Tracey Straker

Tracey Straker, M.D.

  • Professor, Department of Anesthesiology (General Anesthesiology)
  • Vice Chair, Clinical Operations, Department of Anesthesiology
  • Chief, Division of General Anesthesiology, Department of Anesthesiology
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer, Department of Anesthesiology
  • Director, Advanced Airway/Otorhinolaryngology Fellowship Program, Department of Anesthesiology




  • Montefiore Medical Center 111 East 210th Street Silver Zone Bronx, NY 10467

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Research Profiles

Professional Interests


Dr. Tracey Straker MD MS MPH CBA FASA is a Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center in Bronx, New York.Dr. Straker graduated from the 7yr BS/ MD program, Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education, and earned her MD from New York Medical College. She then went on to train in anesthesiology at Montefiore Medical Center. In additon she holds a Masters in Public Health from New York Medical College and a Master’s degree in Health Information Technology from Georgetown University.


I currently serve as the Speaker of the House for the New York State Society for Anesthesiology and President Elect for the Society for Head and Neck Anesthesia. I am deeply involved in advocacy at American Society for Anesthesiology and the National Medical Association.

Dr. Straker currently serves as the Fellowship Director of the Combined Airway / ENT Fellowship, Director of Advanced Airway Rotation and Director Generalist Anesthesia . I have written several peer reviwed articles, book chapters in major textbooks, edited a textbook, lectured at several locations nationally and internationally and taught numerous airway management workshops.

 Myclinical research presently deals with airway management in the bariatric patient, intraoperative management in sleep apnea patients and competency in airway management.

Selected Publications


1.T Katsnelson ,T Straker ,E Farcon,S Schwalbe,The Bullard laryngoscope and a “directional tip “RAE tube , Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 1996 ,Vol 8 ,Issue 1 , pp.80-82


2. R. Levine, T. Straker, Alexandra Bastien, M. Jindal, V. Joseph, Reduction in Airway Complications Following the Introduction of an Airway Curriculum in an Academic Anesthesia Practice ,Journal of  Clinical Anesthesia 2008 Vol 21,Issue 1,pp.78-80


3 .K. Gibbs, G. Reddy, T. Straker, Unidentified Swallowed Object? When erosion is not erosion, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, Elsevier, May/June 2010 Vol 6 Num 3 pp.319-321.


4. L M.Pott, G. Randel , T Straker , KDBecker KD, RM Cooper , A Survey of Airway Training among US and Canadian Anesthesiology Residency Programs. Journal Clinical Anesthesia,

Feb 2011, Vol 23, Issue 1, pp.15-26


5. P Lebowitz, T Straker, H Shay , D Rubin, S Bodner, Shoulder and head elevation improves laryngoscopic view for tracheal intubation in nonobese as well as obese individuals, Journal of Clinical Anesthesia,  March 2012, Volume 24, Issue 2, pp. 104-108.


6. J Grades, T. Straker,Venovenous Bypass for Tracheostomy in the Impossible Airway , Case Reports in Anesthesiology  vol. 2012, Article ID 592198, 3 pages,115-118 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/592198

7. S Metz, T Straker, Letter to the Editor, Is Video Laryngoscopy Easier to Learn than Fiberoptic Intubation? (RE:  Rosenstock CV, et al. 2012; 116:1210-6 and Fiadjoe JE, et al ;( 116:1183-5), Anesthesiology, V118.NO.2, February2013.


8.N Gonik , S Settee, E Delphin, T Straker, B Schiff , Intraoperative Inflation of Laryngocele with LMA, American Journal of Otolaryngology,  vol.34(6) pp.746-8,September 2013


9. K Gritsenko, T. Vecchione, M. Kcomt, T. Straker, The Use of a Prototype Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Safe Glidescope in a Pediatric Patient with CHARGE Syndrome: A Case Report, Open Journal of Anesthesiology, May2013, pp. 170-172, DOI: 10.4236/ojanes.2013.33040

10. T Straker, P Lebowitz, Reply, Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 2013, vol.25 (8) pp.676 PMID24095890


11. T Straker, Advanced Airway Management Training – An Emerging Trend, Austin Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia 2014; 1(1):2


12. T Straker, S Metz, An Innovative Use of an Online Procedure Logbook to improve Airway Training among Anesthesiology residents, Journal Perioperative Education and Medicine, Volume 16, Issue 8 ,Jan- June 2014


13. M Bilal,T Straker,"Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in a Morbidly Obese Patient
with Myasthenia Gravis: A Review of the Management," Case Reports in Medicine,
vol. 2015, Article ID 593586, 4 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/593586


14. T Straker, E Vue, J Davila, Anesthetic Management in a Gravida with Type IV Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Case Reports in Medicine , vol.2016, Article ID 7429251, 6 pages , 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/7429251


15. S Reddy,M Mishra, S Qureshi, S Nair, T Straker , Hepatotoxicity due to Red Bush Tea Consumption : A Case Report, Journal of Clinical Anesthesia, Vol . 35, December 2016 pp.96-98


16. T.Straker , Ahmed Treki ,Limitations of Videolaryngoscopy, International Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 55, Issue 1, 2017


17. J Herbert, T Straker, Management of the Airway in Challenging Patients Undergoing Upper Endoscopic Procedures,International Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 55, Issue 1, 2017PMID:27941365c


18. T Straker , Airway Management in the 21st Century,International Anesthesiology Clinics, Volume 55, Issue 1 , 2017, PMID:27941364


19. Reddy S, Joseph V, Liu Z, Straker T ,Characteristics of Sharp Injuries in Anaesthesia Providers in New York State: A Cross-sectional Study,JCDR , Vol 12 , issue 12, Page UC06, 2018


20. Straker T. Airway Management: Isn’t that what anesthesiologists do?, Journal of Head and Neck Anesthesia in Vol. 3, No. 1, February 2019.


