Preeti Kishore

Preeti Kishore, M.B.,B.S., M.S.




  • Jacobi Medical Center 1400 Pelham Parkway South Building 1 3N1G Bronx, NY 10461

Lab of Preeti Kishore

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Professional Interests

Dr. Preeti Kishore is a Professor in the Division of Endocrinology.  She is the site director for the Einstein/Montefiore Endocrinology Fellowship Program at Jacobi Medical Center. As Chief of the Endocrinology Division at Jacobi she is responsible for the clinical endocrine inpatient and outpatient operations at Jacobi and North Central Bronx Hospitals. She actively participates in the teaching of endocrinology fellows, internal medicine residents and Einstein medical students. Her education philosophy is to empower learners to drive their own educational goals/learning. She is interested in the use of diabetes technology to manage low health literacy patients with diabetes. She is also the Director of the Weight Management Program at Jacobi.

Her research interests have been in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and the Insulin resistance syndrome. She has investigated the pathogenic role of free fatty acids in various aspects of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, particularly the role they play in regulating “glucose effectiveness”. She is also interested in the role of adipose tissue inflammation in the pathogenesis of the metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance. As an extension to her interest in adipose inflammation, she has investigated the role of vitamin D deficiency in Type 2 diabetes and whether it may regulate adipose inflammation/fibrosis.

Dr. Kishore is a member of the Leo M Davidoff Society and a recipient of the prestigious Henry Christian Award of the American Federation of Medical Research. She is also the recipient of several teaching/advising awards. 

Selected Publications

Esterson YB, Carey M, Boucai L, Goyal A, Raghavan P, Zhang K, Mehta D, Feng D, Wu L, Kehlenbrink S, Koppaka S, Kishore P, Hawkins M.Central Regulation of Glucose Production May Be Impaired in Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes. 2016 Sep;65(9):2569-79

Kishore P, Boucai L, Zhang K, Li W, Koppaka S, Kehlenbrink S, Schiwek A, Esterson YB, Mehta D, Bursheh S, Su Y, Gutierrez-Juarez R, Muzumdar R, Schwartz GJ, Hawkins M. Activation of K(ATP) channels suppresses glucose production in humans. J Clin Invest. 2011 Dec;121(12):4916-20

Kishore P, Li W, Tonelli J, Lee DE, Koppaka S, Zhang K, Lin Y, Kehlenbrink S, Scherer PE, Hawkins M. Adipocyte-derived factors potentiate nutrient-induced production of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 by macrophages. Sci Transl Med. 2010 Feb 24;2(20):20ra15.