Jeffrey E. Segall

Jeffrey E. Segall, Ph.D.

Area of research

  • mechanisms of tumor cell invasion, intravasation and metastasis; mechanical effects of the tumor microenvironment; macrophage tumor cell interactions; breast cancer; head and neck cancer; glioblastoma; intravital imaging




  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus 1300 Morris Park Avenue Golding Building 603 Bronx, NY 10461

Professional Interests

As of July 1, 2023 I have shifted to emeritus status.  My deepest thanks and gratitude for the many students and colleagues with whom I have collaborated over the past forty years.  I have closed my lab and am no longer taking on new staff.  However, I am happy to collaborate and discuss research by zoom or in person.

My scientific interests remain focused on the mechanisms by which tumor cells invade and metastasize. Tumor cell motility and the orientation of tumor cells by chemotaxis make important contributions to invasion and metastasis.  My expertise is in breast cancer, head and neck cancer, and glioblastoma. Breast cancer, although the primary tumor can be fully removed, metastasizes to distant sites, and the resulting metastases can lead to poor prognosis.  Glioblastoma and head and neck cancer invade locally into critical areas and the primary tumors are not fully removable by surgery.  I have familiarity with tissue culture studies of invasion and signaling of these cancers and in vivo analysis in mice. 

In addition, due to my long time association with the Einstein Senate, I am working on bringing all the minutes of the Senate along with brief summaries onto the Einstein website.  Einstein is a remarkable medical school with accomplishments that we are all proud of.  The minutes provide an interesting perspective on the trials and triumphs of this amazing place.

Selected Publications

A.        Original Communications in Reviewed Journals

1.      Chiang, P.K., Guranowski, A. and J.E. Segall (1981) Irreversible Inhibition of S-Adenosylhomocysteine Hydrolase by Nucleoside Analogs. Arch. Bioc. Bioph. 207:175:184.

2.      Segall, J.E., Manson, M.D. and H.C. Berg. (1982) Signal Processing Times in Bacterial Chemotaxis.  Nature 296:855-857. PubMed PMID: 7040985.

3.      Block, S.M., Segall, J.E. and H.C. Berg. (1982) Impulse Responses in Bacterial Chemotaxis.  Cell 31:215-226. PubMed PMID: 6760985

4.      Block SM, Segall JE, Berg HC. Adaptation kinetics in bacterial chemotaxis. J Bacteriol. 1983 Apr;154(1):312-23. PubMed PMID: 6339475; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC217461.

5.      Ishihara A, Segall JE, Block SM, Berg HC. Coordination of flagella on filamentous cells of Escherichia coli. J Bacteriol. 1983 Jul;155(1):228-37. PubMed PMID: 6345503; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC217673.

6.      Segall, J.E., Ishihara, A. and H.C. Berg. (1985) Chemotactic Signaling in Filamentous Cells of Escherichia coli. J. Bacter. 161:51-59. PubMed PMID: 3881399; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC214834.

7.      Segall, J.E., Block, S.M, and H.C. Berg. (1986) Temporal Comparisons in Bacterial Chemotaxis.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83:8987-8991. PubMed PMID: 3024160; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC387059

8.      Segall, J.E., Fisher, P.R. and G. Gerisch. (1987) Selection of Chemotaxis Mutants of Dictyostelium discoideum. J. Cell Biol. 104:151-161. PubMed PMID: 3793759; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2117037.

9.      Segall, J.E.. (1988) Analysis of Responses of Dictyostelium discoideum Amoebae to Chemoattractant Concentration Changes. J. Muscle Res. Cell Mot. 9:481-490. PubMed PMID: 2850298.

10.   Segall, J.E.,  Bominaar, A., Wallraff, E. and R. de Wit. (1988) Analysis of a Dictyostelium Chemotaxis Mutant with Altered Chemoattractant Binding. J. Cell Sci. 91:479-489. PubMed PMID: 3255752.

11.   Andre, E., Brink, M., Gerisch, G., Isenberg, G., Noegel, A., Schleicher, M., Segall, J. E., and E. A. Wallraff. (1989)  A Dictyostelium Mutant Deficient in Severin, an F-actin Fragmenting Protein,  Shows Normal Motility and Chemotaxis. J. Cell Biol. 108:985-995. PubMed PMID: 2537840; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2115376.

12.   Brinke, J., Gerisch, G., Isenberg, G., Noegel, A.A., Segall, J.E., Wallraff, E., and M. Schleicher. (1990) A Dictyostelium Mutant lacking an F-actin Crosslinking Protein, the 120 kD Gelation Factor.  J. Cell Biol. 111:1477-1489. PubMed PMID: 1698791; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2116242.

13.   Barisic, K., Mollner, S., Noegel, A. A., Gerisch, G., and J. E. Segall. (1991) cDNA Sequence of Cyclophilin from Dictyostelium discoideum.  Developmental Genetics, 12:50-53. PubMed PMID: 2049879.

14.   Segall, J.E. (1992) Behavioral responses of streamer F mutants of Dictyostelium discoideum: effects of cyclic GMP on cell motility.  J. Cell Sci., 101:589-597. PubMed PMID: 1325982.

15.   Segall, J.E. (1993) Polarization of yeast cells in spatial gradients of mating factor.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 90:8332-8336. PubMed PMID: 8397402; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC47350.

