Daniel H. Pomerantz

Daniel H. Pomerantz, M.D., M.P.H.

Area of research

  • Palliative Care, Bioethics




  • Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital 16 Guion Place 712 New Rochelle, NY 10802

Selected Publications

Pomerantz D, Naaraayan A. Depression/Anxiety in Sydney E, Weinstein E, Rucker L, eds. Handbook of Outpatient Medicine, Springer (in press, March 22, 2018) 

DeCamp M, Pomerantz D, Cotts, K, Dzeng E, Farber N, Lehmann L, Reynolds PP, Sulmasy LS, Tilburt J. Ethical Issues in the Design and Implementation of Population Health Programs. J Gen Intern Med (online). DOI: 10.1007/s11606-017-4234-4

Akinboro O, Olorunfemi O, Basak P, Phillips E, Pomerantz D, Bernhardt B, et al. Secondhand Smoke Exposure Among Community-Dwelling Adult Cancer Survivors in the United States: 1999-2012. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2017;26(8):1296-305.

Pomerantz D. Should We Abandon Routine Visits? Ann Intern Med. 2016 Oct
4;165(7):528-529. doi: 10.7326/L16-0324. PubMed PMID: 27699397.