Edward I. Reichman

Edward I. Reichman, M.D.




  • Montefiore Medical Center 111 East 210th Street Bronx, NY 10467

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Selected Publications


The Anatomy of Jewish Law: A Fresh Dissection of the Relationship Between Medicine, Medical History and Rabbinic Literature (Maggid/OU/YU Presses, 2022)

Pondering Pre-Modern(a) Pandemics in Jewish History: Essays Inspired by and Written during the Covid-19 Pandemic by an Emergency Medicine Physician (Shikey Press, 2022)




E. Reichman, "Hidden Treasures in Jewish Medical History at the British Library: A Post Cyber-Attack Homage," Seforim Blog (https://seforimblog.com), May 28, 2024.


E. Reichman, "An Unexpected Epistolary Discovery and the Shared Medical Journeys of Tuviya HaRofe and Gabriel Felix," Seforim Blog (https://seforimblog.com), February 18, 2024.


E. Reichman, "The Physician-Ḥaver in Early Modern Italy: A Reunion of Long Forgotten 'Friends,'" Seforim Blog (https://seforimblog.com), December 4, 2023.


E. Reichman, "Jewish Medical History in Barukh Epstein's Mekor Barukh: When the Doctor's Became Rabbis, the Jewish People Were Healthy," in press.


E. Reichman, "The Discovery of a Lost 'Haver': A Previously Unknown Haver Diploma Granted by Rabbi Solomon b. Isaac Marini to a Medical Graduate of the University of Padua," in press. 


E. Reichman, “Royal Treatment: Jews, Medicine and the British Kingdom,” Mishpacha Magazine: Pendulum (Succos 5784), 50-57.


E. Reichman, "The Anatomy of an Auction: A Previously Undissected Body of Literature on the History of the Jews and Postmortem Dissection," Seforim Blog (https://seforimblog.com), June 13, 2023.

E. Reichman, "The Jewish Attraction to the Medical Profession in Physicians' Own Words: A Mesorah of Medicine," Hakirah 34 (Fall 2023), 215-236.

E. Reichman, "A 'Pictor'ial History of a 'Koppel' Jewish Physicians in Early Modern Germany: Koppel (Jacob) Mehler (AKA Copilius Pictor) and His Son Juda Coppillia Pictor," Aschkenas 33:1 (2023), 167-193.

E. Reichman, "On Pain of Death: Postmortem Pain Perception in Rabbinic Literature," in S. Kottek, K. Collins and H. Paavilainen, Contemporary Issues at the End of Life in the Jewish Tradition (Lambert Academic Publishing, 2023), 173-196.

E. Reichman, “’A Physician, and Not for Himself’: Revisiting a Rare Jewish Physician Epithet That Should So Remain,” Koroth 26 (2021-2022), 1-20.

E. Reichman, “‘Hidden’ Medical Diplomas of Jewish Physicians from the Early Modern Period: Transcripts in Manuscripts,” forthcoming.

E. Reichman, “Jews, Medicine and the University of Padua: A Behind the Scenes (Virtual) Tour of a New Exhibit at the Jewish Museum of Padua (November 2, 2022- December 31, 2022),” Seforim Blog (https://seforimblog.com), December 1, 2022.

E. Reichman, "How Jews of Yesteryear Celebrated Graduation from Medical School: Congratulatory Poems for Jewish Medical Graduates in the 17th and 18th Centuries- An Unrecognized Genre," Seforim Blog (https://seforimblog.com), May 29, 2022.

E. Reichman, A “Haro”ing Tale of a Jewish Medical Student: Notes on David de Haro (1611-1636): The First Jewish Medical Graduate of the University of Leiden,” Studia Rosenthaliana 48:1 (2022), 30-52.

E. Reichman, " The Medical Diploma of Moses Crespino from the University of Padua (1647): The Only 'Jewish' Medical Diploma in History," Tradition Online (July 24, 2022).

E. Reichman, “On the Longevity of the Ancient (and Pre-Modern) Interpretations of Medical Passages,” Letter to the Editor, Response to Eric Lawee, “Eleazar Ashkenazi on the Longevity of the Ancients,” Tradition Online (March 15, 2022).