16.   Segall, J.E., Kuspa, A., Shaulsky, G., Ecke, M., Maeda, M., Gaskins, C., Firtel, R.A., and W.G. Loomis. (1995) A MAP kinase necessary for receptor-mediated activation of adenylate cyclase in Dictyostelium.  J. Cell Biol. 128:405-413. PubMed PMID: 7844154; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2120359.

17.   Segall, J.E., Tyrech, S., Boselli, L., W., Masseling, S., Chan, A., Helft, J,  Jones, J. and J. Condeelis.  (1996) EGF stimulates lamellipod extension and chemotaxis in metastatic mammary adenocarcinoma cells by an actin-dependent mechanism.  Clin. Exp. Met. 14:61-72.

18.   Gaskins, C., Clark, A.M., Aubry, L., Segall, J.E., Firtel, R.A. (1996) The Dictyostelium MAP kinase ERK2 regulates multiple, independent developmental pathways.  Genes and Dev. 10:118-128. PubMed PMID: 8557190.

19.   Knetsch, M.L.W., Epskamp, S.J.P., Schenk, P.W., Segall, J.E., and B.E. Snaar-Jagalska. (1996) Both G-protein and ras-dependent activation of extracellular signal regulated kinase 2 is antagonized by intracellular cAMP in Dictyostelium discoideum.  EMBO J. 15:3361-3368. PubMed PMID: 8670837; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC451899.

20.   Leberer, E., Wu, C., Leeuw, T., Fourest-Lieuvin, A., Segall, J.E., and D. Y. Thomas (1996) Functional characterization of the Cdc42p binding domain of yeast Ste20p protein kinase.  EMBO J. 16:83-97. PubMed PMID: 9009270; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC1169616.

21.   Edmonds, B.T., Wyckoff, J., Yeung, Y.-G., Wang, Y., Stanley, E.R., Jones, J., Segall, J.E., and J. Condeelis (1996) Elongation factor-1alpha is an overexpressed actin binding protein in metastatic rat mammary adenocarcinoma.  J. Cell Science 109:2705-2714.

22.   Chan, A., Raft, S., Bailly, M., Wyckoff, J., Segall, J. and Condeelis, J. (1998) EGF stimulates an increase in actin nucleation and filament number at the leading edge of the lamellipod in mammary adenocarcinoma cells.  J. Cell Sci. 111:199-211.

23.   Wang, Y., Liu, J. and J.E. Segall (1998) MAP kinase function in amoeboid chemotaxis.  J. Cell Sci. 111:373-383. PubMed PMID: 9427685.

24.   Wang, Y. and J.E. Segall (1998) The Dictyostelium MAP kinase DdERK2 functions as a cytosolic protein in complexes with its substrates in chemotactic signal transduction.  Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 244:149-155. PubMed PMID: 9514860.

25.   Bailly, M., Yan, L., Whitesides, G.M., Condeelis, J.S., and J.E. Segall (1998) Regulation of protrusion shape and adhesion to the substratum during chemotactic responses of mammalian carcinoma cells.  Exp. Cell Res. 241:285-299.

26.   Farina, K., Wyckoff, J., Rivera, J., Lee, H., Segall, J., Condeelis, J. and Jones, J. (1998) Cell motility of tumor cells visualized in living intact primary tumors using green fluorescent protein.  Cancer Res. 58:2528-2532.

27.   Wyckoff, J.B., Insel, L., Khazaie, K., Lichtner, R.B., Condeelis, J.S. and J.E. Segall (1998) Suppression of ruffling by EGF in chemotactic cells.  Exp. Cell Res. 242:100-109.

28.   Bailly, M., Macaluso, F., Cammer, M., Chan, A., Segall, J.E., and J.S. Condeelis.  (1999) Relationship between Arp2/3 complex and the barbed ends of actin filaments at the leading edge of carcinoma cells after EGF stimulation.  J. Cell Biol. 145:331-345.

29.   Hill, K., Welti, S., Yu, J., Murray, J.T., Yip, S., Condeelis, J.S., Segall, J.E., Backer, J.M. (2000) Specific requirement for the p85-p110alpha PI 3-kinase during EGF-stimulated actin nucleation in breast cancer cells. J. Biol. Chem. 275:3741-3744.

30.   Chan,A.Y.,  Bailly,M.,  Zebda,N.,  Segall,J.E, and J.S. Condeelis (2000) Role of cofilin in epidermal growth factor-stimulated actin polymerization and lamellipod protrusion.  J Cell Biol. 148:531-542.

31.   Wyckoff, J.B.,Jones, J.G., Condeelis, J. C., and J E. Segall (2000) A critical step in metastasis: In vivo analysis of intravasation at the primary tumor.  Cancer Res. 60:2504-2511.  PubMed PMID: 10811132.

32.   Wyckoff, J.B., Segall, J.E. and Condeelis, J.C. (2000) The collection of the motile population of cells from a living tumor. Cancer Res. 60:5401-5404.

33.   Bailly,M. , Wyckoff,J.B., Bouzahzah, B., Hammerman,R., Sylvestre,V., Cammer,M., Pestell,R.G., and J. E. Segall (2000) Distribution of the EGF receptor in chemotaxing adenocarcinoma cells. Mol. Biol. Cell. 11:3873-3883.

