Myra Glajchen, D.S.W.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Family and Social Medicine
- Metropolitan Jewish Health Systems 39 Broadway 1230 New York, NY 10006
Research Profiles
Professional Interests
Dr Myra Glajchen has worked as a clinician, educator and researcher for the past twenty five years. She currently serves as Director of Medical Education in the Institute for Innovation in Palliative Care at MJHS Hospice and Palliative Care. As such, she has responsibility for education, training, and curriculum development in hospice and palliative medicine at MJHS. She is an Assistant Professor in Family Medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
Dr Glajchen has participated in over 20 international CME conferences on various topics related to pain, chemical dependency, palliative care, hospice, caregivers and interdisciplinary practice. As Co-Director of two accredited fellowship programs at Beth Israel, she participated in the development of the nuts and bolts of accredited training programs and in the direct training of 100 physician Fellows in Pain Medicine and Hospice and Palliative Medicine. In addition, she had oversight for over 50 clinical electives each year, including preceptorships, observerships for house officers and attendings from the US and overseas, and site visits for medical teams requesting technical assistance and programmatic guidance.
Dr Glajchen created Beth Israel’s Family Caregiver Initiative in 1998, and guided the development and dissemination of the program’s deliverables and research studies dedicated to screening and improving the well-being of family caregivers of patients with serious or advanced chronic illness. This included publication of the widely acclaimed Caregiver Resource Directory in 2000, validation of the Brief Assessment Scale for Caregivers (BASC) in English and Chinese, through several studies and clinical trials, needs assessments of caregiver burden in a palliative home care population, in the Emergency Department, in Cystic Fibrosis, and development of NetofCare, an interactive online resource for caregivers. As Director of the Asian Family Caregiver Project, Dr Glajchen created new clinical services for Chinese caregivers, developed cross-cultural educational tools to improve communication with caregivers at the end of life, and oversaw clinical programs designed to increase access to palliative care, hospice, home care for immigrant families.
Dr Glajchen has been recognized for her leadership in the field of caregiving through invitations to join expert panels, serve as an invited speaker, submit publications, serve as a peer reviewer, serve as a faculty member on numerous grants and speak at many national and international conferences in the US and abroad.
Selected Publications
Articles in Refereed Journals
- Glajchen, M, Homel, P, Tsoi, CY, Chan, S and Portenoy, RK. (2013). Development and Validation of the Brief Assessment Scale for Caregivers in Chinese. Journal of Palliative Medicine. Nov., 16 (11): 1394-1402.
- Glajchen, M. (2012). Physical Well-Being of Oncology Caregivers: An Important Quality of Life Domain. Seminars in Oncology Nursing. 28 (4): 226-236.
- Mui, A., Glajchen, M., Chen, H., Sun, J. (2012). Developing an Older Adult Volunteer Program in a New York Chinese Community: An Evidence-based Approach. Ageing International. September, Springer Publishers.
- Glajchen, M., Lawson, R., Homel, P., DeSandre, P and Todd, K H. (2011). A Rapid Two-Stage Screening Protocol for Palliative Care in the Emergency Department: A Quality Improvement Initiative. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. Vol. 42 No. 5 November: pp 657-662.
- Bookbinder, M., Glajchen, M., McHugh, M., Higgins, P., Budis, J., Solomon, N., Homel, P., Cassin, C and Portenoy, RK. (2011), Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 41 no. 1: pp 25-34. Nurse Practitioner-Based Models of Specialist Palliative Care at Home: Sustainability and Evaluation of Feasibility
- Glajchen, M., Kornblith, AB, Homel, P, Fraidin, L, Mauskop, A, Portenoy, RK. (2005). Development of a Brief Assessment Scale for Caregivers of the Medically Ill. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 29, no. 3: pp 245-254.
- Glajchen, M. (2004). Emerging Role of Caregivers in Cancer Care. Journal of Supportive Oncology, 2: pp 145-155.
- Levine, C., Glajchen, M, Cournos, F. (2004). Case Study: A Fifteen Year-Old Translator. Hastings Center Report, vol 34, no. 3: pp10-12.
- Glajchen, M, Bookbinder, M and Gorordo, P. (2003). Building a Model Pain Management Program in Your Community Center. Oncology Issues, vol. 18, no.3: 32-36.
- Glajchen, M. (2001). Chronic Pain: Barriers and Strategies for Clinical Practice. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 14: 211-218.
