Institute for Animal Studies

Approved Commercial Vendor List

Below is a list of the University’s approved animal vendors:

Archer Farms Pigs
Biomedical Res. Primates
Biomedical Research Models, Inc. Diabetic Rats
Charles D. Sullivan Salamanders/Eggs, Amphibians, Reptiles
Charles River Labs Gerbils, Hamsters, Mice, Rats, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs
Labcorp (Formerly Covance) Dogs, Guinea Pigs, Primates, Rabbits
Harlan Sprague Dawley Cats, Gerbils, Guinea Pigs, Mice, Rats
Highwater Farm Trees, Shrews
Hilltop Animal Labs Rats
Hunting Creek Fishery Fish
Jackson Laboratories Mice
Kons Scientific Salamanders
Liberty Research Cats
Marshall Farms Ferrets, Beagles
Metzer Farms Ducks
NCI-Nat’l Cancer Inst. NIH Mice, Rats
NIA-Nat’l Inst. For Aging NIH Aged Rodents, Caloric Restricted Rodents
Northeastern Wildlife Woodchucks
SPAFAS Chicks, Eggs, SPF Avian Supply
Taconic Farms Mice, Rats
Thomas D. Morris, Inc. Swine
Xenopus Environments Frogs and Frog Oocytes