Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee

ESCRO Overview

The Einstein-Montefiore Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight (ESCRO) Committee reviews research involving human embryonic stem cells (hESC). In compliance with national standards, this oversight ensures that the research is ethical, scientifically sound, and necessary.  ESCRO review is in addition to the requirements for other reviews (e.g. Safety, CCI/IRB, and/or Animal Institute).

For questions about hESC research or ESCRO review, contact Melissa Epstein.



To:  Research Community
From:  Barbara Levy
Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs
Vic Hatcher
Associate Dean for Continuing Medical Education
Subject:  Stem Cell Research Requirements
Date:  June 9, 2009


Einstein and Montefiore are pleased to announce the establishment of a joint Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight (ESCRO) Committee. Chaired by Nanette Santoro, M.D., the committee consists of faculty, administrators, and laypeople from a variety of disciplines, with representation from a cross section of our institutions, as well as community representation.

In compliance with national standards, Einstein and Montefiore institutional policy defines the types of research that require review and approval by the ESCRO Committee. This oversight will ensure that all such research is ethical, scientifically sound, and necessary. ESCRO review is required in addition to the requirements for other reviews (e.g. Safety, CCI/IRB, or Animal Institute).

Research projects involving the following types of specimens require review by the ESCRO Committee:

  • gametes
  • blastocysts
  • human embryonic stem cells
  • human embryonic stem cell lines (e.g. WiCell)

Review by the full ESCRO committee is generally required, and submissions must be received by the deadline for each month’s meeting. However, research that involves only the in vitro use of de-identified lines (e.g. WiCell) is eligible for an expeditious review by an individual member of the committee on an on-going basis.

If you are involved in, or are planning to initiate, any of these types of research, please review the following documents:

Should you have any questions regarding these documents, please contact Melissa Epstein at 718.430.2237 or melissa.epstein@einsteinmed.org.

Thank you for your cooperation.