Einstein Senate
Council Meeting: Wednesday, January 19, 2011
PRESENT: Drs. Allen Spiegel, Jeffrey Segall, Aviv Bergman, Harris Goldstein, Susan Horwitz, Todd Olson, Ellie Schoenbaum, Sonja Shaetzlein, Pamela Stanley, Stephen Baum, Edward Burns
EXCUSED: Drs. Elyse Sussman, John Blanchard, Victor Schuster, Jonathan Warner, Mr. Nathaniel Swinburne
GUEST: Ms. Shelly Motzkin
The minutes of January 5, 2011 were approved.
The new members were welcomed.
The Einstein Awards Committee will be chaired by Dr. Margaret Kielian, replacing Dr. Robbie Burk. The Faculty Recognition Nominating Committee will be chaired by Dr. John Blanchard.
Brian Cohen will be the Associate Dean for Graduate Education. Dr. Michael Reichgott will be chairman of CCI and the conflict of interest committee. Upon installation of a new program for generating information relevant to conflict of interest, he will make a presentation to the Senate on this topic.
There was a discussion of changes at the NIH with the fusion of two institutes and formation of a new center for advancing translational sciences.
There was a discussion of the clinical faculty reappointment process.
There was a discussion of tenured faculty who have not been funded for some time, and the issue of enhancing their productivity.
The meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeffrey E. Segall, Ph.D.
Speaker, Einstein Senate