Alec L. Miller

Alec L. Miller, Psy.D.




  • Cognitive & Behavioral Consultants LLP 1 North Broadway 704 White Plains, NY 10601

Lab of Alec L. Miller

Research Profiles

Professional Interests

Dr. Miller is currently Co-Founder and Clinical Director of Cognitive Behavioral Consultants, LLP and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine. From 1995-2015, Dr. Miller served as Chief, Child and Adolescent Psychology, Director, Adolescent Depression and Suicide Program, and Associate Director, Psychology Internship Training Program. He was also Director of Mental Health Services at PS 8 School-Health Program.

Selected Publications


Mazza, JJ, Dexter-Mazza, ET, Miller, AL, Rathus, JH, & Murphy, HE,  (2016).  DBT Skills Training in Schools: The Skills Training for EmotionalProblem Solving for Adolescents (DBT STEPS-A).  The Guilford Press, NY.  (translated into Japanese and Polish)

Rathus, JH, & Miller, AL. (2015).  DBT Skills Manual for Adolescents.  The Guilford Press, NY.

Miller, AL, Rathus, JH, &  Linehan, MM. (2007).  Dialectical behavior therapy with suicidal adolescents.  The Guilford Press, NY.  (translated into Japanese and Polish)

Wekerle, C, Miller, AL, Wolfe, DA, & Spindel, C. (2006).  Childhood maltreatment, In series, Advances in psychotherapy - Evidence-based practice.  Hogrefe & Huber. (translated into Spanish: “Maltrato Infantil”, El Manual Moderno, 2006; translated into Japanese, Kongo Shuppan Co, 2012)


BPD experts (2011). A family guide to borderline personality disorder.  Dawkins Productions. (5 DVD series)

            1) Understanding borderline personality disorder

            2) Causes of borderline personality disorder

            3) Diagnosing personality disorder

            4) Treating borderline personality disorder

            5) Coping with borderline personality disorder

Miller, AL (2007).  Dialectical behavior therapy for adolescents with multiple problems. In, APA Psychotherapy Video Series IX, Children and Adolescents, Hosted by Jon Carlson, PsyD, American Psychological Association. 


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

Renz, J, Graling, K, and Miller, AL. (under review). Following a completed suicide: Guidelines for DBT consultation teams. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.

Foster, A, D’Andrea, W, Fehertoi, N, Miller, AL (under review). Developmental Trauma Disorder and Comorbidity in Ethic Minority Adolescents. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma.

Lois, RH, Miller, AL. (2017). Stopping the non-adherence cycle: The clinical and theoretical basis for dialectical behavior therapy adapted for adolescents with chronic medical illness (DBT-CMI) Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.

Chanen, AM, Sharp, C, and The Global Alliance for Prevention and Early Intervention for Borderline Personality Disorder (2017). Prevention and early intervention for borderline personality disorder: a novel public health priority. World Psychiatry, 16, 215-216.

Kranzler, A, Fehling, KB, Lindqvist, J, Brillante, J, Yuan, F, Gao, X, Miller, AL, Selby, EA (2017). An Ecological Investigation of the Emotional Context Surrounding Nonsuicidal Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors in Adolescents and Young Adults. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior.

McGlinchy, E, Courtney-Seidler, E, German, M, & Miller, AL. (2016).  The role of sleep disturbance in suicidal and non-suicidal self-injurious behavior among adolescents. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 47, 103-111. 

Mehlum, L, Ramberg, M, Tormoen, AJ, Haga, E, Diep, LM, Stanley, BH, Miller, AL, Sund, AM, & Groholt, B. (2016). Dialectical Behavior Therapy Compared with Enhanced Usual Care for Adolescents with Repeated Suicidal and Self-harming Behavior: Outcomes over a 1-year Follow-Up. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 55, 295-300.