34.   Hill, K.M., Huang, Y, Yip, S.-C., Yu, J., Segall, J.E., and J.M. Backer. (2001) N-terminal domains of the class IA phosphoinositide 3-kinase regulatory subunit play a role in cytoskeletal but not mitogenic signaling.  J. Biol. Chem.  276:16374-16378.

35.   Bailly, M., Ichetovkin, I., Grant, W., Zebda, N., Machesky, L.M., Segall, J.E., and J. Condeelis (2001)  The F-actin side binding activity of the Arp 2/3 complex is essential for actin nucleation and lamellipod extension.  Curr. Biol. 11: 620-625.

36.   Bouzahzah, B., Albanese, C., Ahmed, F., Pixley, F., Lisanti, M. P, Segall, J.E., Condeelis, J., Joyce, J., Minden, A, Der, C.J., Chan, A., Symons, M. and R. G. Pestell. (2001) Rho Family GTPases Regulate Mammary Epithelium Cell Growth and Metastasis Through Distinguishable Pathways.  Mol. Med. 7: 816–830.

37.   Wang, W., Wyckoff, J.B., Frohlich, V.C., Oleynikov, Y., Huttelmaier, S., Zavadil, J., Cermak, L., Bottinger, E.P., Singer, R.H., White, J.G., Segall, J.E., and J.S. Condeelis.  (2002) Single cell behavior in metastatic primary mammary tumors correlated with gene expression patterns revealed by molecular profiling. Cancer Res. 62:6278-88.

38.   Vallier, L.G., Segall, J.E., and M. Snyder. (2002) The alpha-factor receptor C-terminus is important for mating projection formation and orientation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 53:251-66. PubMed PMID: 12378535

39.   Butty, A.C., Perrinjaquet, N., Petit, A., Jaquenoud, M., Segall, J.E., Hofmann, K., Zwahlen, C., and M. Peter.  (2002)  A positive feedback loop stabilizes the guanine-nucleotide exchange factor Cdc24 at sites of polarization.  EMBO J 21:1565-76. PubMed PMID: 11927541; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC125953.

40.   Ahmed F, Wyckoff J, Lin EY, Wang W, Wang Y, Hennighausen L, Miyazaki J, Jones J, Pollard JW, Condeelis JS, Segall JE. (2002) GFP Expression in the Mammary Gland for Imaging of Mammary Tumor Cells in Transgenic Mice. Cancer Res. 62:7166-9. PubMed PMID: 12499251.

41.   Wang W, Wyckoff JB, Wang Y, Bottinger EP, Segall JE, Condeelis JS. (2003) Gene expression analysis on small numbers of invasive cells collected by chemotaxis from primary mammary tumors of the mouse.  BMC Biotechnol. 3:13-25.

42.   Kempiak, S., Yip, J.-L., Backer, J., and J. E. Segall (2003) Local signaling by the EGF receptor. J. Cell Biol.162:781-787.  PubMed PMID: 12952932; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2172819.

43.   Wyckoff J, Wang W, Lin EY, Wang Y, Pixley F, Stanley ER, Graf T, Pollard JW, Segall J, Condeelis J (2004 ) A paracrine loop between tumor cells and macrophages is required for tumor cell migration in mammary tumors. Cancer Res. 64:7022-9.

44.   Wang W, Goswami S, Lapidus K, Wells AL, Wyckoff JB, Sahai E, Singer RH, Segall JE, Condeelis JS. (2004) Identification and testing of a gene expression signature of invasive carcinoma cells within primary mammary tumors.  Cancer Res. 64:8585-94.

45.   Kempiak SJ, Yamaguchi H, Sarmiento C, Sidani M, Ghosh M, Eddy RJ, Desmarais V, Way M, Condeelis JS, Segall JE (2005) J. Biol. Chem.  280:5836-5842.

46.   Goswami S, Sahai E, Wyckoff J, Cox D, Pixley F, Stanley ER, Segall JE, Condeelis, J (2005)  Macrophages promote the invasion of carcinoma cells in vitro via a paracrine loop.  Cancer Res. 65:5278-83.

47.   Yamaguchi H, Lorenz M, Kempiak S, Sarmiento C, Coniglio S, Symons M, Segall J, Eddy R, Miki H, Takenawa T, Condeelis J. (2005)  Molecular mechanisms of invadopodium formation: the role of the N-WASP-Arp2/3 complex pathway and cofilin.  J Cell Biol. 168(3):441-52.

48.   Sahai E, Wyckoff J, Philippar U, Segall JE, Gertler F, Condeelis J.  (2005) Simultaneous imaging of GFP, CFP and collagen in tumors in vivo using multiphoton microscopy. BMC Biotechnol. 5:14-22.

49.   Soon L, Mouneimne G, Segall J, Wyckoff J, Condeelis J. (2005) Description and characterization of a chamber for viewing and quantifying cancer cell chemotaxis. Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. 62(1):27-34.

