Philip and Rita Rosen Department of Communications and Public Affairs
Web & Interactive Media
In maintaining the Einstein website, we oversee the design and coding of the Einstein home page and all related pages that are part of the website. Our team is available to work with you to design or update your department, center or program site, as well as to edit and structure your site content. We will work with you to build the structure of your site, while also providing training so that you can manage its upkeep to be sure your site remains up-to-date. If you have Web-related needs, please contact us to set up a meeting. Our team will be happy to assist you in addressing these needs and any related concerns.
Najam Hayat
Director, Interactive Media
Telephone: 718.430.2327
E-mail: najam.hayat@einsteinmed.edu
Adam Hochman
Senior Web Developer
Telephone: 718.430.3684
E-mail: adam.hochman@einsteinmed.edu
Arooj Khan
Web Developer
Telephone: 718.430.3146
E-mail: arooj.khan@einsteinmed.edu
Felipe Monegro
Web Designer
Telephone: 718.430.3675
E-mail: felipe.monegro@einsteinmed.edu
Linus Surgeon
Independent Contractor
Telephone: 718.430.3101
E-mail: linus.surgeon@gmail.com