E. Reichman, “The Mystery of the Medical Training of the Many Isaac Wallichs: Amsterdam (1675), Leiden (1675), Padua (1683) and Halle (1703),” Hakirah 31 (Winter 2022), 313-330.

E. Reichman, “The Discovery of a Hidden Treasure in the Vatican and the Correction of a Centuries-Old Error,” Seforim Blog (https://seforimblog.com), January 11, 2022.

E. Reichman, “Confessions of a Would-be Forger: The Medical Diploma of Tobias Cohn (Tuvia Ha-Rofeh) and Other Jewish Medical Graduates of the University of Padua,” in Kenneth Collins and Samuel Kottek, eds., Ma'ase Tuviya (Venice, 1708): Tuviya Cohen on Medicine and Science (Jerusalem: Muriel and Philip Berman Medical Library of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2021), 79-127.

E. Reichman, “Samuel Vita Della Volta (1772-1853): An Underappreciated Bibliophile and his Medical ‘Diploma’tic Journey,” Seforim Blog (https://seforimblog.com), November 5, 2021. 

E. Reichman, “Rabbi Moshe Tendler, zt”l: A Pioneer of ‘Synthetic’ Biology of the Torah Variety,” Traditiononline.org (October 1, 2021).


E. Reichman, “Notes on the Jewish Renaissance Physician Gabriel Felix: His Grammar Tree and His Family Tree,” Korot 25 (2019-2020), 339-353.

E. Reichman, “Precedented Times: The Rabbinic Response to Covid-19 and Pandemics Throughout the Ages,” in press.

E. Reichman, “A Jewish Doctor's Trip to the Vatican: A Medical Historical Odyssey,” Verapo Yerape, in press.

E. Reichman, “The Illustrated Life of an Illustrious Renaissance Jew: Rabbi Dr. Shimshon Morpurgo (1681-1740),” Seforim Blog (https://seforimblog.com), June 22, 2021.


E. Reichman, "The 'Doctored' Medical Diploma of Samuel, the Son of Menaseh ben Israel: Forgery of 'For Jewry'," Seforim Blog (https://seforimblog.com), March 23, 2021.

E. Reichman, "The Physicians of the Rome Plague of 1656, Yaakov Zahalon and Hananiah Modigliano," Seforim Blog (https://seforimblog.com), February 19, 2021.

E. Reichman and M. Butler, “The Medical Training and Yet Another (Previously Unknown) Legacy of Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski, zt"l,” Seforim Blog (https://seforimblog.com), February 2, 2021.

E. Reichman, “Picturing Pandemic Prayer,” Seforim Blog (https://seforimblog.com), January 29, 2021.

E. Reichman, "Covid Lev Paraoh: Did the Egyptian King Suffer from Coronavirus?" (OU.org), January 28, 2021. 

E. Reichman, “Pandemic Bibliopenia: A Preliminary Report of Disease Eradication,” Seforim Blog (https://seforimblog.com), November 23, 2020.

E. Reichman, “What Became of Tychsen? The Non-Jewish ‘Rabbi’ and his ‘Congregation’ of Jewish Medical Students,” Seforim Blog (https://seforimblog.com), November 1, 2020.

E. Reichman, “From Graduation to Contagion: Jewish Physicians Facing Plague in Padua, 1631” Lehrhaus (thelehrhaus.com), September 8, 2020.

E. Reichman, “Lo studio e la pratica della medicina per gli ebrei nell’Italia del tardo Rinascimento,” in A. Contessa, et. al., eds, Oltre il ghetto. Dentro & Fuori (Silvana Editoriale: Ferrara, 2020), 90-95. E. Reichman, “Medicine and the Jews: Training and Practice in Late Renaissance Italy,” in the inaugural exhibition catalogue of the National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah.

