The Accounts Payable (AP) Department is the last step in the procurement process. We support the College's mission, goals and cash management strategy by providing timely and accurate disbursement of payments, excellent customer service and a commitment to continuous process improvement while ensuring compliance with current College policy and federal and state rules and regulations.
All invoices should be sent to EDM at the address below, with a valid Purchase Order # for processing.
Accounts Payable Frequently Asked Questions
- How to determine which form to use and where to submit a reimbursement?
- Current AECOM Faculty/Staff/PhD and MD-PhD Students - Submit via Concur.
- Current Students - Submit via EPRO, by completing a Student Reimbursement Form.
- For all others that don not fall under the above categories - Submit via EPRO, by completing a Request for Payment.
- For Concur access, please contact Daniel Zambo at
- How are invoices processed?
Only special vendors that have an agreement with Accounts Payable for payment submission should go to Accounts Payable. All other vendors/departments should send their invoice copies to for processing. Make sure when submitting the invoice to EDM, a valid PO # is written on the invoice copy and not on the email. EDM will upload the invoice within 48 to 72 hours and payment will process according to the vendor terms. You must send one PDF file per email.
All requisitions for payments for goods or services are to be processed through EPRO. This includes catalog and non-catalog orders, guest lecturers, request for Payments (only used for an emergency when a PO is utilized), consultants, utilities and other service providers.
The process starts with a requisition in EPRO which goes through budget checks and appropriate departmental reviews. Once all approvals are gathered in EPRO, a PO is issued and subsequent invoices can be processed against it.
Whether approved in EPRO or signed on the Banner Direct, the department assumes the responsibility that the charge is an appropriate business expense.
Travel advances will not be available. In the rare occasion that an advance is needed, approval is needed by the office of the CFO.
- Has my invoice been processed?
Did you send the invoice copy to EDM @ If not, please send.
If you have sent the invoice to EDM, please allow 48 to 72 hours for EDM to upload the invoice into EPRO. Payment information can be obtained by going into your PO in EPRO.
Under Payment Status
- Payable - Invoice is scheduled on the due date provided according to vendor terms.
- In process – May require a receipt, additional funds or approval. Please click on the C # and check the matching tab for exceptions.
- Paid – The invoice was paid. Click on the C# and look under Payment information to view check date and number.
- Where do vendors and departments send invoices to be processed?
All invoices associated with a valid Purchase order must be sent directly to EDM at If you don’t have email access, please fax or mail your invoice to:
Fax – (855) 286-9558
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Inc.
PO Box 4467
Scranton, PA 18505
Unless specified by the department, an individual Invoice with a valid PO that is less than $5,000 dollars in total, will be processed without additional authorization.
- What to know about submitting a reimbursement?
Please fill out all fields as applicable in EPRO/Concur. It is the responsibility of the claimant/delegate to indicate the business purpose and all corresponding paperwork must be included. The expense must conform to all College and sponsored research guidelines. Incomplete forms, including those with missing documentation, will be returned back to the claimant/delegate for correction/adjustment...….thus causing a delay processing payment.
Reimbursements are paid within 30 days from when Accounts Payable received it (Provided all documents are included)
- What causes delays in getting my invoice/payment request paid?
All the below factors contribute on payment not being submitted to the vendor and/or delayed.
The invoice was not sent to EDM for processing
The invoice was not receipted and/or approved in EPRO
The Purchase Order needs to be revised for additional funds.
Incomplete or inaccurate information/documentation was not submitted
The invoice was submitted but with a invalid PO #.
- What happens if I lost an original receipt for a reimbursement?
There are unforeseen instances when receipts are lost or unavailable. If an original receipt is missing for whatever reason, the requestor must first contact the vendor to request a replacement.
If the vendor will not provide a replacement receipt or an affidavit verifying the purchase or payment, Missing Receipt Affidavit form must be filled out by the requestor and signed by the Department Head/Chairperson.
The Department Head/Chairperson affirms that the amounts were expended for an appropriate Albert Einstein College of Medicine business purpose and original receipts have not been or will not be submitted for reimbursement.
Repeated lack of documentation could result in disciplinary action.
Related: The Missing Receipt Affidavit Form.
- What are my responsibilities as an approver of a Request for Payment or purchase of a non-PO item?
When approving an invoice or Request for Payment, your approval indicates that you have performed all of the following procedures, and deemed all requirements met including:
- Adequate supporting documentation exists for every charge
- Receipt includes:
- Business name/logo (no generic receipts accepted, no adding tape)
- Proof of payment exists (says paid or shows credit card number used – no order screens accepted)
- Business Purpose is clearly documented
- Reasonableness of Expense
- Type of expense reviewed makes sense for the function and job description
- Dollar amount of expense reviewed makes sense for the function and job description
- Timeframe of the expense deemed reasonable
- Location of the expense deemed reasonable
- Quantity of the expense deemed reasonable
- Price of the expense deemed reasonable
- Expense clearly for business, not personal
- Expense not previously submitted/paid
- Mathematical accuracy of invoice confirmed
- Foot and Cross-foot all invoices
- Departmental Approval of expense
- Department head has approved the invoice indicating the validity of the invoice, invoice price, delivery of order or service
- The correct and complete FOAPAL is provided.
- The expense is in compliance with all funding designations and departmental/College and Sponsored Research Guidelines.
Transactions that are submitted to the Accounts Payable department without the correct information, approvals and documentation will be returned causing delays and increasing processing costs to the College.
- When is submission of an IRS W9, W8 and 8233 form required?
To ensure Albert Einstein College of Medicine's compliance with IRS tax reporting and withholding requirements, appropriate tax documentation must be gathered for all non-employee payments or reimbursements before payment is released by the Account Payable department.
Compliance with these IRS rules has taken on greater importance since the IRS has identified vendor payments, especially payments to non-U.S. persons, as an area of high risk for noncompliance and potential audit.
In addition, failure to comply with the data gathering requirements may also impact our relationships with our vendors, because, if the proper documentation is not received prior to payment, Einstein may be required to withhold a percentage of the amount otherwise due to a vendor.
For detailed explanation of these tax compliance requirements or to schedule a departmental training, please contact Dana Lee, by email:
- What Is The Reimbursable Mileage Rate?
Beginning on Jan. 1, 2019, the mileage reimbursable rate for the use of a personal car will be $0.58 cents per mile for business miles driven.
- I Did Not Know Albert Einstein College of Medicine’s Travel Policy. Where Do I Get A Copy?
The Albert Einstein College of Medicine travel policy is available to view by visiting the Procurement Services webpage under forms.
- When should travel reimbursement receipts get submitted?
All receipts/expenses related to the event should be submitted in EPRO/Concur within 90 days after the claimant returns from the event.
All other receipts not related to travel should be submitted in EPRO/Concur within 90 days of when the expense was incurred.
- I can’t wait until I get back from the event to get reimbursed. How can I eliminate some out-of-pocket expenses?
If you can’t wait to get reimbursed, see below options to minimize your out-of-pocket expenses
- For “pre” or “early bird” registrations and/or memberships, a Request for Payment, (payable to the vendor) must be created in EPRO payable to the vendor. Please ensure name of the registrant/member (and the member # for the memberships), amount to be paid and the remit to address is shown on the documentation attached to the request. Please confirm the vendor will accept checks as payment. If they only accept payment via credit card, please state so under the "Special Payment Instructions" section and payment will be made via the Procurement credit card.
- For flights, trains, cars and non-conference hotels, you should book through Egencia. Click on the Egencia Profile Request Form. If you are not registered, please fill out a profile request form.
Expenditure Assistant