R, Gorlick R, Berger J, Tingling J, Roth M, Gill J, Roblyer. In vivo, non-invasive functional measurements of bone sarcoma using diffuse optical spectroscopic imaging. J Biomed Optic 22(12):1-9 (2017).

62. Shaul E, Roth M, Lo Y, Geller DS, Hoang B, Yang R, Malkin D, Gorlick R, Gill J. Pediatric Oncologist Willingness to Offer Germline TP53 Testing in Osteosarcoma. Cancer 124(6):1242-1250 (2018).

63. Barris DM, Weiner SB, Dubin RA, Fremed M, Zhang X, Piperdi S, Zhang W, Maqbool S, Gill J, Roth M, Hoang B, Geller D, Gorlick R, Weiser DA. Detection of circulating tumor DNA in patients with osteosarcoma. Oncotarget 9(16):12695-12704 (2018).

64. Zhang, Y, Zvi, YS, Batko, B, Zaphiros, N, O’Donnell, E, Wang, J, Sato, K, Yang, R, Geller, DS, Koirala, P, Zhang, W, Du, X, Piperdi, S, Liu, Y, Zheng, D, Roth, M, Gill, J, Zhang, J, Ren, T, Gorlick, R, Zi, Hoang BH. Down-Regulation of Skp2 Expression Inhibits Invasion and Lung Metastasis in Osteosarcoma. Sci Rep 24;8(1):14294 (2018).

65. Levine, NL, Zhang, Y, Hoang, BH, Yang, R, Jurkowski, ZH, Roth, ME, Gill, JB, Lo, Y, Eisenberg, RE, Bekarev, M, Gorlick, RG, Geller, DS. LigaSure™ Use Decreases Intraoperative Blood Loss Volume and Blood Transfusion Volume in Sarcoma Surgery. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2019 Nov 15;27(22):841-847. PMID: 30889038

66. Li, X, Pham, V, Tippin, M, Fu, D, Rendon, RZ, Song, L, Uchio, E, Hoang, BH; Zi, X. Flavokawain B targets protein neddylation for enhancing the anti-prostate cancer effect of Bortezomib via Skp2 degradation. Cell Commun Signal. 17:25 (2019). PMID: 30885218

67. Miller BJ, Yang R, Geller DS, Hoang BH. Epidemiology, Therapeutic Strategies, Outcomes, and Complications of Pathologic Fractures. Instr Course Lect. 68:567-576 (2019). PMID: 32032057

68. Karkare S, Allen KJH, Jiao R, Malo ME, Dawicki W, Helal M, Godson DL, Dickinson R, MacDonald-Dickinson V, Yang R, Hoang B, Gorlick R, Geller DS, Dadachova E. Detection and targeting insulin growth factor receptor type 2 (IGF2R) in osteosarcoma PDX in mouse models and in canine osteosarcoma tumors. Sci Rep 9(1):11476 (2019). PMID: 31391495

69. Levine NL, Hoang BH, Yang R, Weiser D, Morris J, Gorlick R, Gill JB, Roth ME, Tingling J, Brohl AS, Geller DS. Genomic Analysis Does Not Support ‘Malignant Transformation’ of Osteoblastoma to Osteosarcoma. JCO Precision Oncology 3 (2019).

70. Krill L, Deng W, Eskander R, Mutch D, Zweizig S, Hoang B, Ioffe O, Randall L, Lankes H, Miller DS, Birrer M. Overexpression of enhance of Zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) in endometrial carcinoma: An NRG Oncology/Gynecologic Oncology Group Study. Gynecol Oncol 156 (2): 423-429 (2020). PMID: 31843273

71. Yang R, Goch A, Murphy D, Wang J, Charubhumi V, Fox J, Sen M, Hoang B, Geller D. A Novel Tripod Percutaneous Reconstruction Technique in Periacetabular Lesions Caused by Metastatic Cancer. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 102(7):592-599 (2020). PMID: 32079881

72. Wang J, Sato K, O'Donnell E, Singla A, Yaguare S, O Aldahamsheh, Batko B, Borjihan H, Tingling J, Zhang J, Weiser DA, Loeb DM, Gorlick R, Schwartz EL, Yang R, Zi X, Zhao H, Geller DS, Hoang BH. Skp2 Depletion Reduces Tumor-Initiating Properties and Promotes Apoptosis in Synovial Sarcoma. Transl Oncol. 13(10):100809 (2020). PMID: 32623326

73. Peterson HM, Tanka A, Geller D, Yang R, Gorlick R, Hoang BH, Roblyer D. Characterization of bony anatomic regions in pediatric and adult healthy volunteers using diffuse optical spectroscopic imaging. J Biomed Optics 25(8): 086002 (2020).