Rathus JH, Wagner D, Miller, AL (2015). Psychometric Evaluation of the Life Problems Inventory, a Measure of Borderline Personality Features in Adolescents. Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy 5: 198. doi: 10.4172/2161-0487.1000198

Wagner D, Rathus J, Miller AL (2015). Reliability and Validity of the Life Problems Inventory, A Self-Report Measure of Borderline Personality Features, in a College Student Sample. Journal of Psychology and Psychotherapy 5: 199. doi: 10.4172/2161-0487.1000199

Miller, AL.  (2015). Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Evolution and Adaptations in the 21st Century.  Intro to Special Section (AL Miller, Editor).  American Journal of Psychotherapy, 20, 91-95.

Rathus, JH, Campbell, B, Miller, AL, & Smith, HL. (2015). Treatment acceptability study of walking the middle path, A new DBT skills module for adolescents and families. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 20, 163-178. 

German, M, Smith, HL, Rivera-Morales, C, Gonzalez, G, Haliczer, LA, Haaz, C, & Miller, AL. (2015).  Dialectical behavior therapy for suicidal Latina adolescents:  Supplemental dialectical corollaries and treatment targets. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 20, 179-197.

Fasulo, SJ, Ball, JM, Jurkovic, GJ, Miller, AL. (2015).  Adapting a manualized complex trauma treatment program for incarcerated adolescents:  Lessons learned regarding the application of DBT acceptance-based strategies.  American Journal of Psychotherapy, 20, 219-239.

Courtney-Seidler, EA, Burns, K, Zilber, I, & Miller, AL. (2014). Adolescent suicide and self-injury:  Applying dialectical behavior therapy and deepening the biosocial theory.  International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 9, 35-40.

Tormoen, AJ, Groholt, B, Haga, E, Larsen, AB, Miller, AL, Walby, F, Stanley, B, & Mehlum, L. (2014).  Feasibility of dialectical behavior therapy with suicidal and self-harming adolescents:  Training, adherence and retention. Archives of Suicide Research, 18, 432-444.

Mehlum, L, Tormoen, A, Ramberg, M, Haga, E, Diep, L, Laberg, S, Larsson, B, Stanley, B, Miller, AL, Sund, A, Groholt, B. (2014).  Dialectical behavior therapy for adolescents with recent and repeated self-harming behavior-first randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 53, 1082-1091.

Courtney, E, Klein, D, Miller, AL. (2013).  Borderline personality disorder in youth.  In special section Ritschel and DeFife (Eds). Clinical Psychology:  Science and Practice, 20, 425-444.

Hashim, R, Vadnais, M, & Miller, AL. (2013). Improving adherence in adolescent chronic kidney disease: A DBT feasibility trial. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 1-11.

Groves, S.S., Backer, H.S., van den Bosch, L.M.C., & Miller, A.L. (2011).  Dialectical behavior therapy with adolescents:  A review.  Child and Adolescent Mental Health.

Klein, D.A. & Miller, AL. (2011). Dialectical behavior therapy for suicidal adolescents with borderline personality disorder. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 20, 205-216.

Muehlenkamp, JJ, Ertelt, TW, Miller, AL. & Claes, L. (2011).  Borderline symptoms differentiate non-suicidal and suicidal self-injury.  Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 52, 148-155.

Steinberg, J, Steinberg, S., & Miller, AL.  (2011). Orienting adolescents and families to DBT telephone consultation: Principles, procedures and pitfalls. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 18, 196-206. 

Perepletchikova, F, Axelrod, S, Kaufman, J, Douglas, H, Rounsville, B, & Miller, AL. (2011).  Adapting dialectical behavior therapy for children:  Towards a new research agenda for childhood suicidality and self-harm behaviors.  Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 16, 116-121.

Miller, AL, Smith, HL, Klein, D, & German, M. (2010).  Engaging suicidal youth in outpatient treatment:  Theoretical and empirical underpinnings.  Archives of Suicide Research, 14, 111-119.

Backer, H.S., Miller, A.L. & van den Bosch, L.M.C. (2009). Dialectische gedragstherapie bij adolescenten; een literatuuronderzoek.  Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie (Dutch Journal of Psychiatry), (1), 31-41. 