50.   Xue C, Wyckoff J, Liang F,Sidani M, Violini S, Tsai K-L, Zhang Z-Y, Sahai E, Condeelis J, Segall JE (2006) EGF receptor overexpression results in increased tumor cell motility in vivo coordinately with enhanced intravasation and metastasis.  Cancer Res. 66:192-7

51.   Xue C, Liang F, Mahmood R, Vuolo M, Wyckoff J, Qian H, TsaiK-L, Kim M,  Locker J, Zhang Z-Y, Segall JE (2006 ) ErbB3-dependent motility and intravasation in breast cancer metastasis. Cancer Res. 66: 1418-1426.

52.   Chen S, Segall JE (2006) EppA, a putative substrate of DdERK2, regulates cyclic AMP relay and chemotaxis in Dictyostelium discoideum. Eukaryot Cell. 5:1136-46. PubMed PMID: 16835457; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC1489283.

53.   Wyckoff JB, Wang Y, Lin EY, Li JF, Goswami S, Stanley ER, Segall JE, Pollard JW, Condeelis J.  (2007) Direct visualization of macrophage-assisted tumor cell intravasation in mammary tumors.  Cancer Res. 67:2649-56.

54.   Wang W, Wyckoff JB, Goswami S, Wang Y, Sidani M, Segall JE, Condeelis JS. (2007) Coordinated regulation of pathways for enhanced cell motility and chemotaxis is conserved in rat and mouse mammary tumors.  Cancer Res. 67:3505-11.

55.   Pu J, McCaig CD, Cao L, Zhao Z, Segall JE, Zhao M. (2007) EGF receptor signalling is essential for electric-field-directed migration of breast cancer cells.  J Cell Sci. 120 :3395-403.

56.   Kedrin D, Gligorijevic B, Wyckoff J, Verkhusha VV, Condeelis J, Segall JE, van Rheenen J (2008) Intravital imaging of metastasis through an orthotopic Mammary Imaging Window.  Nature Methods. Nature Methods. 5:1019-21

57.   Hernandez L, Smirnova T, Kedrin D, Wyckoff J, Stanley ER, Cox D, Muller WJ, Pollard JW, van Rooijen N, Segall JE (2009) EGF/CSF-1 Induced Breast Cancer Cell Invasion is Triggered by Heregulin Beta 1 and CXCL12. Cancer Res. 69:3221-7.

58.   Kedrin D, Wyckoff JB, Hynes NE, Arteaga CL, Segall JE (2009) ERBB1 and ERBB2 have distinct functions in tumor cell invasion and intravasation. Clin. Cancer Res. 15: 3733-9.

59.   Gligorijevic B, Kedrin D, Segall JE, Condeelis J, van Rheenen J. (2009) Dendra2 photoswitching through the Mammary Imaging Window.  J Vis Exp. 28:1278. 

60.   Pang H, Flinn R, Patsialou A, Wyckoff J, Roussos ET, Wu H, Pozzuto M, Goswami S, Condeelis JS, Bresnick AR, Segall JE, Backer JM. (2009) Differential enhancement of breast cancer cell motility and metastasis by helical and kinase domain mutations of class IA phosphoinositide 3-kinase.  Cancer Res. 69(23):8868-76.

61.   Piatkevich KD, Hulit J, Subach OM, Wu B, Abdulla A, Segall JE, Verkhusha VV. (2010) Monomeric red fluorescent proteins with a large Stokes shift. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Mar 23;107(12):5369-74.

62.   Hernandez L, Magalhaes MA, Coniglio SJ, Condeelis JS, Segall JE: Opposing roles of CXCR4 and CXCR7 in breast cancer metastasis. Breast cancer research : BCR 2011, 13(6):R128.

63.   Medina-Ramirez CM, Goswami S, Smirnova T, Bamira D, Benson B, Ferrick N, Segall J, Pollard JW, Kitsis RN: Apoptosis inhibitor ARC promotes breast tumorigenesis, metastasis, and chemoresistance. Cancer research 2011, 71(24):7705-7715.

64.   Loudig O, Brandwein-Gensler M, Kim RS, Lin J, Isayeva T, Liu C, Segall JE, Kenny PA, Prystowsky MB: Illumina whole-genome complementary DNA-mediated annealing, selection, extension and ligation platform: assessing its performance in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded samples and identifying invasion pattern-related genes in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Human pathology 2011, 42(12):1911-1922.

65.   Boimel PJ, Cruz C, Segall JE: A functional in vivo screen for regulators of tumor progression identifies HOXB2 as a regulator of tumor growth in breast cancer. Genomics 2011, 98(3):164-172.

66.   Roussos ET, Balsamo M, Alford SK, Wyckoff JB, Gligorijevic B, Wang Y, Pozzuto M, Stobezki R, Goswami S, Segall JE et al: Mena invasive (MenaINV) promotes multicellular streaming motility and transendothelial migration in a mouse model of breast cancer. Journal of cell science 2011, 124(Pt 13):2120-2131.

67.   Smirnova T, Adomako A, Locker J, Van Rooijen N, Prystowsky MB, Segall JE: In vivo invasion of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells does not require macrophages. The American journal of pathology 2011, 178(6):2857-2865.

68.   Henkels KM, Farkaly T, Mahankali M, Segall JE, Gomez-Cambronero J: Cell invasion of highly metastatic MTLn3 cancer cells is dependent on phospholipase D2 (PLD2) and Janus kinase 3 (JAK3). Journal of molecular biology 2011, 408(5):850-862.