E. Reichman, “From Cholera to Coronavirus: Recurrent Pandemics with Recurrent Rabbinic Responses,” Tradition Online (April 2, 2020) https://traditiononline.org/from-cholera-to-coronavirus-recurring-pandemics-recurring-rabbinic-responses/

E. Reichman, “Incensed by Coronavirus: Prayer and Ketoret in Times of Epidemic,” Lehrhaus (March 15, 2020) https://thelehrhaus.com/timely-thoughts/incensed-by-coronavirus-prayer-and-ketoret-in-times-of-epidemic/

E. Reichman, “The Lost Library by Dan Rabinowitz and the ‘Burial of Souls’ by Yehuda Leib Katznelson: Different Expressions of the Same Sentiment,” The Seforim Blog (April 3, 2019), available at https://seforimblog.com/2019/04/the-lost-library-by-dan-rabinowitz-and-the-burial-of-souls-by-yehuda-leib-katznelson-different-expressions-of-the-same-sentiment/.

E. Reichman, “Scientists: Don’t Leave Religious Communities Out in the Cold,” (Opinion Essay) Leapsmag, March 12, 2019.

E. Reichman, “The Yeshiva Medical School: The Evolution of Educational Programs Combining Jewish Studies and Medical Training,” Tradition 51:3(Summer 2019), 41-56.

E. Reichman, “The Life and Work of Dr. Menachem Mendel Yehuda Leib Sergei: A Torah U’Madda Titan of the Early Twentieth Century,” Hakirah 27 (Fall 2019), 119-146.

E. Reichman, “Postmortem Fetal Extraction before Burial of a Pregnant Woman: A Forgotten Custom That Should Remain Buried,” Korot 24 (2017-2018), 19-43.

E. Reichman and S. Reichman, “The Definition of Maternity Revisited: The Double Helix (Spiral) of Torah and Madda,” Torah to Go (May, 2018: Shavuot 5778), 21-25.

 E. Reichman and A. Dysert, “A Tour of the Osler Library of the History of Medicine Through Jewish Eyes,” Hakirah 24 (Spring 2018).

E. Reichman, “Shared Biological Paternity in Rabbinic Literature: From Goliath to Mitochondrial DNA and the Three-Parent Embryo,” in press. 

E. Reichman, “The Valmadonna Trust Broadside Collection and a Virtual Reunion of the Jewish Medical Students of Padua,” Verapo Yerapei: Journal of Torah and Medicine of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine Synagogue 7 (2017), 55-76.

E. Reichman, “The History of the Jewish Medical Student Dissertation: An Evolving Jewish Tradition,” in in J. Karp and M. Schaikewitz, eds., Sacred Training: A Halakhic Guidebook for Medical Students and Residents (Ammud Press: New York, 2018), xvii- xxxvii.

E. Reichman, “The Riddle of Samson and the Spontaneous Generation of Bees: The Bugonia Myth, the Crosspollination that Wasn’t, and the Heter for Honey That Might Have Been,” in Menachem Butler and Marian E. Frankston, eds., Essays for a Jewish Lifetime: Burton D. Morris Jubilee Volume  (New York: Hakirah Press), in press.

E. Reichman, “Zika Virus in Halakhah,” Jewish Action 77:2(Winter 2016), 28-31.

E. Reichman, “A Letter from a Torah Sage of the 18th Century to the Medical Faculty of the University of Halle (January, 1763): The Selective Deference of Rabbi Yonatan Eybeschutz to Medical Expertise as a Lesson in the Complex Relationship Between Medicine and Halakhah,” Verapo Yerapei: Journal of Torah and Medicine of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine Synagogue 6(2015), 89-112.

E. Reichman, “Ebola: A New Disease with an Ancient Tradition,” Jewish Action 75:3(Spring 2015), 62-69.

E. Reichman, “A Matter of Life ‘in’ Death: Post Mortem Cesarean Section in History and Halakhah,” K. Collins, E. Reichman and A. Steinberg, eds., In the Pathways of Maimonides: Studies in Maimonides, Medical Ethics, and Jewish Law- A Tribute to Dr. Fred Rosner(Maimonides Research Institute: Haifa, 2015), 195-226.

E. Reichman, “Pidyon Ha-Ben (Redemption of the Firstborn) in the 21st Century: An Appendix to Shulhan Arukh,” Verapo Yerapei: Journal of Torah and Medicine of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine Synagogue 5(2014), 261-287. 

