Scott Wetzler, Ph.D.
Correo electrónico
centro médico
- Montefiore Medical Center 3317 Avenida Rochambeau Bronx, NY 10467
Intereses profesionales
Dr. Wetzler is the Vice Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry overseeing population health initiatives. He is the CEO of University Behavioral Associates, a behavioral management services subsidiary of Montefiore Medical Center. In this role, he oversees behavioral health care management for Montefiore's risk business; care management for Montefiore's Health Home; specialized case management for substance abusers under contracts with NYC Human Resources Administration; child welfare programs under contracts with NYC Administration for Children's Services and a Regional Partnership Grant to Improve Child Welfare Outcomes Among Substance Abusers funded by US Department of Health and Human Services Children's Bureau; health care workforce development funded by a Health Professions Opportunity Grant from the US Department of Health and Human Services; a relationship education program funded by the US Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families; and a Practice Transformation Network for Severely Mentally Ill funded by the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Innovation. Dr. Wetzler has published widely on these topics and testified at the US House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee.
Publicaciones seleccionadas
Wetzler, S. Living with the passive-aggressive man, Simon & Schuster, 1992 (translated into German, Japanese, Russian, Czechoslovakian, and Chinese; also published in paperback by Fireside, 1993).
Schwartz, B., Sung, S.., Wetzler, S. & Swanson, A. Subtyping of Substance Use Disorders in a High-Risk Welfare-to-Work Sample: A Latent Class Analysis, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2010, 38:366-374.
Wetzler, S., Schwartz, B., Swanson, A. & Cahill, R. Employability Among Welfare Recipients Diagnosed with a Substance Use Disorder, Substance Use and Misuse, 2010, 45:2095-2112.
Wetzler, S., Frame, L., & Litzinger, S. Marriage Education for Clinicians, American Journal of Psychotherapy, 2011, 65:55-80.
Wetzler, S. (2014) Government-Funded Relationship Education Can Work, The Atlantic, http://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2014/03/government-funded-relationship-education-can-work/284405/
Wetzler, S. & Morey, L. Passive-aggressive personality disorder: The demise of a syndrome, Psychiatry, 1999, 62: 49-59. (translated to Spanish, Trastorno de personalidad pasiva-agresiva: el fin de un sindrome, Revista De Toxicomanias, 2000, 22: 3-33.)
Wetzler, S., Khadivi, A. & Moser, K. The use of the MMPI-2 for the assessment of depression and psychosis, Assessment, 1998, 5:249-261.
Wetzler, S., Schwartz, B., Sanderson, W.C. & Karasu, T.B.K. Managed care and academic psychiatry: A case study, Psychiatric Services, 1997, 48:1019-1026.
Wetzler, S., Khadivi, A. & Oppenheim, S. The psychological assessment of depression: Unipolars vs. bipolars. Journal of Personality Assessment, 1995, 65: 557-566.
Kahn, R. & Wetzler, S. m-Chlorophenylpiperazine as a probe of serotonin function: A review, Biological Psychiatry, 1991, 30:1139-1166.
Wetzler, S. The historical truth of psychoanalytic reconstructions, International Review of Psychoanalysis, 1985, 12, 187-197.
Wetzler, S. with Cole, D. Is it you or is it me? How we turn our emotions inside out and blame each other, HarperCollins, 1998 (translated into Spanish and Norwegian).
Wetzler, S. (Ed.) Measuring mental illness: Psychometric assessment for clinicians, Clinical Insights Series, American Psychiatric Press, 1989.
Wetzler, S. & Katz, M.M. (Eds.) Contemporary approaches to psychological assessment, Brunner Mazel, 1989.
Wetzler, S. & Sanderson, W.C. (Eds.) Treatment strategies for patients with psychiatric comorbidity, John Wiley & Sons, 1997.