69.   Boimel PJ, Smirnova T, Zhou ZN, Wyckoff J, Park HI, Coniglio SJ, Patel P, Qian BZ, Stanley ER, Bresnick AR et al: Contribution of CXCL12 secretion to invasion of breast cancer cells. Breast cancer research : BCR 2012, 14(1):R23.

70.   Coniglio SJ, Eugenin E, Dobrenis K, Stanley ER, West BL, Symons MH, Segall JE: Microglial stimulation of glioblastoma invasion involves EGFR and CSF-1R signaling. Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass) 2012.

71.   Harris T, Jimenez L, Kawachi N, Fan JB, Chen J, Belbin T, Ramnauth A, Loudig O, Keller CE, Smith R et al: Low-Level Expression of miR-375 Correlates with Poor Outcome and Metastasis While Altering the Invasive Properties of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas. The American journal of pathology 2012, 180(3):917-928.

72.   Smirnova T, Zhou ZN, Flinn RJ, Wyckoff J, Boimel PJ, Pozzuto M, Coniglio SJ, Backer JM, Bresnick AR, Condeelis JS et al: Phosphoinositide 3-kinase signaling is critical for ErbB3-driven breast cancer cell motility and metastasis. Oncogene 2012, 31(6):706-71.

73.   Kim RS, Avivar-Valderas A, Estrada Y, Bragado P, Sosa MS, Aguirre-Ghiso JA, Segall JE. (2012). Dormancy signatures and metastasis in estrogen receptor positive and negative breast cancer. PloS one. 7(4):e35569.  PMID: 22530051 / PMCID: PMC3329481.

74.   Ishihara D, Dovas A, Hernandez L, Pozzuto M, Wyckoff J, Segall JE, Condeelis JS, Bresnick AR, Cox D. (2013) Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein regulates leukocyte-dependent breast cancer metastasis. Cell Rep. 4(3):429-36. PubMed PMID: 23911287.

75.   Zhou ZN, Sharma V, Beaty B, Roh-Johnson M, van Rooijen N, Kenny P, Wiley S, Condeelis J, Segall JE.  (2013) Autocrine HBEGF expression promotes breast cancer intravasation, metastasis and macrophage-independent invasion in vivo.  Oncogene 33(29):3784-93.

76.   Ishihara D, Dovas A, Hernandez L, Pozzuto M, Wyckoff J, Segall JE, Condeelis JS, Bresnick AR, Cox D. WASp is required for tumor associated macrophages to promote breast carcinoma cell invasion and metastasis. Cell Reports. 2013 4:429-36.

77.   Qian X, Hulit J, Suyama K, Eugenin EA, Belbin TJ, Loudig O, Smirnova T, Zhou ZN, Segall J, Locker J, Phillips GR, Norton L, Hazan RB. p21CIP1 mediates reciprocal switching between proliferation and invasion during metastasis. Oncogene. 2013 May 2;32(18):2292-303.

78.   Kim S, Yao J, Suyama K, Qian X, Qian BZ, Bandyopadhyay S, Loudig O, De Leon-Rodriguez C, Zhou ZN, Segall J, Macian F, Norton L, Hazan RB. Slug promotes survival during metastasis through suppression of Puma-mediated apoptosis. Cancer Res. 2014 Jul 15;74(14):3695-706.

79.   Jimenez L, Sharma VP, Condeelis J, Harris T, Ow TJ, Prystowsky MB, Childs G, Segall JE. MicroRNA-375 Suppresses Extracellular Matrix Degradation and Invadopodial Activity in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2015 Nov;139(11):1349-61. doi: 10.5858/arpa.2014-0471-OA. Epub 2015 Jul 14.  PubMed PMID: 26172508; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4628565

80.   Jimenez L, Lim J, Burd B, Harris TM, Ow TJ, Kawachi N, Belbin TJ, Angeletti R, Prystowsky MB, Childs G, Segall JE. miR-375 Regulates Invasion-Related Proteins Vimentin and L-Plastin. Am J Pathol. 2017 Jul;187(7):1523-1536. doi: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2017.02.019. Epub 2017 May 10. PubMed PMID: 28499703; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5500828

81.   Jayakar SK, Loudig O, Brandwein-Gensler M, Kim RS, Ow TJ, Ustun B, Harris TM, Prystowsky MB, Childs G, Segall JE, Belbin TJ. Apolipoprotein E Promotes Invasion in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Am J Pathol. 2017 Oct;187(10):2259-2272. doi: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2017.06.016. Epub 2017 Jul 24. PubMed PMID: 28751006; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5762938.

82.   Donnelly SK, Cabrera R, Mao SPH, Christin JR, Wu B, Guo W, Bravo-Cordero JJ, Condeelis JS, Segall JE, Hodgson L. Rac3 regulates breast cancer invasion and metastasis by controlling adhesion and matrix degradation. J Cell Biol. 2017 Dec 4;216(12):4331-4349. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201704048. Epub 2017 Oct 23. PubMed PMID: 29061650; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5716284.

83. Suyama K, Yao J, Liang H, Benard O, Loudig OD, Amgalan D, McKimpson WM,Phillips GR, Segall J, Wang Y, Fineberg S, Norton L, Kitsis RN, Hazan RB. An Akt3 Splice Variant Lacking the Serine 472 Phosphorylation Site Promotes Apoptosis and Suppresses Mammary Tumorigenesis. Cancer Res. 2018 Jan 1;78(1):103-114. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-15-1462. Epub 2017 Oct 16. PubMed PMID: 29038347. 