Salbach-Andrae, H. Bohnekamp, I, Pfeiffer, E, Lehmkuhl, U, & Miller, AL. (2008). Dialectical behavior therapy of anorexia and bulimia nervosa among adolescents: A case series.  Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 15, 415-425.

Miller, AL, & Smith, HL.  (2008).   Adolescent non-suicidal self-injurious behavior:  The latest epidemic to assess and treat.  Applied and Preventive Psychology, 12, 178-188.

Miller, AL, Muehlenkamp, JJ, & Jacobson, CM. (2008). Fact or fiction:  Diagnosing borderline personality   disorder in adolescents. Clinical Psychology Review, 28, 969-981.

Jacobson, CM, Muehlenkamp, MM, Miller, AL, & Turner, B. (2008). Psychiatric impairment among adolescents engaging in different types of deliberate self-harm. Journal of Clinical Child and      Adolescent Psychology, 37. 363-375.

Katz, LY, Cox, B, & Miller, AL. (2008).  Letter to the Editor, Re: Suicidal Behaviour in Children and Adolescents. Part 2: Treatment and Prevention.  Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 53, 134.

Miller, AL, Neft, D, & Golombeck, N. (2008).  Borderline personality disorder and adolescence.  Social Work in Mental Health, 6, 85-98. 

Cuevas, CA, Bollinger, AR, Vielhauer, MJ, Morgan, EE, Sohler, NL, Brief, DJ, Miller, AL, & Keane, TM. (2006).  HIV/AIDS Cost Study:  Construct validity and factor structure of the PTSD checklist in dually diagnosed HIV-seropositive adults.  Journal of Trauma Practice, 5, 29-51.

Goldklang, AR, Murphy, L, & Miller, AL. (2006).  A novel evidence-based approach to school based mental health:  Integrating mental, medical, educational and familial.  The School Psychologist, 60, 70-74.

Winiarski, MG, Greene, LI, Miller, AL, Palmer, NB, Salceda, J., & Villaneuva, M.  (2005). Psychiatric diagnoses in a sample of HIV-infected people of color in methadone treatment. Community Mental Health Journal, 41, 379-391.

Wagner, EE, Miller, AL, Greene, LI, & Winiarski, MG. (2004).  Dialectical behavior therapy in a triply diagnosed population of persons living with HIV/AIDS with psychiatric and substance abuse diagnoses. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 11, 202-212.

Katz, LY, Gunasekara, S, Cox, BJ, & Miller, AL. (2004).  Feasibility of dialectical behavior therapy for parasuicidal adolescent inpatients.  Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 43, 276-282.

Palmer, NB, Winiarski, MG, Miller, AL, Salcedo, J., & Arno, PS. (2003).  Psychiatric and social predictors of non-adherence to antiretroviral medications in a triply diagnosed methadone population.  AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 17, 635-644.

Rathus, JH & Miller, AL..  (2002).  Dialectical behavior therapy adapted for suicidal adolescents. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behaviors, 32, 2, 146-157.

Katz, LY, Gunasekara, S, & Miller, AL. (2002).  Dialectical behavior therapy for inpatient and outpatient parasuicidal adolescents.  Adolescent Psychiatry, Annals of the American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry, 26, 161-178.

Miller, AL, Glinski, J, Woodberry, K, Mitchell, A, & Indik, J. (2002).  Family therapy and dialectical behavior therapy with adolescents: Part 1, Proposing a clinical synthesis.  American Journal of Psychotherapy, 56, (4), 568-584.

Woodberry, K, Miller, AL, Glinski, J, Indik, J, & Mitchell, A. (2002). Family therapy and dialectical behavior with adolescents: Part 2, A theoretical review.  American Journal of Psychotherapy, 56, (4), 585-602.

Miller, AL, & Hartstein, J. (2002).  Fremskritt i dialektisk atferdesterapi for suicidal ungdom (Advances in dialectical behavior therapy for suicidal adolescents).  Suicidologi (Scandanavian Suicide Journal), 7, 7-11.