- Glajchen, M. and Bookbinder, M. (2001). Knowledge and Perceived Competence of Home Care Nurses in Pain Management: A National Survey. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 21: 307-316.
- Glajchen, M and Zuckerman, C. (2001). Resolving Conflict and Making Decisions, Journal of Palliative Medicine. 4(2), 221-225.
- Magen, R.H. and Glajchen, M. (1999). Cancer Support Groups: Client Outcome and the Context of Group Process. Research on Social Work Practice, 9: 541-554.
- Glajchen, M. (1997). Creating a Consumer Demand for Pain Relief: A Role for State Cancer Pain Initiatives. American Pain Society Bulletin.
- Zabora, J.R., Blanchard, C.G., Smith, E.D., Roberts, C.S, Glajchen, M. et al. (1997). Prevalence of Psychological Distress Among Cancer Patients Across the Disease Continuum. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology,15:73-87.
- Glajchen, M. and Moul, J.W. (1996). Teleconferencing as a Method of Educating Men about Managing Advanced Prostate Cancer & Pain. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 14:73-87.
- Glajchen, M. and Magen, R. (1995). Evaluating Process, Outcome and Satisfaction in Community-Based Cancer Support Groups. Social Work with Groups, Special Issue, 18: 27-40.
- Glajchen, M., Fitzmartin, R.D., Blum, D., and Swanton, R. (1995). Psychosocial Barriers to Cancer Pain Relief. Cancer Practice, 3: 76-82.
- Glajchen, M., Blum, D. and Calder, K. (1995). Cancer Pain Management and the Role of Social Work: Barriers and Interventions. Health and Social Work, 20: 200-206.
- Glajchen, M. (1994). Psychosocial Consequences of Inadequate Health Insurance for Patients with Cancer. Cancer Practice, 2: 115-120.
- Calder, K., Glajchen, M. and Blum, D. (1993). Patient Advocacy in Cancer Pain Relief: The Cancer Care Model. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 8: 381 - 384.
- Glajchen, M. (1982): Teamwork in a Hospital Setting: The Role of the Social Worker in a Pediatric Team. Social Work (South Africa), 18: 15 -38.
Book Chapters
- Glajchen, M and Gerbino, S. (in press, 2015). Communication in Palliative Social Work. Oxford Textbook of Palliative Care Communication. Elaine Wittenberg-Lyles, Betty Ferrell, Joy Goldsmith, Thomas Smith, Sandra Egan, Myra Glajchen and George Handzo, editors. Oxford University Press.
- Coyle, N. and Glajchen, M. (2013). Pain Management in the Home: Using Cancer Patients as a Model. Practical Management of Pain, 5th edition. H. Benzon, J. Rathmell, , C. Wu, D. Turk, and C. Argoff. (editors). Published by Elsevier, Philadelphia.
- Glajchen, M. (2012). Cancer Pain Evaluation of Relevant Comorbidities and Impact. In: Encyclopedic Reference of Pain. Robert F. Schmidt and William D. Willis, editors. Springer-Verlag.
- Glajchen, M. (2011). Caregivers in Palliative Care: Roles and Responsibilities. Oxford Textbook of Palliative Social Work. Oxford University Press.
- Glajchen, M. (2010). The Roles and Challenges of the Family Caregiver in Cancer. National Cancer Institute. PDQ: NCI’s Comprehensive Cancer Database.http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/cancerdatabase
- Glajchen, M. (2009). Role of Family Caregivers in Cancer Pain. In Cancer Pain: Assessment and Management. Second Edition. Eduardo Bruera and Russell K. Portenoy, editors. Cambridge University Press, pp 597-607.
- Glajchen, M. (2004). Cancer Pain Evaluation of Relevant Comorbidities and Impact. In: Encyclopedic Reference of Pain. Robert F. Schmidt and William D. Willis, editors. Springer-Verlag.
- Glajchen, M. (2003). Caregiver Burden and Pain Control. In: Cancer Pain. Russell K. Portenoy and Eduardo Bruera, editors. Cambridge University Press, pp 467-474.
- Glajchen, M. (1999). Psychosocial Issues in Cancer Care. In C. Miaskowski and P. Buchsel (eds). Oncology Nursing: Assessment and Clinical Care. St. Louis: Mosby Inc., pp305-318.
- Glajchen, M. (1990): Helping Therapies and Support Services, In, An Almanac Of Practical Resources for Cancer Survivors: Charting the Journey. (Mullan, F. and Hoffman, B. eds.). Mt Vernon, New York: Consumer Reports Books.