84. Cabrera RM, Mao SPH, Surve CR, Condeelis JS, Segall JE. A novel neuregulin - jagged1 paracrine loop in breast cancer transendothelial migration. Breast Cancer Res. 2018 Apr 10;20(1):24. doi: 10.1186/s13058-018-0960-8. PubMed PMID: 29636067; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5894135.

85. Mao SPH, Park M, Cabrera RM, Christin JR, Karagiannis GS, Oktay MH, Zaiss DMW, Abrams SI, Guo W, Condeelis JS, Kenney PA, Segall JE. Loss of amphiregulin reduces myoepithelial cell coverage of mammary ducts and alters breast tumor growth.  Breast Cancer Res. 2018 Oct 26;20(1):131. doi: 10.1186/s13058-018-1057-0. PubMed PMID: 30367629; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6203982.

86. Suh YJ, Hall MS, Huang YL, Moon SY, Song W, Ma M, Bonassar LJ, Segall JE, Wu M. Glycation of collagen matrices promotes breast tumor cell invasion. Integr Biol (Camb). 2019 May 1. pii: zyz011. doi: 10.1093/intbio/zyz011. PubMed PMID: 31041443.

87. Carter KP, Hanna S, Genna A, Lewis D, Segall J E, Cox D.  Macrophages enhance 3D invasion in a breast cancer cell line by induction of tumor cell tunneling nanotubes. Cancer Reports. 2019 Dec;2(6):e1213. doi: 10.1002/cnr2.1213. Epub 2019 Aug 28. PMID: 32467880; PMCID: PMC7254960. 

88. Dalaka E, Kronenberg NM, Liehm P, Segall JE, Prystowsky MB, Gather MC. Direct measurement of vertical forces shows correlation between mechanical activity and proteolytic ability of invadopodia. Sci Adv. 2020 Mar 11;6(11):eaax6912. doi:10.1126/sciadv.aax6912. PMID: 32195338; PMCID: PMC7065877.

89. Huang YL, Ma Y, Wu C, Shiau C, Segall JE, Wu M. Tumor spheroids under perfusion within a 3D microfluidic platform reveal critical roles of cell-cell adhesion in tumor invasion. Sci Rep. 2020 Jun 15;10(1):9648. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-66528-2. PMID: 32541776; PMCID: PMC7295764.

90. Huang YL, Shiau C, Wu C, Segall JE, Wu M. The architecture of co-culture spheroids regulates tumor invasion within a 3D extracellular matrix. Biophys Rev Lett. 2020 Sep;15(3):131-141. doi: 10.1142/s1793048020500034. Epub 2020 Jul 13. PMID: 33033500; PMCID: PMC7540657.

91. Gadsden NJ, Fulcher CD, Li D, Shrivastava N, Thomas C, Segall JE, Prystowsky MB, Schlecht NF, Gavathiotis E, Ow TJ. Palbociclib Renders Human Papilloma Virus-Negative Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Vulnerable to the Senolytic Agent Navitoclax. Mol Cancer Res. 2021 May;19(5):862-873. doi:10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-20-0915. Epub 2021 Jan 25. PMID: 33495400; PMCID: PMC8314015.

92. Huelsemann M, Sanchez C, Verkhusha PV, Des Marais V, Mao SPH, Donnelly SK, Segall JE, Hodgson L. TC10 regulates breast cancer invasion and metastasis bycontrolling membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase at invadopodia. Commun Biol. 2021 Sep 16;4(1):1091. doi: 10.1038/s42003-021-02583-3. PMID: 34531530.

93. Coniglio SJ, Segall JE. Microglial-stimulation of glioma invasion involves the EGFR ligand amphiregulin. PLoS One. 2021 Nov 29;16(11):e0260252. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0260252. PMID: 34843542; PMCID: PMC8629255.

94. Cheung BCH, Hodgson L, Segall JE, Wu M. Spatial and temporal dynamics of RhoA activities of single breast tumor cells in a 3D environment revealed by a machine learning-assisted FRET technique. Exp Cell Res. 2022 Jan 15;410(2):112939. doi: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2021.112939. Epub 2021 Nov 20. PMID: 34813733; PMCID: PMC8714707.

95. Sharma VP, Tang B, Wang Y, Duran CL, Karagiannis GS, Xue EA, Entenberg D, Borriello L, Coste A, Eddy RJ, Kim G, Ye X, Jones JG, Grunblatt E, Agi N, Roy S, Bandyopadhyaya G, Adler E, Surve CR, Esposito D, Goswami S, Segall JE, Guo W, Condeelis JS, Wakefield LM, Oktay MH. Live tumor imaging shows macrophage induction and TMEM-mediated enrichment of cancer stem cells during metastatic dissemination. Nat Commun. 2021 Dec 15;12(1):7300. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-27308-2. PMID: 34911937; PMCID: PMC8674234.

96. Suh YJ, Pandey M, Segall JE, Wu M. Tumor spheroid invasion in epidermal growth factor gradients revealed by a 3D microfluidic device. Phys Biol. 2022 Mar 10;19(3). doi: 10.1088/1478-3975/ac54c7. PMID: 35158347.