Miller, AL, Wyman, SE, Glassman, SL, Huppert, JD, & Rathus, JH. (2000). Analysis of behavioral skills utilized by adolescents receiving Dialectical Behavior Therapy.  Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 7, 183-187.

Miller, AL, & Glinski, J.  (2000). Youth suicidal behavior: Assessment and intervention.  In special issue (Ed) P. Kleespies, Empirical approaches to behavioral emergencies. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 56 (9), 1-22. 

Velting, DM, Rathus, JH, & Miller, AL. (2000).  MACI personality scale profiles of depressed, adolescent suicide attempters: A pilot study.  Journal of Clinical Psychology, 56 (10), 1381-1385.

Miller, AL & Rathus, JH.  (2000).  Dialectical behavior therapy: Adaptations and new applications. Cognitive & Behavioral Practice, 7, 420-425.

Rathus, JH, & Miller, AL.  (2000).  DBT for adolescents: Dialectical dilemmas and secondary treatment targets. Cognitive & Behavioral Practice, 7, 425-434. 

Miller, AL. (1999).  DBT-A:  A new treatment for parasuicidal adolescents.  American Journal of Psychotherapy, 53, 413-417. 

Miller, AL, Koerner, K, & Kanter, J.  Dialectical behavior therapy: Part II.  (1998). Clinical application of DBT for patients with multiple problems.  Journal of Practical Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, 4, 84-101.

Koerner, K, Miller, AL, & Wagner, AW.  (1998). Dialectical behavior therapy:  Part I. Principle based intervention with multi-problem patients.   Journal of Practical Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, 4, 28-36. 

Miller, AL, Rathus, JH, Linehan, MM, Wetzler, S. & Leigh, E.  (1997).  Dialectical behavior therapy adapted for suicidal adolescents.  Journal of Practical Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, 3, 78-86.

Rathus, JH, Sanderson, WC, Miller, AL, & Wetzler, S.  (1995). The impact of personality functioning on cognitive behavior therapy of panic disorder.  Journal of Personality Disorders, 9, 160-168.

Miller, AL, Atlas, JA, & Arsenio, WF. (1993). Self-other differentiation among psychotic and conduct-disordered adolescents as measured by human figure drawings.  Perceptual and Motor Skills, 76, 297-298.

Atlas, JA, Miller, AL, & Arsenio, WF. (1993). Animistic thinking in psychotic adolescents.  Psychological Reports, 73, 611-614.

Atlas, JA, & Miller, AL. (1992).  Responses of conduct-disordered versus psychotic adolescents to PPVT-R items of human versus nonhuman content.  Perceptual and Motor Skills, 75, 737-738.

Atlas, JA, & Miller, AL. (1992).  Human figure drawings as estimates of intelligence for adolescents in an inpatient psychiatric unit.  Perceptual and Motor Skills, 75, 690.

Book Chapters:

Miller, AL, Rathus, JH, Dexter-Mazza, ET, Brice, CS, Graling, K, (under review) Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Adolescents. Guildford press.

Dexter-Mazza, ET, Mazza, JJ, Miller, AL, Graling, K, Courtney-Seidler, E, Catucci, D, (under review)DBT Services in Schools for Adolescents (under review). Guilford Press.

Rathus, JH, Miller, AL, &Bonavitacola, L. (2017). DBT with Adolescents. Handbook of DBT. Oxford University Press.

Miller, AL, & Courtney-Seidler, E., (in press).  Dialectical behavior therapy with multi-problem adolescents. In, Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents, 3rd Edition.  M. Reinecke & A. Freeman (Eds).  Guilford Press.

Miller, AL, Klein, D. & Morris, B. (2016).  Psychotherapeutic Perspective--Cutting helps me feel better: Nonsuicidal self-injury.  In, DSM-V Casebook and Treatment Guide for Child Mental Health. P. Jensen & C. Galanter (Eds.). American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.

Miller, AL, Carnesale, M, Courtney, L. (2014). Dialectical behavior therapy.  In, Handbook of Borderline Personality Disorder in Children and Adolescents, C. Sharp & J. Tackett (Eds).  Springer.   

