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Highlighting Excellence—Juan Robles, M.D., is the recipient of the 2024 Dr. Debasish Mridha Spirit of Medicine Award, one of several AMA Excellence in Medicine Award presented by the AMA Foundation each year to honor physicians who represent the highest values of altruism, compassion, and dedication to patient care. Dr. Robles was nominated by Einstein student Daniel Alicea and the honor is a testament to how Dr. Robles, class of 2011, is valued by Einstein medical students. The award includes a $2,500 grant that can support the health-focused non-profit organization of Dr. Robles’ choosing. He was presented with the honor at an awards ceremony and donor reception on June 8, 2024. Dr. Robles is associate professor of family and social medicine at Einstein, as well as a physician at the Family Health Center and the founder of the Bronx Community Health Leaders, a pre-health mentoring program.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Alumna of Distinction—Oberlin College has awarded its alumna, Kathryn Anastos, M.D., an Honorary Doctor of Science in recognition of her work in advancing HIV and AIDS research and treatment on a global and local scale. In announcing the honor, Oberlin noted, “For more than 40 years, she’s provided primary medical care for persons living with HIV in the Bronx, New York. Anastos also has 30 years of experience conducting research to improve the lives of persons with HIV, especially women. Accordingly, she’s served as principal investigator of the New York City/Bronx Consortium of the Women's Interagency HIV Study (WIHS) since it launched in 1993. Anastos also builds local research capacity and leads research related to HIV and HIV-related cancers in several countries in Africa.” Dr. Anastos is professor of medicine, of epidemiology & public health, and of obstetrics & gynecology and women’s health, and co-director emerita of global health at Einstein, and associate director of global health for the Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center. She majored in psychobiology at Oberlin.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Exploring How Metabolism Locally Controls Gene Expression—A team of Einstein researchers led by Robert Coleman, Ph.D., Vladislav Verkhusha, Ph.D., and Louis Hodgson, Ph.D., have received a $500,000 two-year grant from the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative. The grant supports their efforts to develop tools for studying how metabolism locally controls gene expression. The scientists hypothesize that metabolites produced locally in the nucleus may regulate gene transcription by reorganizing chromatin (the DNA-protein complex that makes up chromosomes) so that certain genes become accessible and able to be transcribed. The approaches they propose—optogenetic tools and metabolite biosensors—would identify in real time whether local metabolite production in the nucleus causes changes in gene expression. Their research could yield insights into a broad range of areas including circadian rhythms, aging, diabetes, and chronic inflammation. Dr. Coleman is associate professor of cell biology, Dr. Verkhusha is professor of genetics, and Dr. Hodgson is professor of molecular pharmacology. In addition, Dr. Verkhusha is co-director, and Drs. Coleman and Hodgson are members, of the Gruss-Lipper Biophotonics Center.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Causa for Celebration—Ana Maria Cuervo, M.D., Ph.D., was awarded a Doctorate of Honoris Causa—an honorary doctorate—from the University of Buenos Aires on December 7, 2023, in recognition of her contributions to the fields of aging and autophagy. The latter is the process through which damaged cellular materials are eliminated and recycled, which can be affected by aging. At the ceremony honoring her, Dr. Cuervo presented “Autophagy as a Vehicle to Achieve a Healthy Old Age,” which detailed her studies into how autophagy can enhance longevity and quality of life. Dr. Cuervo is distinguished professor of developmental & molecular biology and of medicine at Einstein and holds the Robert and Renée Belfer Chair for the Study of Neurodegenerative Diseases.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Gaetano Santulli, M.D., Ph.D., has been elected a Fellow of the American Heart Association (FAHA). This honorific designation recognizes one’s scientific and professional accomplishments and contributions, as well as service that supports the overall AHA mission: to be a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives. Dr. Santulli’s research addresses the pathology of heart disease as well as the factors that influence treatment and earning the FAHA distinction acknowledges the import of his work, as well as his acceptance among influential cardiovascular, stroke, and brain health professionals involved with this world-renowned organization. Dr. Santulli is associate professor of medicine and of molecular pharmacology.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Exemplary Appointment—Julio Aguirre-Ghiso, Ph.D., has been appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board of the French Republic National Cancer Institute (INCa), which is among the leaders of cancer research and treatment worldwide. The institute’s board is composed of world-renowned cancer experts appointed by the Ministries for Health and for Research, and its members—who meet twice annually—provide advice and recommendations while affirming consistency of INCa medical and scientific strategies. Dr. Aguirre-Ghiso is professor of cell biology, of oncology, and of medicine, director, of the Institute for Cancer Dormancy and Tumor Microenvironment, and co-leader of the Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center Tumor Microenvironment & Metastasis Program. He also holds the Rose C. Falkenstein Chair in Cancer Research.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Honored for Anti-Aging Research—Joe Verghese, M.B.B.S., M.S., has received a 2023 Joseph T. Freeman Award from the Gerontological Society of America (GSA). The award recognizes the work of prominent clinician/researchers in the field of aging. Dr. Verghese studies the effects of disease and aging on gait and cognition in older adults and examines how cognitively stimulating activities can reduce the risk of dementia and mobility loss. He delivered “Motor Pathways to Dementia,” one of two Joseph T. Freeman lectures for excellence in the rehabilitation of the elderly, at the GSA’s annual scientific meeting in Tampa, Florida during November.  Dr. Verghese is professor in the Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology and of medicine, director of the Jack and Pearl Resnick Gerontology Center and of the Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology Division of Cognitive & Motor Aging, and the Murray D. Gross Memorial Faculty Scholar in Gerontology.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Accolade for Excellence in Thyroid Research—Yaron Tomer, M.D., received the Sidney H. Ingbar Distinguished Lectureship Award at the American Thyroid Association® (ATA) 2023 annual meeting and centennial celebration on September 28, 2023, in Washington, DC. Dr. Tomer was selected for this honor in recognition of his major contributions to the field of thyroid research over many years – in particular his groundbreaking research in thyroid autoimmunity pertaining to Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. In line with receiving the award, Dr. Tomer presented a lecture titled “The Role of Autophagy in Autoimmune Thyroiditis: A New Paradigm.” He is the Marilyn and Stanley M. Katz Dean at Einstein and executive vice president and chief of academic affairs at Montefiore Medicine.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Community Leadership Recognition—Renowned as a national leader in diversifying the workforce, Lynne Holden, M.D., was one of three honorees at the 2023 W.E.B. DuBois Leadership and Empowerment Breakfast, a program of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, on August 26. She was the recipient of the inaugural Rebecca Crumpler, M.D. Award, named after the first African-American female medical doctor in the United States. Dr. Holden has a lengthy and successful record of fighting for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace. In 2007, she co-founded Mentoring in Medicine Inc., (MIM) a nonprofit dedicated to increasing diversity in the health and science fields; she currently serves as president emeritus of MIM. A longtime member of the Einstein faculty, Dr. Holden is professor of emergency medicine, vice chair for DEI in the department of emergency medicine, and senior associate dean for diversity and inclusion.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Outstanding in Her Field—Maria Maryanovich, Ph.D., is a 2023 recipient of an American Society of Hematology Scholar Award. This award, given by ASH to emerging scientists, recognizes their contributions to the field of hematology. Since 1985, the award has provided supportive funding to promising young investigators toward establishing their independent careers. Dr. Maryanovich’s research focuses on understanding the mechanisms that regulate the maintenance of bone marrow niches for hematopoietic stem cells. She is assistant professor of cell biology.

Outstanding in Her Field— 

Tuesday, July 11, 2023
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