B.  Books, Chapters in Books, and Review Articles

 1.      Segall, J.E. and G. Gerisch (1989) Genetic approaches to cytoskeleton function and the control of cell motility.  Curr. Op. Cell Biol.: Cytoplasm and Cell Motility.  1:44-50. PubMed PMID: 2560931.

2.      Gerisch, G., Segall, J.E. and E. Wallraff. (1989) Isolation and Behavioral Analysis of Mutants Defective in Cytoskeletal Proteins.  Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton.  14:75-79.  PubMed PMID: 2684431.

3.      Segall, J. E. (1990) Mutational Studies of Amoeboid Chemotaxis using Dictyostelium discoideum.  In: Biology of the Chemotactic Response, (J. Armitage and J. Lackie, eds.)  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 241--272.

4.      Jones, J., Segall, J.E. and J. Condeelis. (1991) Molecular analysis of amoeboid chemotaxids:  parallel observation in amoeboid phagocytes and metastatic tumor cells.  In Cytokines and Cell Motility (I. Goldberg and E. Rosen, eds.) Birkhauser Verlag, New York.  PubMed PMID: 1833224.

5.      Manson, M.D., and J.E. Segall (1992) Chemotaxis.  In The Encyclopedia of Microbiology (J. Lederberg, ed.) Academic Press, San Diego.

6.      Condeelis, J., Jones, J., and J. E. Segall (1992) Chemotaxis of metastatic tumor cells: clues to mechanisms from the Dictyostelium paradigm.  Cancer and Metastasis Reviews 11:55-68.

7.      Mann, S. P. Devreotes, S. Eliott, K. Jermyn, A. Kuspa, M. Fechheimer, R. Furukawa, C. Parent, J. Segall, G. Shaulsky, P. Vardy, J. Williams, and R. Firtel. (1994) Cell biological, molecular genetic, and biochemical methods to examine Dictyostelium.  In: "Cell Biology:  A Laboratory Handbook" (ed J. Celis), Academic Press 1:412-451.

8.      Cammer, M., Wyckoff, J. and J.E. Segall (1997) Computer-assisted analysis of single cell motility.  In: Basic Cell Culture Protocols (eds. J.M. Walker and J.W. Pollard), Methods in Molecular Biology, 75:459-470.

9.      Zigmond, S.H., Foxman, E.F. and J.E. Segall (1998) Chemotaxis Assays for Eukaryotic Cells. In: Current Protocols in Cell Biology (eds) Bonifacino, J.S., et al.  New York, John Wiley & Sons. (in press).

10.   Bailly, M. Condeelis, J. and Segall, J.E. (1998) Chemoattractant-induced lamellipod extension.  Microscopy Research and Technique. 43:433-443

11.   Segall, J.E. (1999) Cell Polarization: Chemotaxis gets cracking. Current Biology  9:R46-R48.

12.   Pestell, R.G., Albanese, C., Reutens , A.T., Segall,  J.E., Lee, R.J., and Arnold, A. (1999) The cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors in hormonal regulation of proliferation and differentiation. Endocr Rev 20:501-34.

13.   Condeelis, J.S., Wyckoff, J., and J. E. Segall (2000) Imaging of cancer invasion and metastasis using green fluorescent protein.  Eur. J. Cancer 36:1671-1680.

14.   Condeelis. J.S., Wyckoff, J.B., Bailly, M.,  Pestell, R., Lawrence,D., Backer, J., and Jeffrey E. Segall (2001) Lamellipodia in invasion.  Sem. Canc. Biol. 11:119-128.

15.   Condeelis, J. and J.E. Segall (2003) Intravital imaging of cell movements in tumors.  Nat. Rev. Canc. 3:921-930.

16.   Condeelis J, Song X, Backer J, Wyckoff J and JE Segall (2003) Chemotaxis of cancer cells during invasion and metastasis. In: Cell Motility:  from molecules to organisms. (Editors: Anne Ridley, Michelle Peckham, Peter Clark) Wiley & Sons. 175-188.

17.   Kempiak, S.J. and J.E. Segall (2004) Stimulation of cells using EGF-coated magnetic beads.
Sci STKE. 218:pl1.

18.   Meili, R., Richard A. Firtel, R.A.  and J. E. Segall. (2004) Molecular Mechanisms of Chemotaxis in Amoebae.  In: Chemotaxis (editor Michael Eisenbach) U.K.,  Imperial College Press. 253-294.

19.   Bozzaro, S., Fisher P.R., Loomis, W., Satir, P. and J. E. Segall (2004) Guenther Gerisch and Dictyostelium, the microbial model for ameboid motility and multicellular morphogenesis.  Trends Cell Biol. 14:585-9.

20.   Wyckoff J, Segall JE, and J Condeelis (2005) “Chapter 22:  Single cell imaging in animal tumors in vivo” in Live Cell Imaging: a Laboratory Manual, Eds.:  D.L. Spector and R.D. Goldman.  CSHL.  Cold Spring Harbor, NY. Pp. 409 - 422.

21.   Wang W, Goswami S, Sahai E, Wyckoff JB, Segall JE, Condeelis JS. (2005) Tumor cells caught in the act of invading: their strategy for enhanced cell motility. Trends Cell Biol. 15:138-45.