Ritschel, L, Miller, AL, & Taylor, V. (2013). DBT with multi-diagnostic youth.  Transdiagnostic Mechanisms and Treatment for Youth Psychopathology, J. Ehrenreich-May & B. Chu (Eds). Guilford Press.  

Miller, AL, & German, M. & Roth, A.  (2013).  Borderline personality disorder.  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:  A Complete Reference Guide, (Hofmann, Dozois, Smits, & Rief (Eds.).  Wiley Press.

Miller, AL, Smith, HL, & Hashim, R. (2011).  Dialectical behavior therapy with multi-problem adolescents.  In, Child and Adolescent Therapy.  P. Kendall (Ed).  Guilford Press.

Miller, AL, & Klein, D. (2010).  Child Maltreatment  (pps. 297-300). In, Corsini’s Encyclopedia of Psychology, Fourth Edition.  I. Weiner & E. Craighead (Eds). Wiley Press.

Miller, AL, Nathan, JS, & Wagner, EE. (2010).  Engaging suicidal multi-problem adolescents with DBT.  In, Elusive Alliance:  Treatment engagement strategies with high-risk adolescents.  D. Castro-Blanco & M. Karver (Eds.). American Psychological Association Press. 

Van Orden, K.  & Miller, AL. (2010) Developmental issues in risk factor assessment.  In, Suicidal Behavior:  Assessment of People at Risk. U. Kumar & MK Mandal (Eds). Sage Publications. 

Miller, AL, & Klein, D. (2009).  Psychotherapeutic Perspective--Cutting helps me feel better: Nonsuicidal self-injury.  In, DSM-IVTR Casebook and Treatment Guide for Child Mental Health. P. Jensen & C. Galanter (Eds.). American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. 

Miller, AL, Muehlenkamp, JJ, & Jacobson, CM (2009).  Special issues in treating adolescent non-suicidal self-injury.  In, Understanding Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: Current Science and Practice.  M. Nock, (Ed).  American Psychological Association Press.

Miller, AL, & Emanuele, J. (2009).  Children and adolescents at risk for suicide.  In, Behavioral emergencies:  An evidence-based resource for evaluating and managing risk of suicide, violence, and victimization,   P. Kleespies (Ed). APA Books.

Miller, AL, Neft, D, & Golombeck, N. (2008).  Borderline personality disorder and adolescence.  In, Borderline personality disorder: Meeting the challenges to successful treatment.  Hoffman, P. & Steiner-Grossman, P. (Eds). Haworth Press.

Backer, H.S. & Miller, AL. (2007).  DBT with adolescents.  In, Handboek Dialectische Gedragstherapie (Dutch DBT book), van den Bosch, LMC, Meijer, S. & Backer, HS (Eds).  Harcourt Press.

Miller, AL, Rathus, JH, Dubose, T, Dexter-Mazza, E, & Goldklang, A. (2007).  Dialectical behavior therapy for adolescents.  In, Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Clinical Practice.  Dimeff, LA, & Koerner, K, (Eds).  Guilford Press. 

Miller, AL, & Hartstein, JL. (2006).  Dialectical behavior therapy supervision and consultation with suicidal, multi-problem youth:  The nuts and bolts.  In, Helping others help children:  Clinical supervision of child psychotherapy.  Neill, T. (Ed.).  American Psychological Association Press.

Wagner, EE, Rathus, JH, & Miller, AL. (2006).  Mindfulness in DBT for adolescents. In, Mindfulness-based treatment approaches: Clinician’s guide to evidence base and applications.  R. Baer (Ed).  Academic Press.

Miller, AL, Wagner, EE, & Rathus, JH (2004).  Dialectical behavior therapy for suicidal multi-problem adolescents, Chapter 22.  In, Handbook of mental health interventions in children and adolescents:  An integrated developmental approach. Hans Steiner (Ed). Jossey-Bass.

