Community Programs
Did You Know?
- Every student that has gone through the Einstein Enrichment Program has gone on to a four-year college/university directly after graduation.
- Through the Mintority Student Summer Research Opportunity Program, participants have the opportunity to interact not only with the faculty member directing the research, but also with the graduate students and/or postdoctoral fellows working at the site.
Executive Summary 2012
Einstein's Bronx Science and Health Opportunity Partnership (BxSHOP), is a federally funded pipeline program that partners with successful existing pipeline programs to form a coherent collaboration and educational pathway for students interested in health careers. Drs. Maria Marzan and Hal Strelnick are the co-directors of this initiative.
BxSHOP supports and expanded the Einstein Enrichment Program by 10 seats, Fordham College's Science and Technology Entry Program (7th though 12 grade) by 25 seats and its College Science and Technology Entry Program by 25 seats. We also support staffing of after-school activities related to health and health careers awareness in schools in the Bronx through our collaboration with the Montefiore School Health Program and other community associates. The BxSHOP formally links the Albert Einstein College of Medicine to programs in our community dedicated to the development and nurturing of students from middle, high school, and college and through post-baccalaureate programs. Currently our collaboration consists of 11 pipelines that share resources, facilities, and faculty.
Hispanic Center of Excellence
The Institute for Community and Collaborative Health of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine established New York State's first Hispanic Center of Excellence (HCOE) in 200?, with support from a grant awarded by the Department of Health and Human Services. The initiatives of the HCOE serve to reinforce Einstein's continued presence and participation in the Bronx community. The Center is an outgrowth of the College of Medicine's longstanding commitment to under-represented minorities in the Bronx and throughout the city and state, as well as provides leadership and training in education and research relating to Hispanic health issues, disparities in health, and other health care concerns of the Hispanic community.
As a Hispanic Center of Excellence, Einstein joins a group of distinguished institutions in several states that are recognized as leaders in serving the needs of the Hispanic community.
Einstein Enrichment Program (EEP)

The mission of EEP is to enable minority and/or economically disadvantaged secondary school students, who are academically high functioning and strongly motivated, to enroll in college and pursue careers in the licensed professions of science, medicine and health.
Students are generally accepted into EEP during ninth or tenth grade, and are expected to continue until graduation from high school. The program began in 1986 on a small scale, gradually expanded in the next few years, and now enrolls an average of 35 students during the academic year, and 20 during the summer. There are usually even numbers of young women and men. Approximately 95% remain in the program through twelfth grade. Every student has gone on to a four-year college/university directly after graduation. The schools represented are Bronx public high schools, parochial schools, and college preparatory schools.
For acceptance into EEP, applicants must meet the following criteria: be in ninth or tenth grade; have United States citizenship or legal immigration status; have been a New York State resident for the previous whole year; live in and attend school in the Bronx; have a grade point average of above 85%, with well-balanced grades in all courses; have a good attendance and school history; have an interest in pursuing a field in medicine, health and/or science; be a member of a minority group that is defined by the state as having been “historically under-represented” in the licensed professions--these groups are African- or Caribbean-American, Hispanic/Latino, Native American Indian/Alaskan Native, or someone whose family’s socioeconomic status meets the state’s definition of “economically disadvantaged” based on income and family size.
EEP is a member of a consortium through the Associated Medical Schools of New York; this consortium receives its funds from the New York State Department of Education. Albert Einstein College of Medicine demonstrates its interest in and commitment to the community by providing matching funds. The program also receives funding through a Health Careers Opportunity Program grant. Students' parents and guardians contribute yearly dues which are used to purchase awards and gifts for students.
Minority Student Summer Research Opportunity Program

The Minority Student Summer Research Opportunity Program is designed for undergraduate students who historically have been underrepresented in medicine (African American, Latino/Hispanic, Native American Indian), and who have a strong interest in a research career in biomedical or biological sciences. The program provides nine weeks of experience and participation in biomedical research. Students participating in the program conduct research under the direction of a faculty member. Research assignments are made based upon availability of research opportunities and according to the mutual interests of the faculty sponsors and student participants.
Meetings with other program participants along with one or more of the faculty sponsors will be scheduled as well as weekly seminars, workshops, and lectures.
Participants have the opportunity to interact not only with the faculty member directing the research, but also with the graduate students and/or postdoctoral fellows working at the site. Frequent
At the end of the nine week period, program students will have the opportunity to present their work to their peers and faculty at a poster session. Each student will also be expected to write a report concerning the research work conducted and its relation to other work in progress at his/her site.
Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP)
The Summer Undergraduate Research Program offers 50 college students each summer an exceptional opportunity to conduct original research in a laboratory at one of the world’s top-ranking scientific institutions. The program is designed for undergraduates with a strong background in science who are considering a research career. In addition to research, students participate in a variety of complementary scientific activities, including: small-group meetings to discuss their research with other students; weekly faculty seminars on hot research topics; a workshop on ethical issues in science and medicine, and a career planning workshop.
The students arrive at Einstein in mid-June and spend nine weeks working in a laboratory. Students are matched to a laboratory in the area of interest they indicate on their application. At the end of the program, students present their research in a poster session. The students are considered members of Einstein’s student body during their nine-week stay, making them eligible to take part in all social activities on campus. In addition, several trips and activities are planned off campus.
Post baccalaureate Program
Since 1997, Einstein has participated in the Associated Medical Schools of New York's post-baccalaureate program hosted by SUNY-Buffalo. Minority & disadvantaged applicants who do not get in to any medical school are nominated by Einstein. After completing a one-year program successfully, they are automatically admitted to Einstein. Since the program's inception, of 38 post-bacs nominated, 18 have become physicians and 18 are on their way, who would not otherwise have attended medical school. Of the ten participating medical schools, only Einstein has secured federal grants to support extra seats (10 of the 18 on their way).
Summer Undergraduate Mentorship Program
Since 2002, a total of 74 college students have spent six weeks observing a physician, learning about health disparities and cultural competency, and preparing for the MCAT exams. Thus far, 11 of 12 who have applied have been accepted and/or matriculated to medical school and another is in a post-bac program and will enter Downstate. One each has entered graduate school in bioengineering, forensic psychology, and nursing. Five are currently in the process of applying for medical, osteopathic, or dental school. Thirty-two are still in college. Three are working--as a counselor at "The Door," a research assistant at Montefiore, and an editor at a consulting magazine. (We are still catching up with 18 students.) Because this was sponsored by the Hispanic Center of Excellence, all but a couple of the students are Latino.
Bronx Science & Health Opportunity Partnership
This Federal grant supported an expansion of Nilda Soto's high school Einstein Enrichment Program by 10 seats. Our federal grant also supported expansion of Fordham College's Science and Technology Entry Program (7th to 12th grade) by 25 seats and its College Science and Technology Entry Program by 25 seats. We are currently re-applying for this grant, which Congress cut funding for in FY2006. Both Middle School 45 and DeWitt Clinton High School are partners with us in this program.