21. Bastien A, Townsend D,Nair S,Straker T ,Solutions for Management of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Induced Angioedema in a High Risk population: A Single Center Retrospective Observational Study, Journal of Head and Neck Anesthesia  April 2019 , DOI: 10.1097/HN9.0000000000000018


22. Spaliaras J, Streiff A, Mann G, Straker T. Teaching and training in airway management: Time to evaluate the current model? Airway 2019;2:28-35


23.Deutsch E, Straker T, Patient Safety in Anesthesia, Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America  Sept 2019PMID:31540768


24.Galway U, Aziz M, Foley L, Straker T, Woodsworth G, Anesthesia Residency Training in Airway Management: A competency-based Model Curriculum", A A Pract. 2019 Jun. PMID:31206383



25 The SuperNO2VA to treat upper airway obstruction and respiratory compromise after major head and neck surgery: a case report,Cataldo S,Pedro M,Straker T, Osborn I, Journal of Head & Neck Anesthesia. 3(2):e15, MAY 2019,DOI: 10.1097/HN9.0000000000000015


26 .Mitigating “Cannot ventilate, cannot oxygenate” (CVCO) scenario following accidental transection of the endotracheal tube during maxillofacial surgery: A Case Report; Reddy S, Straker T, Naik L, Pisklakov S, Delphin E; Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology - Vol. 26, No. 1, February


Book Chapters

1.T Straker,  Complications in Head and Neck Surgery, Pain Management in Head and Neck Cancer, eds Eisele DW, Smith RV, Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA, Chapter 16,pp 189-194, October 2008


2. G Randel, T Straker, Anesthesia for Otolaryngologic Surgery, eds.Basem Abdelmalak, D.John Doyle, Cambridge University Press, UK, Chapter 22, pp. 210 -220, October2012


3. W Rosenblatt, T Straker, Anesthesia Equipment, Principles and Applications, ed.James B. Eisenkraft, Mosby, St.Louis MO, Airway Management, Chapter 1, pp. 3 -47, March2013

4. G Mataroo, E Renick, T Straker, K Gibbs, Bariatric Surgery,Essentials and Controversies in Bariatric Surgery ,ed . Chih – Kun Huang, Chapter 1 Preoperative Evaluation of Bariatric Surgery Patients, Intech, October 2014 DOI: 10.5772/58605

5.Gail Randel, T Straker , Abdelmalak B, and Doyle J, Eds. , Clinical Airway Management – An Illustrated Case Based Approach, Chinese edition. Cambridge University press, Chapter 22  Anesthesia for Maxillary , Salivary Gland , Mandibular and Temporomandibular joint surgery, London, UK 2014. (ISBN-13: 9781107018679


6. T Straker, GRandel, Clinical Airway Management – An Illustrated Case Based Approach,Chapter 22, Perioperative assessment of the patient with obstructive sleep apnea, eds. Doyle,

B. Abdelamalak, Cambridge University Press, December 2016


7. G. Randel, T Straker, Cases in Emergency Airway Management, Anatomic Considerations for Airway Management, Chapter 1, eds. L Berkow, J Sakles, Cambridge University Press, January 2016


8. T Straker, F Urdaneta ,Hagberg and Benumof Airway Management 4th edition , Confirmation of Endotracheal Intubation , Chapter 30, eds. C Hagberg , C Artime , Elsevier, October 2017


9. M Aquino, T Straker , Post Thoracotomy Pain Syndrome,Pain Management Review: A Problem-Based Learning Approach, ed. M Anitescu, Oxford University Press , May 2018


10. N Broderick, T Straker , Tracheal Stenosis , General Anesthesiology – A Case Based Approach,

 eds. T Straker , S Rajan, November  2018


11. G. Delva, T Straker, Management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis-General Anesthesiology- A Case Based Approach, eds. T Straker , S Rajan , November 2018

 Web Based peer Reviewed Articles

1.A Vick , T Straker, Simultaneous Resident and Faculty Evaluation of an Airway Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE),MedED Portal -2011-00062.R2,

2. J Champion, T Straker , Airway Online module 7 Direct Laryngoscopy ,Anesthesia Toolbox,

April 2016 www. display/14/41


3. T Straker,Airway Online module 7 Basic Procedure Overview and Preparation, Anesthesia Toolbox, February 2017,


4. T Straker,Airway Online module 7  Intubation:February 2017,


5.  T Straker,Airway Online module 7  Complications:February 2017