Michelle A. Dunn, Ph.D.
- Professor, The Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine Rose F. Kennedy Center 1410 Pelham Parkway South 220 Bronx, NY 10461
Selected Publications
Dunn, M and Sebastian M. A Neuropsychological Approach to Language Intervention in Autistic Children. In PJ Accardo, C Magnusen, AJ Capute (eds) Autism: Clinical and Research Issues. Timonium, York Press. (2000).
Gomes, H., Dunn, M., Ritter, W., Kurtzberg, D., Brattson, A., Kreuzer, J.A., & Vaughan, H. Spatiotemporal Maturation of the Central and Lateral N1components to Tones. Developmental Brain Research. Developmental Brain Research. 129: 147-155 (2001).
Rapin I, Dunn M. Update on the language disorders of individuals on the autistic spectrum. Brain Dev. 25(3):166-72. (2003).
Dunn, M. & Bates, J. Developmental Change in Neutral Processing of Words by Children with Autism. J Autism Dev Disord, Jun;35(3), 361-76. (2005).
Luyster, R., Richler, J., Risi, S., Hsu, W. . Dawson, G., Bernier, R., Dunn, M., Hepburn, S., Hyman, S.L., McMahon, W.M., Goudie-Nice, J., Minshew, N., Rogers, S., Sigman, M., Spence, M.A., Goldberg, W.A., Tager-Flusberg, H., Volkmar, F.R., Lord, C. Early Regression in Social Communication in Autistic Spectrum Disorders: A CPEA Study. Developmental Neuropsychology. 27(3):311-336 (2005).
Richler J, Luyster R, Risi S, Hsu WL, Dawson G, Bernier R, Dunn M, Hepburn S, Hyman SL, McMahon WM, Goudie-Nice J, Minshew N, Rogers S, Sigman M, Spence MA, Goldberg WA, Tager-Flusberg H, Volkmar FR, Lord C. Is There a 'Regressive Phenotype' of Autism Spectrum Disorder Associated with the Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine? A CPEA Study. Journal of Autism Dev Disord. (2006). Apr 28;
Gravel, J, Dunn, M., Lee, W., & Ellis, M. Peripheral Audition of Children on the Autistic Spectrum. Ear and Hearing Jun;27(3):299-312. (2006).
Steinschneider, M. and Dunn, M. Electrophysiology in Developmental Neuropsychology. In: I Rapin and S Segalowitz (Eds) The Handbook of Neuropsychology Vol 7: Child Neuropsychology. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (2002).
Rapin, I, Dunn, M, and Allen, D. Developmental Language Disorders. In: I Rapin and S Segalowitz (Eds) The Handbook of Neuropsychology Vol 7: Child Neuropsychology. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (2003).
Minshew, N.J., Dunn, M. Autism spectrum disorders. In: I Rapin and S Segalowitz (Eds) The Handbook of Neuropsychology Vol : Child Neuropsychology. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (2003).
Dunn, M. S.O.S.: Social Skills in our Schools (A Social Skills program for children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders and their typical peers) AAPC (2005).
Fein, D. and Dunn, M. Autism in Your Classroom: A Guide for General Education Classroom Teachers. Bethesda: Woodbine House. (2007).
Dunn, M., Gomes, H., & Gravel, J. Mismatch Negativity in Children with Autism and Typical Controls. Journal of Autism and Devel Dis. Jan: 38(1): 52-71. (2008).