E. Reichman, “The Anatomy of Prayer,” in D. Z. Feldman and S. W. Halpern, eds., Mitoch HaOhelTefillah (Yeshiva University Press, 2014), 37-52.

E. Reichman, “The Mandate of Genetic Testing,” Torah to Go(December 18, 2012), 79-81.

E. Reichman, “Are Two Heads Really Better Than One? Halakhic issues relating to conjoined twins and a two-headed person,” Verapo Yerapei : Journal of Torah and Medicine of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine 4(2012), 25-49.

E. Reichman, “The Ethics of Disconnecting Pacemakers and Defibrillators,” Letter to the Editor, Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 63(Spring 2012).

E. Reichman, “From Maimonides the Physician to the Physician at Maimonides Medical Center: The Training of the Jewish Medical Student throughout the Ages,” Verapo Yerape: The Journal of Torah and Medicine of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine 3(2011), 1-25.

E. Reichman, “The Resuscitation of Halakhah: An Animated Discussion,” in D. Z. Feldman and S. W. Halpern, eds., Mitoch HaOhel: The Haftorahs  (Yeshiva University Press, 2011), 31-43.

E. Reichman, “Kidney Donation in Jewish Law: A testimony to the progress of science and medical halakha,” Jewish Action, 71:2(Winter 2010), 18-19.

E. Reichman, “Tazria and childbirth: An open and shut case,” in D. Z. Feldman and S. W. Halpern, eds., Mitokh Ha-Ohel (Yeshiva University Press, 2010), 263-276.

E. Reichman, “Midrash, miracles and motherhood: The birth of Dinah and the definition of maternity,” Verapo Yerape: The Journal of Torah and Medicine of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine 2(2010), 15-47.

E. Reichman, “Anatomy and the doctrine of the seven-chamber uterus in rabbinic literature,” Hakirah 9(Winter, 2010), 245-265.

F. Rosner and E. Reichman, “Payment for organ donation in Jewish law,” in A. Levine, ed., Oxford Handbook of Judaism and Economics (Oxford University Press, 2010), 324-339.

E. Reichman, “Is there life after life: Superfetation in medical, historical and rabbinic literature,” in J. Wiesen, ed., And You Shall Surely Heal (Yeshiva University Press, 2009), 39-55. (revised version of earlier article)

E. Reichman, published response to letter to the editor, Jewish Action 69:4(Summer, 2009), 2-4. 

E. Reichman, “What does Halacha say about vaccination?” Jewish Action 69:2(Winter, 2008), 10-14. 

E. Reichman, “Is there life after life: Superfetation in rabbinic literature,” inA. Axelrod and M. Oppenheim, eds., Shalom Rav (self publication, 2008), 99-112.

F. Rosner, H. Goldstein, E. Reichman, eds., Studies in Jewish Medical Ethics(Hojers Forlag; Denmark, 2008).

E. Reichman, “The human genome project and its impact on the Jewish family,”  in F. Rosner, H. Goldstein, E. Reichman, eds., Studies in  Jewish Medical Ethics(Hojers Forlag; Denmark, 2008), 53-58. 

E. Reichman, “The anatomy of the human body in rabbinic literature,” in F. Rosner, H. Goldstein, E. Reichman, eds., Studies in  Jewish Medical Ethics(Hojers Forlag; Denmark, 2008), 84-91.

E. Reichman, “The anatomy of Halakha,” in Y. Steinberg, ed., Beracha Le’Avraham (Jerusalem, 2008), 69-97.

E. Reichman, “Sex selection in halakha,” Tradition 40:1(Spring 2007), 73-76.

E. Reichman, “Brain death,” letter, Tradition 39:2(Summer, 2005), 109-110.

E. Reichman, "The Impact of Medical History on Medical Halakha," in Medicine and Jewish Law: Volume 3 (Yashar Books; Brooklyn, NY, 2005), 163-176.

E. Reichman, “Metzitzah b’peh: A medical historical note,” Intercom Journal of the Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists 25:3(Fall 2005).