22.   Ingman, W., Wyckoff J, Xue C, Lin EY, Wang W, Goswami S, Pollard JW, Condeelis J, and JE Segall (2005) Imaging Invasion and Metastasis In vivo.  In: Cell Motility in Cancer Invasion and Metastasis (editor Alan Wells), Kluwer Academic Publishers.

23.   Condeelis J, Singer R, Segall JE (2005) The great escape: When cancer cells hijack the genes for chemotaxis and motility.  Ann. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 21: 695-718.

24.   Sidani M, Wyckoff J, Xue C, Segall JE, Condeelis J. (2006) Probing the microenvironment of mammary tumors using multiphoton microscopy.  J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia. 11:151-63.

25.   Wyckoff JB, Condeelis J, Segall JE (2006) Growth factor receptors – doing more than just stimulating tumor growth?  BIF Futura. 21:219-223.

26.   Kedrin D, Wyckoff J, Sahai E, Condeelis J, Segall JE (2007)  Imaging of tumor cell movement in vivo.  Current Protocols in Cell Biology.  19.7.1 – 19.7.17.

27.   Smirnova T, Segall JE (2007) Amoeboid chemotaxis: future challenges and opportunities.  Cell Adhesion and Migration. 1:4, 1-6.

28.   Kedrin D, van Rheenen J, Hernandez L, Condeelis J, Segall JE (2007) Cell motility and cytoskeletal regulation in invasion and metastasis.  J. Mam. Gland Biol. Neoplasia. 12: 143-52.

29.   Symons M and Segall JE (2009) Rac and Rho driving tumor invasion: who’s at the wheel? Genome Biology.10:213.1 - .4.

30.   Hernandez L, Smirnova T, Wyckoff J, Condeelis J, Segall JE (2009) In vivo assay for tumor cell invasion.  Methods in Molecular Biology. 571:227-38

31.   Zhou ZN, Boimel PJ, Segall JE: Tumor-stroma: In vivo assays and intravital imaging to study cell migration and metastasis. Drug discovery today Disease models 2011, 8(2-3):95-112.

32.   Wyckoff J, Gligorijevic B, Entenberg D, Segall J, Condeelis J: The in vivo invasion assay: preparation and handling of collection needles. Cold Spring Harbor protocols 2011, 2011(10):1232-1234.

33.   Wyckoff J, Gligorijevic B, Entenberg D, Segall J, Condeelis J: High-resolution multiphoton imaging of tumors in vivo. Cold Spring Harbor protocols 2011, 2011(10):1167-1184.

34.   Locker J, Segall JE: Breast cancer: the matrix is the message. The American journal of pathology 2011, 178(3):966-968.

35.   Childs G, Segall JE. (2012). Twists and turns of invasion. Nature cell biology. 14(4):337-9.  PMID: 22469829.

36.   Friedl P, Locker J, Sahai E, Segall JE. (2012) Classifying collective cancer cell invasion. Nat Cell Biol. 14(8):777-83. PubMed PMID: 22854810.

37.   Hulit J, Kedrin D, Gligorijevic B, Entenberg D, Wyckoff J, Condeelis J, Segall JE. (2012). The use of fluorescent proteins for intravital imaging of tumor cell invasion. In: In vivo cellular imaging using fluorescent proteins: methods and protocols. Hoffman, Robert M. (Ed.)  Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 872. Humana Press, pp 15 – 30.

38.   Entenberg D, Kedrin D, Wyckoff J, Sahai E, Condeelis J, Segall JE. (2013) Imaging tumor cell movement in vivo.  Curr Protoc Cell Biol. Chapter 19:Unit19.7.

39.   Coniglio S, Segall JE. Molecular mechanism of microglia stimulated glioblastoma invasion.  Matrix Biology.  2013 32:372-80.

40.   Jimenez L, Jayakar SK, Ow TJ, Segall JE. Mechanisms of Invasion in Head and Neck Cancer. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2015 Nov;139(11):1334-48. doi: 10.5858/arpa.2014-0498-RA. Epub 2015 Jun 5. Review. PubMed PMID: 26046491.

41.   Coniglio S, Miller I, Symons M, Segall JE. Coculture Assays to Study Macrophage and Microglia Stimulation of Glioblastoma Invasion. J Vis Exp. 2016 Oct 20;(116). doi: 10.3791/53990. PubMed PMID: 27805587.

42.   Chiang SP, Cabrera RM, Segall JE. Tumor cell intravasation. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2016 Jul 1;311(1):C1-C14. doi: 10.1152/ajpcell.00238.2015. Epub 2016 Apr 13. Review. PubMed PMID: 27076614; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4967137.

43.   Huang YL, Segall JE, Wu M. Microfluidic modeling of the biophysical microenvironment in tumor cell invasion. Lab Chip. 2017 Sep 26;17(19):3221-3233.  doi: 10.1039/c7lc00623c. PubMed PMID: 28805874.

44.   Carter KP, Segall JE, Cox D.  Microscopic Methods for Analysis of Macrophage-Induced Tunneling Nanotubes. Meth. Mol. Biol. Methods Mol Biol. 2020;2108:273-279. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-0247-8_23. PMID: 31939188; PMCID: PMC7594733.