Monk, C, & Miller, AL. (1999).  Mental health, depression and suicide, Chapter 15. In Primary Care for the Sexually Active Adolescent Female.  Susan M. Coupey (Ed). Oxford University Press.

Book Reviews:

Liebman, MG., & Miller, AL. (2015).  A modern approach to historical narcissism.  A review of the book [The Americanization of Narcissism], PsycCritiques-Contemporary Psychology:  APA Review of Books,  ,   American Psychological Association.

Hashim, R, & Miller, AL. (2011, September 21).  A User-Friendly Guide to Managing Suicide on the Front Lines of Primary Care. A review of the book [Managing Suicide Risk in Primary Care].  PsycCritiques-Contemporary Psychology:  APA Review of Books, 56, Article 6, American Psychological Association. 

Steinberg, S. & Miller, AL. (2008).  A Handbook for Adolescent Health Practitioners.  A Review of the book [Behavioral and Emotional Disorders in Adolescents, Nature, Assessment and Treatment].  International Journal of Cognitive Therapy.

Miller, AL. (2007, January 10).  A Suicide Survivor Guide:  Helping Families and Professionals Heal. A Review of the book [Dying to be free.  A healing guide for families after suicide].  PsycCritiques-Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 52, (No. 2), Article 13.  American Psychological Association.

Miller, AL, (2001).  Book Review: McGinn, LK, & Sanderson, WC (1999), Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.  American Journal of Psychotherapy, 55, 134-136.

Non-Peer Reviewed Articles:

Miller, AL & Rigogiannis, F. (2016). Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Building Lives Worth Living. Westchester County Psychological Association.

Rathus, JH, Miller, AL, & Campbell, B. (2008).   Dialectical behavior therapy for suicidal multi-problem adolescents.  The Clinical Psychologist, 61, 16-18.

Emanuele, JM, Rohde, P, & Miller, AL. (2008).  Challenges and discoveries of applying the Coping with Depression Course to ethnic minority youth.  Child and Family Policy and Practice Review, 4, 8-11.

Miller, AL. (2007).  Division 12 APA Program August 2007.  The Clinical Psychologist, 60, 24-26.

Miller, AL. (2007).  Treatments for suicidal individuals:  An exciting update.  Behavioral Emergencies Update, 1, 1-2.

Muehlenkamp, JJ, Jacobson, CM, Miller, AL, & LeGrand, GC. (2007).  Borderline personality features predict self-injurious behaviors in adolescents.  Behavioral Emergencies Update, 1, 9-11.

Miller, AL. (2006).  Evidence-based risk assessment in the real world: Concerns and recommendations.  Behavioral Emergencies Update, 1, 1-3.

Muehlenkamp, JJ, & Miller, AL. (2004).  What is suicidal behavior?  Definitional problems in research and practice.  Behavioral Emergencies Update, 1, 5-6.

Spiegelman, JS, & Miller, AL. (2002). Behavioral emergencies: New efforts to improve psychology training.  APPIC Newsletter, XXVI(3), 13.

Johr, G, Hartstein, J, & Miller, AL. (2002).  Challenges in the field of adolescent suicide research.  Behavioral Emergencies Update, 4, 6 and 11.

Miller, AL, & Wyman, SE.  (1999).  Suicidal adolescents: who are they and how can we help them? Journal of the California Alliance for the Mentally Ill, 10, 61-63.

Unpublished Manuscripts:

Miller, AL. (1993).  Self-other differentiation and the concept of life in psychotic and non-psychotic adolescents. (Doctoral Dissertation)-Received Distinction Honors

Miller, AL, Rathus, JH, & Linehan, MM (1995, 1999; 2008).  DBT with adolescents: Multi- family group skills training manual. Unpublished skills training manual. Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY.

Miller, AL, Wagner, EE, Greene, LI, & Winiarski, MG. (2000).  Dialectical behavior therapy in a triply diagnosed population of persons living with HIV/AIDS with psychiatric and substance abuse diagnoses.  Unpublished treatment manual.  Montefiore Medical Center/AECOM, Bronx, N.Y.