74. Singla A, Wang J, Yang R, Geller DS, Loeb DM, Hoang BH. Wnt Signaling in Osteosarcoma. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1258:125-139 (2020). PMID: 32767238

75. Ugur E, Volaski H, Yang R, Hoang B, Levine N, Singh S, Wang J, Geller D. Variability in the Reported Surgical Techniques and Methods for Intercalary Reconstruction Following Tumor Resection. Surg Oncol. 38:101610 (2021). PMID: 34091268

76. Zvi Y, Ugur E, Batko B, Gill J, Roth M, Gorlick R, Hall D, Tingling J, Barkauskas DA, Zhang J, Yang R, Hoang BH, Geller DS. Prognostic and Therapeutic Utility of Six Cell Surface Receptors in Osteosarcoma. Sarcoma :8324348 (2021). PMID: 33603563

77. Wang J, Aldahamsheh O, Ferrena A, Borjihan H, Singla A, Yaguare S, Singh S, Viscarret V, Tingling J, Zi X, Lo Y, Gorlick R, Zheng D, Schwartz EL, Zhao H, Yang R, Geller DS, Hoang BH. The Interaction of SKP2 with p27 Enhances the Progression and Stemness of Osteosarcoma. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 490(1):90-104 (2021). PMID: 33594717

78. Comparison of Prophylactic Intravenous Antibiotic Regimens After Endoprosthetic Reconstruction for Lower Extremity Bone Tumors: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Prophylactic Antibiotic Regimens in Tumor Surgery (PARITY) Investigators, Ghert M, Schneider P, Guyatt G, Thabane L, Vélez R, O'Shea T, Randall RL, Turcotte R, Wilson D, Wunder JS, Baptista AM, Cheng EY, Doung YC, Ferguson PC, Giglio V, Hayden J, Heels-Ansdell D, Khan SA, Sampath Kumar V, McKay P, Miller B, van de Sande M, Zumárraga JP, Bhandari M, et al. JAMA Oncol. 8(3):345-353. (2022). PMID: 34989778

79. Gupta P, Zhao H, Hoang B, Schwartz EL. Targeting the untargetable: RB1-deficient tumors are vulnerable to Skp2 ubiquitin ligase inhibition. Br J Cancer. 127(6):969-975 (2022). PMID: 3575271

80. Yang R, Singh S, Wang J, Fox J, Thornhill B, Sen M, Hoang B, Geller D. Percutaneous Screw Stabilization of Non-Periacetabular Pelvic Lesions Caused by Metastatic Cancer and Multiple Myeloma. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 104: 577-85 (2022). PMID: 35139049

81. Ferrena A, Wang J, Zhang R, Karadal-Ferrena B, Al-Hardan W, Singh S, Borjihan H, Schwartz EL, Zhao H, Oktay MH, Yang R, Geller DS, Hoang BH, Zheng D. SKP2 knockout in Rb1/p53 deficient mouse models of osteosarcoma induces immune infiltration and drives a transcriptional program with a favorable prognosis. Mol Cancer Ther. 2023 Oct 24. Online ahead of print. PMID: 37871911

82. Wang J, Ferrena A, Zhang R, Singh S, Viscarret V, Al-Harden W, Aldahamsheh O, Borjihan H, Singla A, Yaguare S, Tingling J, Zi X, Lo Y, Gorlick R, Schwartz EL, Zhao H, Yang R, Geller DS, Zheng D, Hoang BH. Targeted inhibition of SCFSKP2 confers anti-tumor activities resulting in a survival benefit in osteosarcoma. Oncogene. 2024 Feb 14. Online ahead of print. PMID: 38355807