Diversity Mentoring

Guidelines for Nominators

The Albert Einstein College of Medicine has initiated an award recognizing the 2018 significant impact of mentoring on the career development and success of our faculty. We encourage nominations of excellent mentors by Einstein and Montefiore faculty mentees. The following are the guidelines for these nominations.

The mentor should have demonstrated:

  1. Commitment to mentoring clinical and/or basic science faculty throughout his/her career
  2. Guidance of junior faculty mentee’s clinical and/or basic science projects
  3. Willingness to advise faculty mentees on activities critical to professional success, including (but not limited to) grant writing, manuscript preparation and submission, oral presentations, teaching skills, etc.
  4. Continuing interest in the professional advancement, career choices, and career development of current and former faculty mentees; including sponsorship for various positions
  5. Willingness to share knowledge of current institution and promotion practices
  6. Established track record for mentoring diverse populations (e.g. inclusion of women and underrepresented minorities.
  7. Professional achievement

 The selection of awardees will be based on their record of mentoring Einstein junior faculty during their Einstein faculty appointments. 


Nominating Process

The nominating mentee may be an Einstein faculty member at any level of development, who has benefited from sustained and successful mentoring. It is anticipated that the primary nominator (mentee) will work together with the mentor to assemble the nomination package.

It is preferred that all materials be assembled as pdf attachment and submitted via a SINGLE e-mail to the Office of Diversity Mentoring no later than Monday, December 09, 2019. The e-mail address is elizabeth.pinzon@einsteinmed.org. Please mark the e-mail with the subject line of "Mentoring Award," and include the last name of the nominated mentor in the title of the attachment. Materials sent in hard copy must be submitted together in one packet to: 

Elizabeth Piñzón, EdD
Office of Diversity Mentoring
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1300 Morris Park Ave., Belfer Room 307
Bronx, NY 10461

In addition to the nomination form, the nomination package must include:

  1. Nominating letter on appropriate letterhead from the mentee, not to exceed two pages, with:
    • Nominee’s name and title, institutional affiliation, mailing address, e-mail address, contact phone numbers
    • Succinct career history of mentor, emphasizing his/her professional contributions
    • Statement describing how the mentor has affected the career of the primary nominator (mentee)
    • Signature of nominator
  2. Full CV (not NIH biosketch) of the mentor, including
    • Education (including post-graduate)
    • Professional employment and hospital appointments
    • Board certification, if applicable
    • Professional society memberships
    • Awards and honors
    • Other professional activities, including committee service
    • Invited lectures
    • Teaching Activities
    • Bibliography
  3. List of former and current faculty mentees, including their position with the mentor and their subsequent positions


  4. (and 5.) Two additional letters of nomination (on letterhead), not to exceed one page each, from mentees other than the nominator. These mentees need not be current Einstein faculty. Each letter must include:
    • Mentee’s current position
    • A brief narrative of mentee's career history relevant to the mentoring received
    • Statement describing how the mentor has affected the career of the mentee
    • Signature of mentee


We strongly encourage your re-nomination of excellent mentors. While awards are few in number, nominations themselves are a vote of commendation to faculty members who have played important roles in faculty development. If you wish to re-nominate an individual who was nominated in a previous year, please provide the following:

  1. An updated nominating letter, signed by nominator on letterhead, as described above (this may be a brief note indicating that the mentee would like to re-nominate a mentor)
  2. An updated full CV (not NIH biosketch) of the mentor, as described above
  3. An updated list of former and current faculty mentees, including their position with the mentor and their subsequent positions

Please note: It is not necessary to provide new letters of nomination from mentees other than the nominator, although you are free to do so. 

Please remember the deadline: Monday, December 09, 2019. 