E. Reichman, “Don’t pull the plug on brain death just yet,” Tradition, 38:4(2004), 63-69.

E. Reichman, “End of life and sanctity of life- clinical case commentary” Virtual Mentor: Ethics Journal of the American Medical Association 7:5(May, 2005) 

E. Reichman, "The Halachic Definition of Death in Light of Medical History," reprinted in D. Shatz and J. B. Wolowelsky, eds., Mind, Body and Judaism: The Interaction of Jewish Law with Psychology and Biology (Michael Scharf Publication Trust of Yeshiva University, Ktav Publishing House; Jersey City, NJ, 2004)

E. Reichman, “Why is this Gene Different from All Other Genes: The Jewish Approach to Biotechnology,” in Michael Brannigan, ed., Cross Cultural Biotechnology (Rowan & Littlefield Publishers, 2004)

E. Reichman, “Uterine Transplantation and the Case of the Mistaken Question,” Tradition 37:2 (Summer 2003)

E. Reichman, “Mysterious Creatures Demystified: Review of Nosson Slifkin’s Mysterious Creatures,” Jewish Action 65:2(Winter 2004), 77-80.

E. Reichman, “The Incorporation of Pre-Modern Scientific Theories into Biblical Literature,” Jewish Bible Quarterly 32,2:126 (April-June, 2004)

E. Reichman, “Abortion and Contraception in Jewish Law,” in F. Rosner, H. Goldstein and E. Reichman ,eds., Selected Topics in Jewish Medical Ethics: Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Medicine,Ethics and Jewish Law in Copenhagen (Hojers Forlag: Denmark, 2003).

E. Reichman, “Truth Telling and Disclosure in Jewish Law,” in F. Rosner, H. Goldstein and E. Reichman ,eds., Selected Topics in Jewish Medical Ethics: Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Medicine,Ethics and Jewish Law in Copenhagen (Hojers Forlag: Denmark, 2003).

E. Reichman, “The Interface of Medicine, the Priesthood, and Jewish Law Throughout the Ages,” in F. Rosner, H. Goldstein and E. Reichman ,eds., Selected Topics in Jewish Medical Ethics: Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Medicine,Ethics and Jewish Law in Copenhagen (Hojers Forlag: Denmark, 2003).

F. Rosner and E. Reichman, “Embryonic Stem Cell Research in Jewish Law,” Journal of Halakha and Contemporary Society 43(Spring 2002), 49-68.

E. Reichman, “Halacha is Good Public Policy in Most Stem Cell Research,” editorial, Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle (August 3, 2001). 

E. Reichman, "Biblical and Talmudic Medicine: A Bibliographical Essay," in F. Rosner, Encyclopedia of Biblical and Talmudic Medicine (Jason Aronson, 2000).

E. Reichman, "The Use of Anesthesia in Circumcision: A Re-Evaluation of the Halakhic Sources," Tradition 34:3(2000), 6-26.

E. Reichman, "The Incorporation of Early Scientific Theories into Rabbinic    Literature: The Case of Innate Heat,"The Torah U'Maddah Journal 8(1998-1999), 181-99.          

E. Reichman, "The Halakhic Chapter of Ovarian Transplantation," Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought 33:1(1998), 31-70.

E. Reichman, "A Tale of Two Stones," BDD Journal of Torah and Scholarship 5 (1997). 

E. Reichman, "The Impact of Medieval Medicine on Medical Halakha: The Case of Mumia," in F. Rosner, (ed.) Pioneers in Jewish Medical Ethics (Jason Aronson, 1997).

E. Reichman, "The Rabbinic Conception of Conception: An Exercise in Fertility," Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Thought 31:1 (Fall 1996), 33-63.

E. Reichman, F. Rosner, "The Bone Called Luz," Journal of History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 51:1 (January 1996), 52-65.

E. Reichman, "The Halachic Definition of Death in Light of Medical History," The Torah U'Maddah Journal  4(Spring 1993), 148-174.

E. Reichman, "A Sketchy Analysis of Modigliani--an application of the methods of projective drawing analysis to the sketches of Amadeo Modigliani," Einstein Quarterly Journal of Biology and Medicine, 7:3(Summer 1989), 139-145.